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He did fly in about $65,000 worth of pizza and hot dogs from Chi-town and STL for a private party on the tax payers dime......then there was that little hop in AF-1 to show the kids the DC skyline.....

And despite that - he still lags behind the usage good old AF1 is getting for dear leaders pleasure trips.

$65k for hot dogs beats the hell out of 1.7 million for a round of golf.
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And despite that - he still lags behind the usage good old AF1 is getting for dear leaders pleasure trips.

$65k for hot dogs beats the hell out of 1.7 million for a round of golf.

Tally O's whoring around on the taxpayer dime for 8 and get back to me.
Tally O's whoring around on the taxpayer dime for 8 and get back to me.
YOu really don't get it....I showed you earlier that one years worth of "whoring around" was a million dollars LESS than the dear leaders whoring around for less than 3 months. If the dear leader keeps up his golf pace of weekly trips to "the southern white house", he will be 4 million AHEAD of Obama's whoring around costs in one year. He may well EQUAL the whoring around that Obama did in 8 years in 2 years.
YOu really don't get it....I showed you earlier that one years worth of "whoring around" was a million dollars LESS than the dear leaders whoring around for less than 3 months. If the dear leader keeps up his golf pace of weekly trips to "the southern white house", he will be 4 million AHEAD of Obama's whoring around costs in one year. He may well EQUAL the whoring around that Obama did in 8 years in 2 years.

I don't give a damn......lets tally for O's 8.
first of all he wouldn't have taken anyone to his home town of Chicago least they be witness to the murders happening there daily, but I wouldn't have care if he's working.

But let's assume he did...and called it "the midwest white house". Any problems with all that trouble? YOu say you wouldn't, but I'm not so sure.

And let's not forget that many of the people (government employees) who might need to speak with visiting dignitary most likely has an office in Washington DC....we'll have some costs to get THEM down to the "southern white house" for some talks.
But let's assume he did...and called it "the midwest white house". Any problems with all that trouble? YOu say you wouldn't, but I'm not so sure.

And let's not forget that many of the people (government employees) who might need to speak with visiting dignitary most likely has an office in Washington DC....we'll have some costs to get THEM down to the "southern white house" for some talks.

Don't overlook the dignitary and the size of his entourage. In some cases DC might not work anymore size wise.

What will you do when the dear leader out whores Obama by 2019?

His travel costs to Mir-a-lago are a cost for doing presidential business. They've all done it, only thing different here is, off the top, Obama jacked up operating costs by 27% for openers. Maybe we should have the Presidential travel budget listed under the Black Ops budget. That way you could sleep at night
Difference here is all the money paid for the lodging, meals, and service all profit Trump org.

Our tax money paying Trump org for SS and other staff and .gov workers to stay at the damn golf resort. Is it 9 weekends out of 12 weeks now?
yes and if it was any other POTUS they would be paying for SS and govt staff to stay somewhere, you just don't like it because it's Trump
How much do you think it cost to stay in Hawaii for Obama and his entire family, SS to cover them all,govt staff with lodging for a month?
yes and if it was any other POTUS they would be paying for SS and govt staff to stay somewhere, you just don't like it because it's Trump
How much do you think it cost to stay in Hawaii for Obama and his entire family, SS to cover them all,govt staff with lodging for a month?
Bush travelled a lot, but none of the tax dollars spent for him to vacation went to businesses that he owned and profits from. Obama took lavish golf vacations, but none of the tax dollars went to entities owned by him. The dear leader goes to a place with his name on it. Owned by his company. And while he "isn't taking a paycheck", he IS profiting from his trips to his "southern white house". Tell you what....if he wants to make that the southern white house , then GIVE it to the government. We the people own the other one. But a portion of the profits of every meal eaten by a SS agent. goes to the dear leaders pocket. A portion of the room costs for that security detail goes to the dear leaders pocket. I hope like hell he is being comped on the greens fees, because if they are being paid, then WE are PAYING him to golf every weekend.
yes and if it was any other POTUS they would be paying for SS and govt staff to stay somewhere, you just don't like it because it's Trump
How much do you think it cost to stay in Hawaii for Obama and his entire family, SS to cover them all,govt staff with lodging for a month?

Wrong. I don't like it because he is enriching himself by staying at a for profit enterprise where all those profits go to him.

I would have no issue if he used Camp David, a publicly owned hotel that offers government rates (the GSA has guidelines and every major hotel group offers this) or he went to his home like Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Obama did. The cost goes would then go to a place that does not profit him.

He has great profit incentive to stay/meet at places he owns. He pays himself, and also gives it free advertising from every major network and social media site.

And everyone was worried about ethical conflicts of interest with Clinton.

Get me a sandwich Barney!
"Trump has arrived at Trump International Golf Club in Florida. This makes 10 straight weekends he has visited a property bearing his name."

"It is his 15th golf course trip since taking office 11 weeks ago."

Per POTUS press pool Sat morning 4/8/17.

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