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TWA 800 Investigation (very long)

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IF it was a naval accident,......the ONLY thing that could never make sense....is, How do you totally Silence ALL the crew members involved ( for sooo long )?????

Of course it does'nt make sense. There just way to many holes in that theory for it to be even remotely logical..
IF it was a naval accident,......the ONLY thing that could never make sense....is, How do you totally Silence ALL the crew members involved ( for sooo long )?????

As for the FEDS, those C S ers are Capable of ANYTHING, and EVERYTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally, my cousin lives, and belongs to a Yacht club in the " Area ". Countless other members came into the club(from being out on the water), proclaiming that ...Something went UP,.........then a pause,.......then a Big BOOM !

Explosion in the center fuel-tank,.........MY ASSS !
Good one Barry-O. First, you want Big Brother to wipe yer ass , next your bad-mouthing the way they handle things. Damn, make up your mind !
Of course it does'nt make sense. There just way to many holes in that theory for it to be even remotely logical..

Helo pilots with combat experience describe surface to air tracks with high speed pyro explosions followed by lo speed descending fireballs?
Too many saw something track from the sea to the sky.
What about the witnesses who described "fireworks"

Just as many anti-holes too Dude.
Helo pilots with combat experience describe surface to air tracks with high speed pyro explosions followed by lo speed descending fireballs?
Too many saw something track from the sea to the sky.
What about the witnesses who described "fireworks"

Just as many anti-holes too Dude.

And there are people who say that they saw a streak coming from land. The whole Navy scenario just does not stand up to the smell test. Why conduct live fire exercises off Long Island when there was a ranges specifically meant for it?
And there are people who say that they saw a streak coming from land. The whole Navy scenario just does not stand up to the smell test. Why conduct live fire exercises off Long Island when there was a ranges specifically meant for it?

I'm sure witnesses that saw the opposite could be found.....especially if somebody had a bad day on the launch control panel.

One common thing here is something traveling from the surface to the sky and a commercial falling out of the sky aflame.
James Sanders got a piece of seatback from the wreckage which I believe he turned over to CBS who ratted him out to the Feds. The seatback had residue consistent with SRP. It was quickly claimed to be some other residue by the Feds...??
Yeah, he got popped for illegally obtaining evidence.....but what if he was right?
He says an Aegis was on a new test of a missile system and wrote a book on it.
Claims USN was in W-105 and TWA800 flew above and near W-105.

Common denominator again....missile.

From one of his books, worth a read:

Commercial planes rising into the sky from JFK were unwitting
participants in this final test of 21st century technology. As TWA
Flight 800 climbed towards 14,000 feet, heading eastbound over the
water for Paris, it was about twelve miles off the south coast of
Long Island over the horizon to the west of the military exercise
as it crossed into the warning zone and technically became a
"neutral". At the same time, the electronic receiver onboard the
Navy Standard missile began sweeping its secure radio frequency,
waiting for the course correction commands form the AEGIS computers
to direct the weapon, now at its predesignated point, to where it
was supposed to attack its prey.

But prior to the mandatory midcourse correction the last AEGIS-CEG
radar still tracking the missile and the drone through the heavy
electronic jamming suddenly went completely blind. The drone and
Standard missile could not be tracked. In two earlier tests all but
one radar had been put out of action by electronic jamming. On July
17, the Standard missile was no longer under the control of the
AEGIS-CEC system. Following its internal programming, it continued
on its westerly course at 3000 feet per second actively searching
for a target.

In an instant, the Standard's internal radar acquired TWA Flight
800 at well above and to the west of the target drone. The
antimissile missile's radar turned sharply to the right, aimed its
inert war hear at the 747, and painted an electronic bull's-eye on
an area just in front of the right wing. The missile leveled off in
a direct line to its impact point, and then at full speed slammed
into the fuselage several feet below the passenger cabin.

I'm sure witnesses that saw the opposite could be found.....especially if somebody had a bad day on the launch control panel.

