At the rate he golfs, that will be sooner rather than later. What has the dear leader proposed cutting. His proposed budget....
Here's a link to the numbers. Add them up and by God...the dear leader is cutting 58.6 billion from those touchy feely liberal human services and tree hugger programs. The man is keeping his word to cut spending. But take a look at the numbers for the programs he is increasing...why they total $59.5 billion. So he didn't cut anything...he SHIFTED 58.6 million and ADDED almost another billion. Factor in his golf trips and his deficit will exceed Obama's rather handily.
Speaking of golf trips...none of those numbers include them. But let's try this simple math problem. You cited numbers that AF1 cost $228,288 per hour to operate. He takes a trip to Palm Springs to golf. That's about 6 hours each way, so 12 hours at $228,288 per hour equals $2,739,456 in taxpayer money to go fly and play golf. The dear leader is cutting this wasteful spending, but he's been doing such a bang up job that he deserves a vacation or 6. Flying time between DC and Miami is about 3 hours each way. So 6 hours round trip at a cost of $228,288 per hour is $1,369,728. And that would be admirable, if he only made one trip to Mar a Lago. But he's made 6. For a total of $8,318,268 in taxpayer money...just for airfare alone. Oh yeah....and that Hawaii vacation...we can't forget those. So if we take the Palm Springs golf outing and the Hawaii golf outing, we've got 32 hours of flying time for a year. That comes to $7,305,216...still less in a YEAR that the dear leader has amassed in 3 months. And need I remind you..these are NOT lefty liberal numbers designed to make the dear leader look bad...they are the "verifiable" numbers that YOU cited for the hourly costs of flying AF1 when Obama took a trip.
So using your own numbers...who is spending more on golf??