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Trump's immigration proposal

I know.  Trump put his foot in his mouth yet again.  Pete and others are just to blinded to realize it.  What Trump should have said is that we will ban immigration from "x" countries in the ME.  I think the reason he did not say that is because the Christian right in this country would have flipped their lid.  They want their Christians to be allowed in and ban the Muslims.  They, like a few on here do not understand that religious affiliation does not have any genetic markers one can test for or identify.  
Trump is just catering to his ignorant masses.  That is how you run an election campaign.
Ms Tree said:
I know.  Trump put his foot in his mouth yet again.  Pete and others are just to blinded to realize it.  What Trump should have said is that we will ban immigration from "x" countries in the ME.  I think the reason he did not say that is because the Christian right in this country would have flipped their lid.  They want their Christians to be allowed in and ban the Muslims.  They, like a few on here do not understand that religious affiliation does not have any genetic markers one can test for or identify.  
Trump is just catering to his ignorant masses.  That is how you run an election campaign.
Again you are delusional.

Terrorism Beats Economy as Top Concern for First Time in a Decade
Ms Tree said:
That has nothing to do with the issue being disscussed. I know you like to change th topic when you get cornered but we are not going to play that game.

How do you ban Muslims?
Already answered

townpete said:
Simple, you hold a passport/visa from a known muslim/islamic country?
No entry.
Until the inept, PC government and its bloated bureaucracy can figure out how better to protect american citizens.
Its that simple.
And better yet, put the brakes on all immigration.
oh and this:
Per US Code 8 USC 1182
(f)Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.

No foreigner has a "legal right" to enter the country.
You can be denied at any time for any reason, and have no legal recourse.
townpete said:
Already answered
Banning imigration from certain countries does not nust ban muslims. It bans everyone and that is not what Trump said he wanted to do. He said he wanted to ban muslims.

Words matter. He said he saw thousands and thiusands ofmuslims cheering in NJ. He did not. He said he wants to ban muslims. He cant.

A muslim cannot be identified by physical characteristics.
Ms Tree said:
Banning imigration from certain countries does not nust ban muslims. It bans everyone and that is not what Trump said he wanted to do. He said he wanted to ban muslims.
Words matter. He said he saw thousands and thiusands ofmuslims cheering in NJ. He did not. He said he wants to ban muslims. He cant.
A muslim cannot be identified by physical characteristics.
Then what's your solution? Intelligence officials already admitted that they have no way to vet these people.

It's a monumental intelligence failure, exacerbated by the mandated political correctness culture that infested all systems of government since Obama was elected.

Personally I would like to see all migration halted until they can figure out how to do it properly and securely. Absent any PC feel good BS.
townpete said:
Personally I would like to see all migration halted until they can figure out how to do it properly and securely. Absent any PC feel good BS.
That would require you to know what measures are taken already. Since you seem to be clueless as to how the immigration system actually works (outside of what you are spoon fed from your RWNJ blogs) I don't see you having any realistic solutions.

Time for your next meme or cartoon search. "Lol"
townpete said:
Then what's your solution? Intelligence officials already admitted that they have no way to vet these people.
It's a monumental intelligence failure, exacerbated by the mandated political correctness culture that infested all systems of government since Obama was elected.
Personally I would like to see all migration halted until they can figure out how to do it properly and securely. Absent any PC feel good BS.
You do realize people can enter this country legally other than by immigration right? Hint, this is an Airline forum. So unless you plan on banning any and all people from the ME from entering the US then the effort is pretty futile. And just so you are clear. When you ban people from the ME that includes the Christians.

I do not think tbere is a solution to this anymore than there is a solution the the gun violence in the US.
Ms Tree said:
You do realize people can enter this country legally other than by immigration right? Hint, this is an Airline forum. So unless you plan on banning any and all people from the ME from entering the US then the effort is pretty futile. And just so you are clear. When you ban people from the ME that includes the Christians.

I do not think tbere is a solution to this anymore than there is a solution the the gun violence in the US.
You're right it is an airline forum.  Which got me thinking.  If Donald Trump and all his half wit supporters got their wish I wonder how it would affect the aviation business in this country.  All the major airlines in this country have code shares and alliances with middle eastern airlines.  How would it affect them when those airlines are not allowed to land here because they have Muslim passengers and/or crew.  
What about Boeing?  A significant portion of their business goes to airlines based in Muslim countries.  How can those airlines take delivery of those aircraft when their crews are not allowed in the country?  Guess they could send expat crews to do it.  But then those airlines might not even bother.  They might decide to go Airbus the next time around.  Or cancel orders altogether.  Given that the majority of the orders for the 777X come from three middle eastern airlines I wonder how it would affect Boeing if they said screw this and went with the A350-1000. 
CMH_GSE said:
I see no problem here.
These folks need to be vetted in that manner for obvious reasons.
The fact remains, our current system is broken when burka woman ( and btw, if there ever was a face Made for burka's, deeamn, it was hers) is let into the country to slaughter Americans as the just happened.

We still have many translators and will acquire more and train more, that is ongoing and will continue and increase.
Did you not listen to what he said?  He said all Muslims.
777 fixer said:
You're right it is an airline forum.  Which got me thinking.  If Donald Trump and all his half wit supporters got their wish I wonder how it would affect the aviation business in this country.  All the major airlines in this country have code shares and alliances with middle eastern airlines.  How would it affect them when those airlines are not allowed to land here because they have Muslim passengers and/or crew.  
What about Boeing?  A significant portion of their business goes to airlines based in Muslim countries.  How can those airlines take delivery of those aircraft when their crews are not allowed in the country?  Guess they could send expat crews to do it.  But then those airlines might not even bother.  They might decide to go Airbus the next time around.  Or cancel orders altogether.  Given that the majority of the orders for the 777X come from three middle eastern airlines I wonder how it would affect Boeing if they said screw this and went with the A350-1000.

Me thinks you overstate the issue.
Nobody is talking about a permanent ban, just a temporary pause, until all aspects of our vetting system can be looked at and improved.
You only need to look at the recent Cali shooting to know it's broken when radical burka lady can enter as easily as she did.

Not sure what percent of revenue is form ME customers to US airlines, but I would guess it would be rather easy for them to digest it in the current cycle of massive profits.

If it adversely affects ME airlines, I personally could care less, they are all subsidized by their governments.
777 fixer said:
You're right it is an airline forum.  Which got me thinking.  If Donald Trump and all his half wit supporters got their wish I wonder how it would affect the aviation business in this country.  All the major airlines in this country have code shares and alliances with middle eastern airlines.  How would it affect them when those airlines are not allowed to land here because they have Muslim passengers and/or crew.  
What about Boeing?  A significant portion of their business goes to airlines based in Muslim countries.  How can those airlines take delivery of those aircraft when their crews are not allowed in the country?  Guess they could send expat crews to do it.  But then those airlines might not even bother.  They might decide to go Airbus the next time around.  Or cancel orders altogether.  Given that the majority of the orders for the 777X come from three middle eastern airlines I wonder how it would affect Boeing if they said screw this and went with the A350-1000. 
That sort of rational long range thinking has no place in Trump's America.

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