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TWU By-Law(s) Vote

And right now the TWU appears to be succeeding in their efforts (at AA) and he (and some others) can't hardly stand it.

And what exactly is the goal of their "efforts"? Make themselves and their masters in AMR management rich as we all sink into poverty while still working?
Bill, per your quote, "I merely asked Informer why he was still crying about the union hall. It's old news."

What makes it old news? Oh, because the democratic process was abused, ignored, that makes it okay after a certain time frame passes?

So with that logic, it was okay to wrongly remove two elected officials for doing what their members wanted. (The truth.)

It's okay to promise a full revote then not give one?

The abuse of the democratic process is never right. Regardless of when the event occurred. Stay behind your alias please.
It if for these past few posts that the choose to "duck" out of the "debate". You choice few always seem to use name calling over and over to make an attempt to prove your point. I merely asked Informer why he was still crying about the union hall. It's old news. Was I happy with the outcome? No, but I'm not going to cry about it. My efforts are best spent in other ways. Informer (and others) likes to bring things up when it benefits him or his "cause". And right now the TWU appears to be succeeding in their efforts (at AA) and he (and some others) can't hardly stand it. But you know what???? I guess I should have expected Informer to bring something up to bash the TWU with others to follow.

So, let me make an offical recantment of my previous statement..... here's my new one..........

WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG TO BRING UP THE UNION HALL ISSUE INFORMER????? I mean, after all, it is your M.O.!!!!!

😀 😀 😀

That's one of the greatest dodge and burn postings you've attempted to date!
That's one of the greatest dodge and burn postings you've attempted to date!

No, quite the contrary. I merely asked a question. We all know that the union hall was built basically on one man's authority. And yes, we might not like the choice but he did have the power to do so. (side note...I wouldn't be surprised if you and your AMFA buddies helped get him elected just so you could gripe about him.) You make this decision sound as if it was the fault of the whole TWU leadership when in reality that couldn't be farther from the truth.

I mentioned your M.O. Informer....this is what you do.....you twist and misrepresent things to make yourself,(and your worthless AMFA cause), look squeaky clean. It is fortunate though that most of us here know that. I was merely pointing that out. And once again have proven my point!!! 🙂
Bill, "You make this decision sound as if it was the fault of the whole TWU leadership when in reality that couldn't be farther from the truth."

The entire leadership did not make the decision to build the hall after the membership voted no... THREE TIMES. That was not the "sound" of the poster. The "sound" is that where is the democratic process? For a union that claims to be democratic this act is like a turd in a punch bowl.

As for sounds, you make it seem as if it is okay for the membership's wishes to be ignored. So what is it? Did democracy get abused here or not? Simple question. Simple answer. I will help you with two choices... YES or NO.
No, quite the contrary. I merely asked a question. We all know that the union hall was built basically on one man's authority. And yes, we might not like the choice but he did have the power to do so. (side note...I wouldn't be surprised if you and your AMFA buddies helped get him elected just so you could gripe about him.) You make this decision sound as if it was the fault of the whole TWU leadership when in reality that couldn't be farther from the truth.

Thank You for clarification on TWU version of Unionism.

With the TWU "One man" has the authority to disregard 3 MEMBERSHIP VOTES!

This is not the fault of the TWU Leadership in my mind, it is the fault of the TWU Constitution, By-Laws, and demonstrates the complete disregard for majority rule democracy. No wonder enough cards were signed to leave, and it required AA,TWU,AFL-CIO, and the NMB to include deceased and non employees to prevent the membership from getting the vote on union representation. Seems TWU has developed a pattern of disregard for membership view.

Jim Little's without further ratification concessions, NMB filings to include deceased employees to inflate the list to prevent a vote, the Union Hall being built after membership opposition 3 times in that balloting, and numerous rejections of attempts to require direct membership balloting of International Officers in favor of the current good o'le boy appointment system of so-called leadership.

And I would bet if you re-check your facts regarding the union hall issue, you would find Executive Board Minutes approving the building and multi-million dollar expenditure of the Local Finances.

You can try to hide the other E-Board Members behind the President, but the truth is more than just one man made the decision.

But who cares if it was ONE MAN, TWO MEN, or TWELVE MEN, the membership of Local 514 who should be the supreme authority has had their authority once again stomped into the ground.

Meanwhile, you try to make it out as if I am the bad guy.

Dig your head out of the sand.

The facts are simple and prove that there are more than one single instance of documented TWU disregard for membership balloting and views.

Not just one...MANY.

And it doesn't matter how much time goes by, this is an important fact that should be brought up every chance available. And regardless of your attempts to minimize this corruption, it will always be a fact of truth as long as anyone remains represented by the TWU.
So, are you saying that AMFA has stayed 100% true to the democratic process??? That "they" (being the leadership) have NEVER done anything without a vote of the members first??????????

You want a debate.....bring it on.
So, are you saying that AMFA has stayed 100% true to the democratic process??? That "they" (being the leadership) have NEVER done anything without a vote of the members first??????????
You want a debate.....bring it on.
A debate??? :shock: :shock: :shock:

Will you be on UB for this debate Bill?

Will you have to pay UB to the rest of the twu blind cronies to join in?

Maybe dig up some deceased twu blind retiree's and prop them up with a keyboard? (Pay the widows the twu UB 😉)

The twu cultists will not debate anybody unless they can stack the deck in their favor, right billy? 😛h34r:

"To the doors and stop"!!!! "To the doors and stop"!!!!

"Bring it on".....another twu classic :lol: :lol: :lol:
So, are you saying that AMFA has stayed 100% true to the democratic process??? That "they" (being the leadership) have NEVER done anything without a vote of the members first??????????
You want a debate.....bring it on.


