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TWA 800 Investigation (very long)

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Source please, and whatreallyhappened is not a source.


Not a Source that you'd deem reliable(Fixer), but my 1st Cousin was with many other guys from their South Shore (LI) Marina, OB there boats,..when ALL saw "something" Go "UP"(described as what we may see at a july 4th fireworks display/about 5 seconds.."UP"..then the Explosion/Display).

Worse than the COVER-UP, was the RECTUM HOLE.."TRYING" his best :down: to.."DO" the cover up for the FEDS/FBI..........................FBI agent..JAMES KAHLSTROM(SP?).

Most of us are blessed with a GOD given..SENSE,.....of knowing when someone is doing a VERY BAD JOB of Lying.

JK's attempt...was THE WORST I've EVER seen with my 2 eyes !!!!!!!!!

I asked for eveidence to support your theory that it was an errant USN missile in an excercise involving Russian submarines. What you provided was "evidence" of a missile coming from shore. Which is it, an Navy SAM or MANPAD from shore becasue it can't be both.

Not a Source that you'd deem reliable(Fixer), but my 1st Cousin was with many other guys from their South Shore (LI) Marina, OB there boats,..when ALL saw "something" Go "UP"(described as what we may see at a july 4th fireworks display/about 5 seconds.."UP"..then the Explosion/Display).

Worse than the COVER-UP, was the RECTUM HOLE.."TRYING" his best :down: to.."DO" the cover up for the FEDS/FBI..........................FBI agent..JAMES KAHLSTROM(SP?).

Most of us are blessed with a GOD given..SENSE,.....of knowing when someone is doing a VERY BAD JOB of Lying.

JK's attempt...was THE WORST I've EVER seen with my 2 eyes !!!!!!!!!


Cover up of what? Cover up of a Navy SM-2 hitting 800 or a MANPAD? Do you have any evidence that James Kahlstrom is covering something up or is it just a feeling? Don't forget he was just the guy in charge. If there was a coverup it would have to involved a lot more people than just him.

I asked for eveidence to support your theory that it was an errant USN missile in an excercise involving Russian submarines. What you provided was "evidence" of a missile coming from shore. Which is it, an Navy SAM or MANPAD from shore becasue it can't be both.

You better look into it further because the 'shore' launch isn't exactly stated.Launch at sea or shore was more like it......

At this time I can't link anything...it has been a few years.....I'll see what I can locate.
I hope you notice how the whole Naval thing was dropped like a hot potato.Too many strange happenings that were very quickly discounted and swept under Kalsom's rug if you ask me.
A boomer and probably 2-688's and they weren't really there....I bet those Captain's dropped a load when 800 was hit....like dive right f'n now...deep.
Something very wrong went down that day....
Did you also note the one eyewitness report of a missile criss crossing?? How about Air to air sidewinder?
I didn't intend to infer it was a USN missile.....only it was a missile.....

Curious....as ex Navy...whats your view on this?
JUst as an aside to what 777 mentioned. My understanding of a sub or surface vessel is that if a missile is launched, everyone will know due to the noise that it makes through out the ship. Also, given that if a launch is taking place I would assume it is under practice conditions where all personal are at their stations or under actual battle where all personal are at their stations. Either way, I think everyone or damn near everyone on board will no a missile was launched.

I still maintain that the US government could not keep a secret like that if they tried. As someone mentioned earlier, if this involved spooks on foreign soil where lives were at stake I can see people keeping their mouths quiet. These were US civilians and crap like that does not stay quiet. Also, can you even imagine the fall out that would occur should a cover up of this magnitude see the light of day? A simple risk analysis would dictate that you come clean when it happens because if you don't, you and anyone else involved will be strung up by your nuts and run up a flag pole.

I believe sometimes sh1t just happens and unless someone has more than speculation I fail to see how this serves anything.

One more thing, were there not numerous civilians involved in the investigation as well. No one saw anything? No one has any proof and there was foul play? Really?
You better look into it further because the 'shore' launch isn't exactly stated.Launch at sea or shore was more like it......

At this time I can't link anything...it has been a few years.....I'll see what I can locate.
I hope you notice how the whole Naval thing was dropped like a hot potato.Too many strange happenings that were very quickly discounted and swept under Kalsom's rug if you ask me.
A boomer and probably 2-688's and they weren't really there....I bet those Captain's dropped a load when 800 was hit....like dive right f'n now...deep.
Something very wrong went down that day....
Did you also note the one eyewitness report of a missile criss crossing?? How about Air to air sidewinder?
I didn't intend to infer it was a USN missile.....only it was a missile.....

Curious....as ex Navy...whats your view on this?

Sea or shore? Which is it? If it's shore then it’s a MANPAD. If it's sea it's either a Navy ship or someone sitting in a boat right off shore. Reading those statements it really does not sound like a Navy ship sitting out at sea.

If the whole Navy thing was dropped like a hot potato then why did you say I've read info that there were war games going on including Russian subs....somehow inadvertently a SAM with a dummy warhead was locked on and a boo-boo of the highest magnitude ensued.In this day and age it isn't that far fetched either.. How eles is anyone going to think you did not mean to infer it was a USN missile?

Sidewinder, the only problem with that is the winder is a heat seeker. Since there was not blast damage to the engines that kind of kills that theory.

As a Navy vet I personally find the idea that the military was somehow involved to be laughable.
Sea or shore? Which is it? If it's shore then it’s a MANPAD. If it's sea it's either a Navy ship or someone sitting in a boat right off shore.

As a Navy vet I personally find the idea that the military was somehow involved to be laughable.

Squids never say 'oops'?

Sea or shore?

Tell me....eyewitness accounts go either way..
Squids never say 'oops'?

So was the Navy inovled or not. You seem to contradict yourself on this.

Also, find another source other than serpendity. It's just like watreallyhappened, another site for the tin foil hat crowd living in their parents basement.
Also, find another source other than serpendity. It's just like watreallyhappened, another site for the tin foil hat crowd living in their parents basement.

PM me your phone number...I'll get Jim Kallstrom to call you.

Say what?
Something else just came to mind. One would think that if the Navy could keep a secret about downing a civilian 747, they would have been able to keep their mouth shut when they took out IR 655 in 1988.
If it's a secret, how come we all know about it? Yes some things can be kept quiet for a bit of time, but eventually, someone squeals.

When I mentioned Watergate I was using it as an example of how the government cannot keep a secret.
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