For those who voted No because you were true to yourself and not trying to do what someone told you to because you don't think for yourself I say Good for You because no one can ever take your dignity and self worth away from you.
For those who voted Yes because you were true to yourself and not trying to do what someone told you to because you don't think for yourself I say Good for You because no one can ever take your dignity and self worth away from you.
At least you voted either way and you voted the right way wether it be a no or a yes because in the end it is You that you have to be right with not people around you that do not share your opinion or belief. If anyone can argue that point then I believe you are talking out your rectum.
As they say "Opinions are like alot of posters on this board" Well that's not the way it goes but you know what I mean
If you Voted, no matter which way you decided I say Bravo and I applaud you for your effort!