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Trump Watch

"In his meetings, Flynn is said Trump's controversial campaign-trail remarks were merely part of the rhetoric needed to secure an election win, according to informed sources. His actual policies after taking office would be different from what he said to galvanize his support base, Flynn predicted."


"according to informed sources" aka: "making sh*t up with an unsubstantiated claim", "fake news" etc...

Ok then, i guess that settles it.
Love me, Hate me. I really don’t care.
One of my sticking points is keeping Muslims out of infiltrating the US.
Don’t like it, KMA.
I spent 2 ½ years in the ME as an expat.
I don’t regret it as it gave me a great insight into the Muslim thinking process.

Read the Koran and get back to me, we are ‘Infidels’ and you damn well better remember that if we don’t succumb to Islam, they have the ‘obligation’ to kill you.

Some think Muslims can come and live here peaceably, I am telling you all that you are wrong.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate ‘ANYONE”, but they don’t have the same respect for US.

When I went to school in Toulouse, we drove by their ‘projects’ and it is the same damn thing. They expect free housing, education and health care. Too proud to speak the language of the country they ‘suck’ from yet have no compulsion in rioting.

If Trump doesn’t stop this, He is not my candidate that I voted for and I will chaff his ass at every opportunity and if you HillBillies give him a pass,

Then I am giving you ‘ALL” a big **** YOU’.

Do you not think this is true? There are really some bad gene pools out there. I've seen the results of them myself. Just watch some of these liberal marches and you can really get an ideas of the results of a bad gene pool.
Gene pool? That's quite interesting.
I don't know what exactly you are referring to.
I can infer, that HillBillie genes are not as intelligent, but I have no proof.
Please give me an example where a persons genes have "anything" to do with 'anything'.
I can infer that people for the south have inferior genes based on my empirical documentation.
But that would be a lie.
You are an ID-10T!
But he!! I knew that years ago.
DOH! 😛
I voted for Trump.
Now I have buyers remorse as he has proven himself as unqualified.
This thread is Trump watch.
I expect that we should pay attention and watch this pirate.
I voted for Trump.
Now I have buyers remorse as he has proven himself as unqualified.
This thread is Trump watch.
I expect that we should pay attention and watch this pirate.

I think you should take a step back an rethink your statement as him proving himself to be unqualified.

Who has proven Trump to be unqualified???

Left MSM?
I think you should take a step back an rethink your statement as him proving himself to be unqualified.

Who has proven Trump to be unqualified???

Left MSM?

Look...he has only been president for less than 3 months. In that time, he has shown no inclination to give up twitter. He has done nothing more than reverse executive orders signed by Obama. He didn't take his first loss with the health care bill like a man....he took it like a petulant 13 year old who took his ball and went home saying "when it all falls apart - it's YOUR fault". He has the best and the brightest to keep him updated on the happenings in the world, but seems to rely more on his son in law and Fox and Friends. He's going to have a LOT facing him that are going to be a lot tougher than reversing and executive order and holding them up to show the world after signing them the way a toddler stands up and points to the potty after making a big poo poo.

And his avid supporters are letting a LOT of things that used to bother them slide. Take golf. Many righties were screaming about Obama's annual golf trip to Hawaii and claiming that just flying AF1 there cost the taxpayers $250,000 per hour. But if they factor in just flight hours, they would see that in less than 3 months the dear leader has more flight hours for golf getaways at "the southern white house" than Obama did in a year of golf outings. And the apologists come out with "he's done more in 2 months than Obama did in 8 years" (he hasn't) and turn a blind eye to something that they were VERY critical of Obama for doing. He's going to be facing some pretty tough situationsin the next 3 years and 9 months, and quite honestly, he hasn't show me that he is adult enough to handle those situations.
I voted for Trump.
Now I have buyers remorse as he has proven himself as unqualified.
This thread is Trump watch.
I expect that we should pay attention and watch this pirate.

No remorse here, not now, not ever
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Look...he has only been president for less than 3 months. In that time, he has shown no inclination to give up twitter. He has done nothing more than reverse executive orders signed by Obama. He didn't take his first loss with the health care bill like a man....he took it like a petulant 13 year old who took his ball and went home saying "when it all falls apart - it's YOUR fault". He has the best and the brightest to keep him updated on the happenings in the world, but seems to rely more on his son in law and Fox and Friends. He's going to have a LOT facing him that are going to be a lot tougher than reversing and executive order and holding them up to show the world after signing them the way a toddler stands up and points to the potty after making a big poo poo.

And his avid supporters are letting a LOT of things that used to bother them slide. Take golf. Many righties were screaming about Obama's annual golf trip to Hawaii and claiming that just flying AF1 there cost the taxpayers $250,000 per hour. But if they factor in just flight hours, they would see that in less than 3 months the dear leader has more flight hours for golf getaways at "the southern white house" than Obama did in a year of golf outings. And the apologists come out with "he's done more in 2 months than Obama did in 8 years" (he hasn't) and turn a blind eye to something that they were VERY critical of Obama for doing. He's going to be facing some pretty tough situationsin the next 3 years and 9 months, and quite honestly, he hasn't show me that he is adult enough to handle those situations.

