galleyguy4u2 said:Dude 80, I doupt that very much. ALL AFL-CIO unions have no regard for APFA.
If you think otherwise, you need to think twice. The largest UNION AFA has expressed their opinion to the staple job done to the TWA f/a's.
OK, you walk off your job and support the AFA f/a's in CHAOS. I want to see this. B.S. You guy's would STAPLE them in a New York minute if AMR decides to buy routes and gates from UA and US. And you would not be able to support a strike at UA or US. You are not part of their unity. Get it?
By the way your so called Union is not welcomed to the Coalition Of Flight Attendants....which by the way is represented by the largested Union AFA. Get a clue.
Please don't be hostile. 😀
Regarding the Coalition of Flight Attendants, it is actually comprised of flight attendant unions from many different carriers. APFA, PFAA, AFA carriers, TWU, and IAM. They meet throughout the year to discuss and act on issues representing the work force. The "Coalition" is many unions, not just AFA.
You know as well as I do that if I walk off my job if United and UsAirways declare CHAOS, I will be terminated for participating in an illegal job action as I a not an AFA represented employee of UAL, ATA, US, or Hawaiian. Even AFA members at other carriers than the four mentioned would be terminated for doing the same.
You can be certain we will walk the picket line with these flight attendants to show our support, and I doubt they will turn us away.
I would be lying if I said I was thrilled with the way APFA has conducted and is conducting itself these past few years. Like it or not though, it is the my union, the only one I have ever belonged too, and the one that will represent me going forward. I will do what I need to do to support it. There is too much ambilvalence from our workforce as it is, so turning my back on the APFA is not an option.