After doing research on you it appears you are RETIRED and no longer have a dog in this fight which makes your opinions "Irrelevant", you should be enjoying your retirement instead of meddling in others affairs, I couldn't careless what a RETIRED person thinks of me or AA situation, no wonder you don't know who I am & can't meet me because you are RETIRED & no longer work for AA, You and Rick Mullins have a lot in common .... Meaning you can't seem to get on with your life now that you no longer work for AA, this will be the last response you will get from me because I have NO TIME for someone who is no longer employed at AA & therefor will not have to live with the consequences of whatever decisions the Employee's make.
I should have researched you before I even responded the first time .... ugh.
Enjoy your retirement & don't worry about what happens at AA we will take it from here old timer. 🙄
It is good to see your true colors finally come out.
I did some checking myself, and found that you are NOT in charge of this forum!
I will post whenever I wish, and I sincerely hope that you don't like it!
I do have a dog in this fight.