One common thing here is something traveling from the surface to the sky and a commercial falling out of the sky aflame.
James Sanders got a piece of seatback from the wreckage which I believe he turned over to CBS who ratted him out to the Feds. The seatback had residue consistent with SRP. It was quickly claimed to be some other residue by the Feds...??
Yeah, he got popped for illegally obtaining evidence.....but what if he was right?
He says an Aegis was on a new test of a missile system and wrote a book on it.
Claims USN was in W-105 and TWA800 flew above and near W-105.

Common denominator again....missile.

From one of his books, worth a read:


Multiple problems with that scenario. When the Navy tests a weapons systme they typically do it at places like the Pacific Missliel Test Center off Point Magu or back then off Puerto Rico. makes little sense to be doing it near one of the busiest air spaces in the world. Also, the Standard missile is semi-active it cannot seak out it's own targets as claimed by that article. It needs a fire control radar to do that.
Multiple problems with that scenario. When the Navy tests a weapons systme they typically do it at places like the Pacific Missliel Test Center off Point Magu or back then off Puerto Rico. makes little sense to be doing it near one of the busiest air spaces in the world.

No problems unless you didn't read the scenario.

Zone W-105 was selected for this final pre certification test
because of the complexity of the area. It was as close to a
simulated Persian Gulf environment as the Navy could get without
leaving U.S. coastal water. Long Island offered dense
ground-clutter, and the constant flow of commercial air traffic out
of JFK gave the navy the «neutral» radar blip it needed to test the
discrimination skills of the targeting software.

Also, the Standard missile is semi-active it cannot seak out it's own targets as claimed by that article. It needs a fire control radar to do that.

The computer software then launched a Navy Standard IIIA or IV
antimissile missile, specifically altered to function with this new
equipment, toward the oncoming drone.
I'm with you dell.....95% on everything you've said,.............Except,......if it was an accident, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to Silence ALL the navy crew members involved, All this time !

Nonetheless, we're STILL talking a Missle, of somekind, from somewhere !
No problems unless you didn't read the scenario.
The computer software then launched a Navy Standard IIIA or IV
antimissile missile, specifically altered to function with this new
equipment, toward the oncoming drone.

Still multiple problems with that piece of fiction. You could load Windows 8 onto it and it would still need target illumination from a fire control radar.

The antimissile missile's radar turned sharply to the right, aimed its inert war hear at the 747, and painted an electronic

Hard for a RIM-66 to do that since it does not have it's own radar.
Still multiple problems with that piece of fiction. You could load Windows 8 onto it and it would still need target illumination from a fire control radar.

The antimissile missile's radar turned sharply to the right, aimed its inert war hear at the 747, and painted an electronic

Hard for a RIM-66 to do that since it does not have it's own radar.

Two problems with your scenario.....a specifically altered missile could, in fact indicate they installed a package to do just that or the Aegis painted the target for the missile.
Wouldn't be the first time a non navy person got the sequence wrong.
Two problems with your scenario.....a specifically altered missile could, in fact indicate they installed a package to do just that or the Aegis painted the target for the missile.
Wouldn't be the first time a non navy person got the sequence wrong.

Here's the problem, the scenario described by Mr. Sanders is a fantasy not supported by any facts. The things he says in said fantasy tells me he really has no idea what he's talking about.
Here's the problem, the scenario described by Mr. Sanders is a fantasy not supported by any facts. The things he says in said fantasy tells me he really has no idea what he's talking about.

Or are you just chooching out because you refuse to accept the fact that just maybe the USN did in fact screw up royally?
More things point to a missile event than don't.
And as far as the area for a test with all the variables required, you wouldn't get a better test range to accomplish it.
Sounds to me like he has sources who do not want to risk their butts going on record.
Watergate too was a fantasy until key people were flipped.
Or are you just chooching out because you refuse to accept the fact that just maybe the USN did in fact screw up royally?

You say "fact" as if it actually were a fact when in reality it is not. It is nothing more than what Mr. Sanders thinks happened. Please show me anything that supports the fantasy written by Mr. Sanders.
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