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TWA deal still seen as a win...

  • Thread starter Thread starter bagsmasher
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Perhaps an offer could be made. Former TWA employees can have the seniority they want, but they have to go back to their TWA salary levels...and stay there.

Sound fair?
On 8/21/2002 6:22:58 PM

MiAAmi wrote:


But why not? It would settle the lawsuits and make both teams one big happy family, wouldn't it?
It wouldn't settle the law suits. You must understand the TW people came in to AA last year. They want the pay, and seniorty in every classification. There goal is to protect and insulate themselves. If its to the detriment of the 5, 10, or 35 year seniority original AAer. Then so be it.

Starting at the begining of the occupational seniority list is for those little people who originally started at AA. For those who came from other carriers like Braniff, Pan Am, Eastern or the TWAer's who left and started over here. After all, just because IAM signed away there seniority, doesn't actually mean they should have to abide by it. We know now it was just a ruse to get AA to buy the fire sale assest of TW. They fully intended to file suit and screw AA and its unions after they protected there jobs. You know first things first.
You have to wonder, had AA not made the acquisition, and had everyone just turned their back on TWA and let them bankrupt into oblivion, where would those employees be now? How much luck do you suppose they would have if they all had to go find new jobs at other carriers, then demand that their new employers give them the same seniority that they had with their former employer.

They'd be walking the street.

Again, even and old dog knows, if you bite the hand that feeds you, it stops feeding you!
I read where some were asking about the old posts. . .

We don't need no stinkin old posts, here they are. . .
just like new! old. . .new![:knockout:]
"They still did get primarily what they wanted" with the TWA deal, Mr. Neidl said. "They didn't want all those employees, and they're laying them off now. What they really wanted was that hub."

What did you TWAer's think of this part of the article?
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