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Tulsa To The Rescue..... BUT WHY?


A Golden Opportunity

On the afternoon of April 3rd, a typical Texas thunderstorm dumped rain and hail on DFW Airport, damaging dozens of American’s aircraft. At that moment, M&R Members were presented with a well-timed opportunity to send a message to the company, that they would not soon forget. But as usual, the leaders of the twu jimmy little, donny viditech & sammy cirri failed to act. Those "leaders" stood silent, when all of us should have told this company- you want to reduce maintenance by 40% and say that you do not need maintenance, you are continuing to diminish our careers, you want to outsource our jobs to the likes of timco, South America & China, you should have continued to call those MRO companies and see if they could get you the qualified maintenance personnel to DFW, that you SO NOW URGENTLY NEED!

So let’s ask ourselves, what would the Company have done, if we had stood together as a Union?

• Could we have got a better deal in negotiations?

• Would some bean counter been forced to redo some of their valued numbers & calculations?

• Could a single act of determination made a difference?

The only thing all of us know for sure, is if we do not get rid of the twu, we will never know! The time has come to take a stand & demand Leadership and change Unions!!!

I wonder if brundage will call the OH guys that are repairing the hail damaged aircraft a bunch of bricks?

Just another case of AA employees going the extra mile only to have management blame the unions in the papers as being selfish and unreasonable.
Would have been interesting to see what would have happened had the local asked them to turn the field trip down. I'd like to think the majority would have turned it down.
Odie, I think FX pays there mechs THE highest lic prem in the business.
Think it's $7.20 EACH TICKET, $14.40-as of Mar 2011.
Hell, that's damn near my BASE pay now.
Now how does make everyone feel??

Your right however, does everybody get the license premium? What are the rules on how it is applied. I wonder if it is just for those who work the flight line.
What keeps the line stations from doing the field trip work?

Nothing. The MOD makes the determination on which station to call.

For all those people mad that there Local's or the INt'l did not tell people to refuse, they can't. Even though the CBA is going to get trashed in court it is still in effect. No illegal job actions are allowed and AA would get a TRO. Also, not sure that would have helped our position with the BK judge other than prove we are pissed. I think he knows that however making us happy is not his jurisdiction.

Of course if you are in to TROs take a shot.
For all those people mad that there Local's or the INt'l did not tell people to refuse, they can't. Even though the CBA is going to get trashed in court it is still in effect. No illegal job actions are allowed and AA would get a TRO. Also, not sure that would have helped our position with the BK judge other than prove we are pissed. I think he knows that however making us happy is not his jurisdiction

I guess it could be considered a job action if they got the right judge. Good point.
Then even if every mechanic refused, the company would just paperwork those available. The union cannot be part of, as you say a job action. Besides the company and union are working together.
Their's always excuses for NOT flexing union muscle, and always detailed explainations on why we should concede to the company, with this twu. The only threat we pose is to our fellow union brothers in other title classifications.
Even after the TRO the people at Tulsa and AFW would have gotten the hint and not as many people would have taken the field trip. When the majority of the people available to do this work would have been at DFW it would have taken a lot longer to do the work and the company would have been alittle less aggressive towards us,but what do expect from a company union.
Excuses.....excuses.....there is a ton of ways to get the word out to turn it down..... NO ! you dont make an official announcement on any union web site/conferance call or the like..... its done on the local level......its done with peer pressure to do the right thing to those who may not be thinking, or those " I got mine types "......its done to show atleast that we do have some sort of unity for christ sakes!......its passed along by our leadership.....then again WHAT! leadership with TWU representing us......hopeful thinking again I guess :blink: Who cares what the judge thinks ....... its showing the powers that be that we are united in a cause.....I see and have seen nothing but every man for himself at American.....even more so in OH then the line......totally pathetic..... what would be a total nightmare would be to share a foxhole in time of war with a typical American Airline mechanic.
Even after the TRO the people at Tulsa and AFW would have gotten the hint and not as many people would have taken the field trip. When the majority of the people available to do this work would have been at DFW it would have taken a lot longer to do the work and the company would have been alittle less aggressive towards us,but what do expect from a company union.

When the majority of the people available to do this work would have been at DFW it would have taken a lot longer to do the work

Why would the work take any longer?

All "General" A&P's are the same, therefore Line Maintenance mechanics and Overhaul mechanics are the same.
Your right however, does everybody get the license premium? What are the rules on how it is applied. I wonder if it is just for those who work the flight line.

All AMTs at FX get the lic prem as far as I know.
B ck, line, MOCC, QA whatever. But I will confirm this w a friend there. But I'm certain this is correct.
Not sure what else you mean, but Club Fred is extremely generous with compensation.
In short FX, pretty much beats the crap out of just about all contracts. Of course, we all know why.
Why would the work take any longer?

All "General" A&P's are the same, therefore Line Maintenance mechanics and Overhaul mechanics are the same.

The number of people working would be less so therefore it would take less time. It has nothing to do with working the line or overhaul.
Excuses.....excuses.....there is a ton of ways to get the word out to turn it down..... NO ! you dont make an official announcement on any union web site/conferance call or the like..... its done on the local level......its done with peer pressure to do the right thing to those who may not be thinking, or those " I got mine types "......its done to show atleast that we do have some sort of unity for christ sakes!......its passed along by our leadership.....then again WHAT! leadership with TWU representing us......hopeful thinking again I guess :blink: Who cares what the judge thinks ....... its showing the powers that be that we are united in a cause.....I see and have seen nothing but every man for himself at American.....even more so in OH then the line......totally pathetic..... what would be a total nightmare would be to share a foxhole in time of war with a typical American Airline mechanic.

You cant fix stupid

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