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TWU and the Company reached a Tentative Agreement

Why do we have to vote on "likely" and three years away, why not average right now?
Because we are in BK and the law is on the side of the creditors, not the employees. The Company is being pushed by the creditors to cut costs so AA can pay on its debt. We are the lowest priority in the eyes of the BK law.

Yes, it totally sucks but its the truth.
Our pay will likely be higher than $36 in 3 years.
US willl likely merge with AA , taking them out of the equation. It will then be an average of Delta and United. Delta just got a raise this month and United is negotiating raises currently.

Why should we settle for allowing the company to use only United, Delta and USAir as a basis for averaging our pay? Why not include FedEx, Southwest, Alaska and UPS?
Then you make no sense. If you are moving on then why not vote yes, take the early out cash, and then walk away? Voting no for the big FU is going to cost you $20K - $30K.
Speaking of making no sense, you are the classic I got mine. There is no scope no guarantee that we will even work on any of these new aircraft. You seem to put your undying trust in the company and the union. There is no pay raise with this agreement, what they want to take away negates any raise you think you will get. I plan on staying and I will VOTE NO and I will vote YES on AMFA and if you consider this a BIG FU TO BAD!!
I agree. Once the employees are raped the financing will be there to go acquire usAIr not merge.
And just like AirCal, Reno Air, and TWA, it will be ugly.
You are right on.

And that is Hortons plan, to stay in control. Same mgmt style.
Interesting, with all the millions spent on business consultants in the last nine yrs, you would think that AA would have learned.
Business consultancy firms got rich due to Arpey's need for constant advice.
And what you have today is more of the same in BK, with the costs approaching $100 million.

For the future, we will see continued spending on consultants while the status quo leaders rake in millions for themselves.

As for Horton, who hates insourced maintenance, its not all a rosy picture out there in MRO Land.
Sounds like he will need more consultants after outsourcing, just to tell him that is is not working and costs more......Go Figure. Maybe we should buy Bain Capital after BK, and create a Senior VP of Outsourcing! Hey don't spread that one around, the co. might really do it.
well your on the right track with not resisting because you would only last about 1 minute against the new heat seeking bullets some of the new Military rifles shoot but doubtful you will get them back, i'm not looking forward to losing my gun's either especially since I just got my concealed carry but saylavee what will be will be.
I knew you would not understand the underlying message....
Then you make no sense. If you are moving on then why not vote yes, take the early out cash, and then walk away? Voting no for the big FU is going to cost you $20K - $30K.
He is voting NO because he has dignity and respect for his craft and that can not be buyed.
Because we are in BK and the law is on the side of the creditors, not the employees. The Company is being pushed by the creditors to cut costs so AA can pay on its debt. We are the lowest priority in the eyes of the BK law.

Yes, it totally sucks but its the truth.
He is voting NO because he has dignity and respect for his craft and that can not be buyed.
I guess they forgot about the 6 BILLION in bank.
LOL doubtful the average will be $38 in three years, doubtful it will be $38 at the end of the six years.

Is sad but looks like the only Technicias that AA somehow apreciates (if we can say that) are the MCT's, good for them. We deserve more respect. The least AA should do is industry standard now and match me with UAL or DL in three years, eight holidays, longevity. In other words, what the other airlines have. Why should we settle for less? VOTE NO.
I'll repeat my point, the likely merger with US Airways takes US Airways pay out of the average equation 3 years from now leaving only Delta and United.

This would result in a larger pay increase in year 3 than the contract language lays out in it's example.

There is a 5% cap on the increase per LOM 20 Special wage adjustment! So the 3 year adjustment will not bring amts to the middle!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a 5% cap on the increase per LOM 20 Special wage adjustment! So the 3 year adjustment will not bring amts to the middle!!!!!!!!!!!!


I believe that you are mistaken. LOM 20 has nothing to do with the 3 year wage adjustment. From the full-text LBO/TA:


On which page is the wage adjustment limited to 5%? I don't see any mention of a 5% limit in Attachments 4.5 or 4.6 on pages 51-56.
Is sad but looks like the only Technicias that AA somehow apreciates (if we can say that) are the MCT's, good for them. We deserve more respect. The least AA should do is industry standard now and match me with UAL or DL in three years, eight holidays, longevity. In other words, what the other airlines have. Why should we settle for less? VOTE NO.
Well, the TWU has to "bargan" your holidays, longevity, sick time, vacation and all other benefits in order to keep the dues up. Funny how they saved the vacation and sick time of other work groups. The lesson to be learned is that the TWU insists on inferior benefits for AMTs. I have to ask why we should settle for less benefits than a stock clerk or fleet service clerk? Cierri and Hewett didn't want to answer that one either. We were told that our week of vacation would have cost 3 million dollars. This will seem like chump change when AA hands out hundreds of million in bonuses and raises for management. Industry standard? The TWU has NEVER gotten us the industry standard. But they sure have gotten it for stores and fleet.
With all that is being said here, both for and against. The question still remains, why vote "YES" to another 6yrs of a TWU contract. Think back about all the concessions the TWU has given AA since you have worked here at AA. jr. program, extra yr to be vested, vacations, holidays, sick time, medical and now our pension. When is it enough, when are we the mechanics going to say that we are not going to take this anymore. They tricked us with seperate Locals, most still believe we are seperate from the ramp. The TWU intl. still bargains for the ramp and stores. We are tied to them as long as we have the TWU as our bargaining unit. It's time to stand up to the company and the TWU and say enough.

There is a 5% cap on the increase per LOM 20 Special wage adjustment! So the 3 year adjustment will not bring amts to the middle!!!!!!!!!!!!


Please cut and paste the 5% cap language, I can't find it anywhere, or did you just make this up out of whole cloth?

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