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TWA 800 Investigation (very long)

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Well for starters.....why were what the FBI determined as 154 'credible' witnesses observations never included in NTSB hearings?

That's not what I have been asking you. I have asked you to show me where CMDR Donaldson said the Navy did it. I've asked you to make up your mind which website you believe since the ones you have posted so far contradict each other. And most importantly I've asked you to provide some hard evidence the Navy did it. So far you have failed. All you've done is post links to conspiracy sites that contradict one another.

Dell like I said just because you don't understand something does not mean there's something sinister going on. The EOD divers are a case in point. Or just because it's on a conspiracy site does not mean it's true. Mr. Gallagher’s comment comes to mind which turned out to be BS.
Who said Donaldson or I said the Navy did it? You got the wrong poster......
I have said all along something left a contrail that went from surface to altitude......as did some 154 + eyewitnesses accounts that you and the FBI try to ignore.
You want to know whether it was shoulder or ship launched......all I contend is what I and 154 + people have stated previously.

Why don't you provide evidence Navy didn't do it?
Who said Donaldson or I said the Navy did it? You got the wrong poster......
I have said all along something left a contrail that went from surface to altitude......as did some 154 + eyewitnesses accounts that you and the FBI try to ignore.
You want to know whether it was shoulder or ship launched......all I contend is what I and 154 + people have stated previously.

Why don't you provide evidence Navy didn't do it?

I believe the way it works in this country if you accuse an individual or organization of doing something the burden of proof is on you. So far all you have done is post information that either contradicts previous info or is complete BS.

When you say things like....

I've read info that there were war games going on including Russian subs....somehow inadvertently a SAM with a dummy warhead was locked on and a boo-boo of the highest magnitude ensued.In this day and age it isn't that far fetched either.

seems to me that you are implying they did it. And when you say prove the Navy didn’t do it what conclusion do you think I'm going to come to.

Here's a simple fact that I have already pointed out to you. If those 154 witnesses you speak of are correct then it could not have been the Navy. Good enough for you?
There were two missiles fired that day. The Navy was doing a classified test on
a classified advanced surface to air missile.

The test missile experienced a mechanical malfunction.

A second air to air missile was launched from an F-18.

I do not know if the target of the missile launched from the F-18 was the
test SAM or the drone launched as a target for the test SAM.

My best hunch is the F-18's missile destroyed the drone.

The end result was TWA 800 was shot down.

Some people have been talking close to the units involved.

Remember how long the F-117 was flying before it was revealed to the public.
Just because you have not read it in USA Today does not mean people have not been talking.

A WND article I wrote recently comparing the Benghazi cover-up to that of TWA Flight 800 sixteen years prior attracted the attention of a still simmering Naval Academy graduate— “Graduate”--who would like see the TWA 800 mystery re-opened and resolved.
In our 2003 book, “First Strike,” James Sanders and I had argued for the possibility of terrorist involvement in the destruction of TWA Flight 800 with 230 people on board on the night of July 17, 1996.
When Graduate approached me, he first asked if I was still arguing for a terrorist-related incident. I replied, “I am totally confident of a missile strike, but I am fully agnostic as to who fired it. Am open to best evidence. After we presented initial theory, I have seen almost nothing to confirm.”

Graduate has no interest in being as politic as I have been. He is sure the Navy was responsible. I present his case as he presented it to me.
As he tells it, Graduate has a very sensitive White House source who described for him the dynamics of the White House Situation Room in the moments prior to the loss of TWA Flight 800.
Apparently, a number of senior military and civilian government personnel had gathered to watch in real time, on a battlefield monitor, a Navy demonstration then taking place in the Atlantic south of Long Island.
On display, according to Graduate’s source, was a secret anti-aircraft missile developed for the Seawolf class of attack submarines. The Navy planned to use the missile to defend the subs when sailing ahead of the fleet without air cover, especially in shallow water when vulnerable to shore-based defenses.
A second Navy source described for Graduate the missile and swivel-tube concept, taken from a British design and upgraded for use in Seawolf class submarines.

“What I saw explode in the sky was definitely military ordnance,” he said. “I have enough experience with it to know what it looks like. I saw one, two, three, four explosions before I saw the fireball. So the fuel in this aircraft eventually exploded. But the explosion of the fuel was the last event, not the initiating event. The initiating event was a high-velocity explosion, not fuel. It was ordnance.”
The New York Times confirmed the same. On August 14, four weeks after the crash, the Times stated emphatically, “Now that investigators say they think the center fuel tank did not explode, they say the only good explanations remaining are that a bomb or a missile brought down the plane off Long Island.”
But then the media came to their collective senses and remembered that they had a president to re-elect just as they did after the Benghazi disaster in September 2012. All talk of missiles and even bombs went away.
Regardless of conspiracy theories or other wild claims. my focus was on TWA 800, Air Egypt 990, and 9/11.

No comment.
Eerie parallels between what Stonewall posted and what I found.
Something bad happened that day and it was covered up no doubt.
Obama Begins Inauguration Festivities With Ceremonial Drone Flyover

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WASHINGTON—Taking the oath of office for his second term today, President Barack Obama joined thousands of supporters in the nation’s capital for traditional inauguration festivities that included a prayer invocation, a parade along Pennsylvania Avenue, and a ceremonial flyover of three combat drones. “When Obama was being sworn in on the Capitol steps, we could hear the drones screeching by overhead and everyone got really excited,” spectator Andrew Meyers, 34, said as he eagerly trained his eyes on the unmanned aerial vehicles that have taken out several hundred innocent civilians during presidentially authorized strikes in Pakistan and Yemen. “They go by super fast, but luckily there are Jumbotrons all over the National Mall, so nobody missed out. Wait, they’re coming back!” At press time, sources confirmed that inaugural celebrants were enjoying the Jumbotron’s live closed-circuit feed of the still-open prison facility at Guantánamo Bay.
IF it was a naval accident,......the ONLY thing that could never make sense....is, How do you totally Silence ALL the crew members involved ( for sooo long )?????

As for the FEDS, those C S ers are Capable of ANYTHING, and EVERYTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally, my cousin lives, and belongs to a Yacht club in the " Area ". Countless other members came into the club(from being out on the water), proclaiming that ...Something went UP,.........then a pause,.......then a Big BOOM !

Explosion in the center fuel-tank,.........MY ASSS !
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