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Trump Wins.

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View attachment 17845ISn't it amazing when an adult is present? No whining of a stolen election. NO call to the toothless masses to come to DC where 'it will be wild". No rambling 90 minute speech telling these masses that unless they fight like hell they will lose their democracy, and then acting surprised when so many didn't hear the word "peacefully" spoken one time in a 90 minute rant. No calls for the Vice President to exercise their constitutional right to not certify the election. . Nope...this time the loser of the election came in, did the job that she was assigned to do, and moved on rather than planning a four year "the election was stolen tour. Just an adult doing the job that was laid out in the constitution. It's almost boring when an adult does adult things

Jack Smith ends with a footnote.

And so it ended for special counsel Jack Smith: Not with the glorious sunset ride of a conquering hero his supporters had hoped for, but a 24-word footnote indicating he had “separated from the Justice Department,” his final report in limbo, and gleeful allies of Donald Trump exhorting him to “lawyer up.”

It was the undignified end of a painful process — for Smith and the nation — one that began with Trump at the nadir of his influence and ended with him surging back to the White House, crushing the criminal cases that once seemed certain to land him in prison.

But Smith’s quiet departure underscored an age-old Washington truism: no matter what principles of law or politics or justice are at stake, all that really matters is winning.

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