You want a debate? First answer my question that I posted earlier.
"As for sounds, you make it seem as if it is okay for the membership's wishes to be ignored. So what is it? Did democracy get abused here or not? Simple question. Simple answer. I will help you with two choices... YES or NO."

If you are able to answer then perhaps a debate can take place. Will you be wearing your paper bag over your head to retain your alias cover? Bring your team twu coffin too. Very appropriate for the list of deceased added to the eligibility list. Oh, and don't forget team twu leader kirk wells. Please provide kirk with a bullhorn. This way when he chants, "To the doors and stop! To the doors and stop!" residents in the States surrounding Oklahoma will be able to hear him and join in the laughter at his ignorance.
So, are you saying that AMFA has stayed 100% true to the democratic process??? That "they" (being the leadership) have NEVER done anything without a vote of the members first??????????
You want a debate.....bring it on.

I never said anything about AMFA.

I pay my dues to the TWU and that is the union of current interest.

I was posting about the TWU listed failures in membership balloting issues.

Not once did I mention AMFA. You and the other stooges use AMFA now to deflect discussion on failed union leadership by the TWU. I find this makes you more of an AMFA supporter than most I know. AMFA is your answer to every TWU failure. No accountability in your current union of choice, just ignore the issues, and bring up AMFA.

Sad, but true.
I never said anything about AMFA.

I pay my dues to the TWU and that is the union of current interest.

I was posting about the TWU listed failures in membership balloting issues.

Not once did I mention AMFA. You and the other stooges use AMFA now to deflect discussion on failed union leadership by the TWU. I find this makes you more of an AMFA supporter than most I know. AMFA is your answer to every TWU failure. No accountability in your current union of choice, just ignore the issues, and bring up AMFA.

Sad, but true.

You bring up the TWU "failures" as you call them but fail to see others "failures". I've got a problem with that. That is why you have no debate on this democracy subject. And I bring up AMFA because you and your amfa lovers wanted to basically shut us down at AA. Literally!!! Hell yeh I got a big problem with you running your mouth shooting down the TWU at every turn when you don't want to admit the same thing your bitchin' about is happening at the very union you chose to push on TWU members. And continue to do so I might add.

Just to clarify and revert back to the previous post, let me get this straight. The 514 Executive Board-all directly elected by the membership- vote to build a new union hall, something the Local Constitution ( a document voted in by the members) gives them the right to do subject to being overruled at a membership meeting. They are not overruled and that is supposed to be dictatorship.
In the meantime when AMFA closes its Local in Portland and moves all the membership's money to the Seattle Local without a vote, that's democracy. When was there a vote to establish the union headquarters in Laconia and when will the vote be to move it to Denver? When was the vote to give Delle the Northwest pension that few Northwest mechanics will ever receive?

You pick and choose Informer but don't want to see your own faulty beliefs.

You want a debate? First answer my question that I posted earlier.
"As for sounds, you make it seem as if it is okay for the membership's wishes to be ignored. So what is it? Did democracy get abused here or not? Simple question. Simple answer. I will help you with two choices... YES or NO."

If you are able to answer then perhaps a debate can take place. Will you be wearing your paper bag over your head to retain your alias cover? Bring your team twu coffin too. Very appropriate for the list of deceased added to the eligibility list. Oh, and don't forget team twu leader kirk wells. Please provide kirk with a bullhorn. This way when he chants, "To the doors and stop! To the doors and stop!" residents in the States surrounding Oklahoma will be able to hear him and join in the laughter at his ignorance.

Ken, you've got amfa so far up your butt you can't see the forest for the trees. As for my answer........NO.

You don't like it, make a motion to change bylaws. Take away that power the union president and board have. Don't preach to me about whether you think it's democratic or not. This democracy has been used for over 200 years and you are going to #### and moan because it doesn't work for you when you want it to. BOO HOO!!!

As for your latter comments..........grow up Ken.

Oh, and see what you can come up with about what I posted to Informer. And you might suggest that he take off his paper bag as well Ken.
So Bill :wub: , who owns the new union hall? Does local 514 own it or does the TWU international. Did they build it with local funds or did they finance it with a TWU loan scam. How will this new union hall get back all the concessions YOU voted for? Is it big enough so the TWU international can have their "booze fest" in Tulsa instead of Vegas. Is it large enough for the "kangeroo court" for those dual unionism charges to be brought against me? I keep waiting for you,Bill, to file those charges. I would really like to meet you in person, since you finally figured out who I am.
So Bill :wub: , who owns the new union hall? Does local 514 own it or does the TWU international. Did they build it with local funds or did they finance it with a TWU loan scam. How will this new union hall get back all the concessions YOU voted for? Is it big enough so the TWU international can have their "booze fest" in Tulsa instead of Vegas. Is it large enough for the "kangeroo court" for those dual unionism charges to be brought against me? I keep waiting for you,Bill, to file those charges. I would really like to meet you in person, since you finally figured out who I am.

You're in so tight with the TWU Princess, you should know those answers. Or were your praisful words just meant for the heat of the moment at that "booze-fest you attended in Vegas????? :shock:

Looks like what happens in Vegas doesn't really stay in Vegas now does it????
:lol: :lol: :lol:
It seems that Bill would rather discuss AMFA than the topic of the shortcomings of the TWU.

Who can blame him?

This is called a Red Herring, and is intended to divert the discussion away from something he is clearly uncomfortable with. It is in the same class as ad hominum, post hoc,straw man et alia, and serves the same purpose, however fallaciously.

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