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Jun 4, 2003
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With the TWU blaming AMFA for lost work @ NWA, Is the TWU going to accept the blame for the loss of the A5 combuster? More Double Standards from the TWU? I believe that throwing TWU out is the best thing we could do. Look at it this way: If your doctor is giving you sugar pills to treat your illness, you change doctors, Right? Well let''s change unions and get some real representation. Let''s change before the TWU negotiates an all OSM clause for TULSA BASE.
Waaah!! These amfa people won''t be satisfied untill the entire AA widebody fleet is in Singapore!
On 6/23/2003 8:40:01 PM AAmech wrote:

Waaah!! These amfa people won''t be satisfied untill the entire AA widebody fleet is in Singapore!

Why don''t you just explain why the A5 Combustors are going to Singapore?
On 6/23/2003 8:40:01 PM AAmech wrote:

Waaah!!   These amfa people won''t be satisfied untill the entire AA widebody fleet is in Singapore!

If your reference is to NWA overhaul going to singapore, I believe they were moved to Hong Kong, and word is it is just their DC10 freighters that are being done there. However, AA''s CF6-80C2-A5 combustors have been going to Singapore ever since AA started working on Airbus engines, (about 10 years) and the rest of the engine is sent out to Cincinatti and other GE repair stations. I''m sure many other parts go overseas as well. Only the gearboxes are overhauled in house. The CFM56 will no doubt be done the same way. How many AA mechanics jobs were lost to this farm-out/sell-out?
Gee does anyone remmember when we flew to Taiwan,Well guess what they were doing 777 A-checks over there before they flew home!!!!!!!!!!
On 6/24/2003 12:14:38 AM joejett wrote:

Gee does anyone remmember when we flew to Taiwan,Well guess what they were doing 777 A-checks over there before they flew home!!!!!!!!!!


You should only concern yourself with the negatives at NWA by AMFA! Do NOT look at what happens at AA by the sellout TWU!
I repeat...
Do NOT look at what happens at AA by the sellout TWU!
On 6/24/2003 12:14:38 AM joejett wrote:

Gee does anyone remmember when we flew to Taiwan,Well guess what they were doing 777 A-checks over there before they flew home!!!!!!!!!!

That''s right and there was talk about doing a 777 B check there as well. When DFW caught wind of this is was OVER! Even talk about the potential B check in Taiwan was bad enough. Do you guys know how many A checks and ECO''s are being accomplished in South America and Europe? Grab a log book one day and thumb through it. You will be surprised what you will find in the realeased column. Let me tell you that TWU at the local level have questioned thses overseas checks, but the International has not done anything about it except for the usual response " They can do that".
Try as you may there''s still no heavy checks being done outside of AA. Its all in-house by AA mechanics!
On 6/24/2003 10:23:16 AM AAmech wrote:

Try as you may there''s still no heavy checks being done outside of AA. Its all in-house by AA mechanics!

You will not get an argument out of me, yes the heavy checks at AA are done in house. There is no question about that. The work has been in house since the beginning. It is the introduction of the B-scale in 1983 and the reenactment of this B-scale over the years all the way to the existing OSM classification and the concessions provided by the TWU of mechanics who have waited years to make it to the top only to taken down by the TWU. AA is much smarter than it''s competitors, why outsource to another facilty when you can outsource in your own facitlties? Continue to adjust wages in a downward sprial until the whole industry is at 100% employment.