Buster CRC
The charter plane carrying the AMTs from CRC had to circle back to Tulsa and made an emergency landing. So they are still in Tulsa.
If I was a believer in karma, that would be a good example!The charter plane carrying the AMTs from CRC had to circle back to Tulsa and made an emergency landing. So they are still in Tulsa.
What was your first clue?You have got to be kidding me. There are people that will go travel to help fix the aircraft just to make some money and forget all the crap that we have been dealing with over the years????
Do they think that they are going to make a difference? This is a joke. Now I know that there is no way I will stand up and admit to being in a union when this is the kind of people that I have to say I am associated with.
Any idea of the seniority range for the guys who went there??????
new guys trying save some money before lay offs, or just the good old boys that are suck ups?
WE ARE ALL SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!
Karma is nothing more than the metaphysical equivalent of Newton's Third Law:If I was a believer in karma, that would be a good example!
Why are you doing that?
As someone has already posted; No matter what union is the representational union of your group, this same senario would happen anyway. It's an individual thing not what union it is.
You guys need to get a list together of all who went and put some extreme peer pressure on them. Not one sole should have accepted this field trip. Force company to look at other ways to get out of this sitsuation. I can't believe how quickly you guys filled the vans and aircraft heading here to DFW. Unreal. We can only hope someone is there to make sure it is all done by the book.
Are the inspection/repairs still going on today. The news media said they would be done today, lol. I know when SWA was hit last year at Love Field, it took more than a week to do all the repairs and replacements... I believe you guys had alot more planes hit than we did.
Two vans..... I counted five on the first trip by the tent and 4 on the trip back. I do not know how many vans were actually filled only how many they had available.
Tom Barry I live in OK. I was raised in OK. I totally support the concept of a Union. The problem is TWU is NOT a Union they are an illusion of a Union. The TWU is there to make you believe you have some kind of power, that you have some kind of voice. You do not. At least not through them. The TWU is there as a form of control. The problem with the TWU is it has no fear of its members.
Let me give you some examples of things TWU did that no real Union would ever do.
The TWU accepted a concessionary contract with no bounce back clause in 2003.
The TWU reserves the right to accept a contract its members voted down "in the best interest of its members".
The TWU uses members that did not vote and counts them as favorable votes for the trash the company puts out.
The TWU (at least for our contract) sold our benefits down the river wholesale but managed to keep our base pay the same (union dues) and judging from the 15 dollars the company says they want from mechanics (or so I heard) I would be VERY concerned (again union dues).
The TWU has allowed programs such as Jr. Mechanic and Jr. Fleet Service Clerks (with 2 different pay scales for the same work mind you).
The TWU has allowed ridiculous numbers of part time employees.
The TWU has split its membership into several contract groups.
Does this sound like a Union to you?
What you don't understand Mr.Barry is the TWU will not GET you anything. They will not GIVE you anything. The only way your going to get anything is if the workers unite without some illusionary company puppet giving out false hopes and "we'll get em next time's" and actually create a Union they can control. A Union that FEARS it's members. Not some company snow job with a bunch of "internationals" that we can't touch and are getting payoffs. Mr. Barry I submit that you really don't know what a Union is. You have been deceived. You have been controlled.
The best kind of control is when the person being controlled actually thinks he has a voice.
Its too late for me. As someone with only 11 years with the company I am out the door anyway. But the time has come to make a decision. It is now time to draw a line in the sand. Get rid of the TWU lie and get a Union YOU actually control. AMFA is not the answer. It is the same trap as the TWU. Make sure your future Union leadership can be sent down the road for failure. The TWU thinks you have no teeth... prove them wrong... get rid of them.
The time has come to make a decision. Do you want to be the controller or the controlee.
I hope you get a little smarter Mr. Barry.
La Li Lu Le Lo, An OKLAHOMA resident.
Well so far the count is 180 guys from TUL and AFW here at DFW.. The way the Out of Station field trip rules read is DFW has to offer the same OT to local DFW AMT's... And they are sucking it up... Last count 57 aircraft OTS..
they should be calling ot for escorts at dfw. if i'm not mistaken, you have to have an escort with you no matter where you are at dfw if you are not from dfw. dfw airport rules. 1 person with yellow badge can escort up to 5 people at one time. in the hanger or not. call dfw police and get them to come out there. if there's not enough escorts somebody is in trouble. might get fined, kicked out or dfw jail depending on how big of an A-hole you are. but they "activated" the master dfw ot list, so if you want ot you can call in and get it for now. don't even have to be signed up, just call in. this storm is a small way of god punishing aa for doing the 1113c and being in bk.Well so far the count is 180 guys from TUL and AFW here at DFW.. The way the Out of Station field trip rules read is DFW has to offer the same OT to local DFW AMT's... And they are sucking it up... Last count 57 aircraft OTS..
this storm is a small way of god punishing aa for doing the 1113c and being in bk.