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Guess you never saw any of Barack's temper tantrums.....

Bush traveled to Crawford 77 times for a grand total of 20 million.

Bush stayed at Camp David on national 'family' holidays so his staff could be with their respective families......traveling to Texas on the days following the holidays. Obama could give a damn.

Trump is cutting all those bloated departments to pay for his lavish travel costs......
Hey...just for grins...figure out the numbers they used for Obama's palm springs golf trip and use those figures - especially AF1 costs and security costs for those trips. I'll grant you, the dear leader is most likely getting comped for lodging and greens fees, but use the travel numbers for the Palm Springs golf outing and apply them to a golf outing at West Palm Beach. Then multiply that number by 8. Who is costing the taxpayer more?
Who cares?

Get back to me when he surpasses the Obama debt.
At the rate he golfs, that will be sooner rather than later. What has the dear leader proposed cutting. His proposed budget....Here's a link to the numbers. Add them up and by God...the dear leader is cutting 58.6 billion from those touchy feely liberal human services and tree hugger programs. The man is keeping his word to cut spending. But take a look at the numbers for the programs he is increasing...why they total $59.5 billion. So he didn't cut anything...he SHIFTED 58.6 million and ADDED almost another billion. Factor in his golf trips and his deficit will exceed Obama's rather handily.

Speaking of golf trips...none of those numbers include them. But let's try this simple math problem. You cited numbers that AF1 cost $228,288 per hour to operate. He takes a trip to Palm Springs to golf. That's about 6 hours each way, so 12 hours at $228,288 per hour equals $2,739,456 in taxpayer money to go fly and play golf. The dear leader is cutting this wasteful spending, but he's been doing such a bang up job that he deserves a vacation or 6. Flying time between DC and Miami is about 3 hours each way. So 6 hours round trip at a cost of $228,288 per hour is $1,369,728. And that would be admirable, if he only made one trip to Mar a Lago. But he's made 6. For a total of $8,318,268 in taxpayer money...just for airfare alone. Oh yeah....and that Hawaii vacation...we can't forget those. So if we take the Palm Springs golf outing and the Hawaii golf outing, we've got 32 hours of flying time for a year. That comes to $7,305,216...still less in a YEAR that the dear leader has amassed in 3 months. And need I remind you..these are NOT lefty liberal numbers designed to make the dear leader look bad...they are the "verifiable" numbers that YOU cited for the hourly costs of flying AF1 when Obama took a trip.

So using your own numbers...who is spending more on golf??
Yet you live in the biggest most fragile glasshouse there is. You get upset when someone gives you a red mark, heaven forbid they expose your skeletons.
Thanks for the laugh Albert...😛
But really, did you have to search my posts and give reds for the last two years? LOL..😀
Does your mother know you post here?
Thanks Ogie,
That was a very cerebral retort.
So what is it supposed to represent?
At the rate he golfs, that will be sooner rather than later. What has the dear leader proposed cutting. His proposed budget....Here's a link to the numbers. Add them up and by God...the dear leader is cutting 58.6 billion from those touchy feely liberal human services and tree hugger programs. The man is keeping his word to cut spending. But take a look at the numbers for the programs he is increasing...why they total $59.5 billion. So he didn't cut anything...he SHIFTED 58.6 million and ADDED almost another billion. Factor in his golf trips and his deficit will exceed Obama's rather handily.

Speaking of golf trips...none of those numbers include them. But let's try this simple math problem. You cited numbers that AF1 cost $228,288 per hour to operate. He takes a trip to Palm Springs to golf. That's about 6 hours each way, so 12 hours at $228,288 per hour equals $2,739,456 in taxpayer money to go fly and play golf. The dear leader is cutting this wasteful spending, but he's been doing such a bang up job that he deserves a vacation or 6. Flying time between DC and Miami is about 3 hours each way. So 6 hours round trip at a cost of $228,288 per hour is $1,369,728. And that would be admirable, if he only made one trip to Mar a Lago. But he's made 6. For a total of $8,318,268 in taxpayer money...just for airfare alone. Oh yeah....and that Hawaii vacation...we can't forget those. So if we take the Palm Springs golf outing and the Hawaii golf outing, we've got 32 hours of flying time for a year. That comes to $7,305,216...still less in a YEAR that the dear leader has amassed in 3 months. And need I remind you..these are NOT lefty liberal numbers designed to make the dear leader look bad...they are the "verifiable" numbers that YOU cited for the hourly costs of flying AF1 when Obama took a trip.

So using your own numbers...who is spending more on golf??

Time for people to get off their fat asses and work and pay taxes.

As of December 29th, 2016, the number of days the Golfer-In-Chief (#GOLFTUS) has golfed is somewhere over... 306

Like I said, I don't really care unless he surpasses the debt Obama incurred while president.
As such, Trump and Xi will not go golfing together at Mar-a-Lago as Trump did with the Japanese prime minister when he came to visit. For Xi, the sport is a symbol of corruption and he's banned members of the Communist Party from playing.

'I think it's safe to say there's not gonna be any golf,' a White House official said of the two-day, getting-to-know you trip to Florida. 'Nothing involving golf clubs.'

Time for people to get off their fat asses and work and pay taxes.

As of December 29th, 2016, the number of days the Golfer-In-Chief (#GOLFTUS) has golfed is somewhere over... 306

Like I said, I don't really care unless he surpasses the debt Obama incurred while president.

And I'm saying That won't be difficult
As such, Trump and Xi will not go golfing together at Mar-a-Lago as Trump did with the Japanese prime minister when he came to visit. For Xi, the sport is a symbol of corruption and he's banned members of the Communist Party from playing.

'I think it's safe to say there's not gonna be any golf,' a White House official said of the two-day, getting-to-know you trip to Florida. 'Nothing involving golf clubs.'


Great...he's not going to golf. So tell me...what's wrong with having a meeting at the "northern white house"? That would save the taxpayers a million dollars in travel. Flights are most likely easier between Bejing and DC than Bejing and West Palm Beach. Just saying.
lol do you think the Chinese leader flew commercial here?? lmao
lol do you think the Chinese leader flew commercial here?? lmao
Not at all. Let me ask you....if Obama had decided to meet with world leaders and fired up AF1 and headed to Chicago to meet them, would you have been okay with it, or would the costs involved in flying to some other site have been problematic for you?
first of all he wouldn't have taken anyone to his home town of Chicago least they be witness to the murders happening there daily, but I wouldn't have care if he's working.
Not at all. Let me ask you....if Obama had decided to meet with world leaders and fired up AF1 and headed to Chicago to meet them, would you have been okay with it, or would the costs involved in flying to some other site have been problematic for you?

He did fly in about $65,000 worth of pizza and hot dogs from Chi-town and STL for a private party on the tax payers dime......then there was that little hop in AF-1 to show the kids the DC skyline.....

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