You think Donald gives a rats a$$ what easily triggered liberals like yourself thinks?

Hot tip: You're just not that important.
Look...he has only been president for less than 3 months. In that time, he has shown no inclination to give up twitter. He has done nothing more than reverse executive orders signed by Obama. He didn't take his first loss with the health care bill like a man....he took it like a petulant 13 year old who took his ball and went home saying "when it all falls apart - it's YOUR fault". He has the best and the brightest to keep him updated on the happenings in the world, but seems to rely more on his son in law and Fox and Friends. He's going to have a LOT facing him that are going to be a lot tougher than reversing and executive order and holding them up to show the world after signing them the way a toddler stands up and points to the potty after making a big poo poo.

And his avid supporters are letting a LOT of things that used to bother them slide. Take golf. Many righties were screaming about Obama's annual golf trip to Hawaii and claiming that just flying AF1 there cost the taxpayers $250,000 per hour. But if they factor in just flight hours, they would see that in less than 3 months the dear leader has more flight hours for golf getaways at "the southern white house" than Obama did in a year of golf outings. And the apologists come out with "he's done more in 2 months than Obama did in 8 years" (he hasn't) and turn a blind eye to something that they were VERY critical of Obama for doing. He's going to be facing some pretty tough situationsin the next 3 years and 9 months, and quite honestly, he hasn't show me that he is adult enough to handle those situations.

Guess you never saw any of Barack's temper tantrums.....

Bush traveled to Crawford 77 times for a grand total of 20 million.

Bush stayed at Camp David on national 'family' holidays so his staff could be with their respective families......traveling to Texas on the days following the holidays. Obama could give a damn.

Here are some of President Obama's taxpayer funded trips:
  • Obama's October 2015 Columbus Day fundraising trip to San Diego, California, cost $969,783.90
  • Obama’s June 20, 2015, golf outing to Palm Springs cost taxpayers $2,187,172.20
  • Obama's July 18, 2015, trip to New York City with his daughters cost $309,505.50
  • Obama's August 7, 2015, family trip to Martha's Vineyard cost $619,011
  • Obama's Dec 19, 2014-January 24, 2015 Christmas vacation to Honolulu cost $3,672,798
  • Obama's June 17-19, 2013, trip to Belfast, Ireland, including a Dublin sightseeing side trip by Michelle Obama, her daughters, and her entourage, cost $7,921,638.66

The 1.4 Billion Dollar Man:Costs of the Obama White House


Trump is cutting all those bloated departments to pay for his lavish travel costs......
I voted for Trump.
Now I have buyers remorse as he has proven himself as unqualified.
This thread is Trump watch.
I expect that we should pay attention and watch this pirate.

Look...he has only been president for less than 3 months. In that time, he has shown no inclination to give up twitter. He has done nothing more than reverse executive orders signed by Obama. He didn't take his first loss with the health care bill like a man....he took it like a petulant 13 year old who took his ball and went home saying "when it all falls apart - it's YOUR fault". He has the best and the brightest to keep him updated on the happenings in the world, but seems to rely more on his son in law and Fox and Friends. He's going to have a LOT facing him that are going to be a lot tougher than reversing and executive order and holding them up to show the world after signing them the way a toddler stands up and points to the potty after making a big poo poo.

And his avid supporters are letting a LOT of things that used to bother them slide. Take golf. Many righties were screaming about Obama's annual golf trip to Hawaii and claiming that just flying AF1 there cost the taxpayers $250,000 per hour. But if they factor in just flight hours, they would see that in less than 3 months the dear leader has more flight hours for golf getaways at "the southern white house" than Obama did in a year of golf outings. And the apologists come out with "he's done more in 2 months than Obama did in 8 years" (he hasn't) and turn a blind eye to something that they were VERY critical of Obama for doing. He's going to be facing some pretty tough situationsin the next 3 years and 9 months, and quite honestly, he hasn't show me that he is adult enough to handle those situations.

I think you should take a step back an rethink your statement as him proving himself to be unqualified.

Who has proven Trump to be unqualified???

Left MSM?
It was getting a little boring just beating up on KC for his difference of opinion.
Now there is someone else to throw stones at..
Carry on...😛
Guess you never saw any of Barack's temper tantrums.....

Bush traveled to Crawford 77 times for a grand total of 20 million.

Bush stayed at Camp David on national 'family' holidays so his staff could be with their respective families......traveling to Texas on the days following the holidays. Obama could give a damn.

Trump is cutting all those bloated departments to pay for his lavish travel costs......
The dear leaders proposed budget did indeed cut quite a few touchy feely human service and whacko eco programs. But look a little closer - he increased defense related spending by the exact amount. Shifting spending is not cutting spending.

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