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Trump Watch

You are a legend in your own mind.

Are you going to dress up like Erkle this year or Robert E. Lee.

Yea, you are more of an Erkle than a traitor... DOH!😀
You might as well go as Hillary, make sure you are as authentic as possible and that would include soiling the back of your blue pants suit. And blaming everyone else for your problems
You might as well go as Hillary, make sure you are as authentic as possible and that would include soiling the back of your blue pants suit. And blaming everyone else for your problems
I was thinking about going as Trump. but I am too short and my head is not as big as his ego, but he does have that pumpkin hair.. DOT...DOT...DOT...
I was going to go as you but I couldn't stick my head up my a$$ like you.

Happy Halloween, LOL

Trump believes Putin over US Intel and praises Duterte.
Flip Flop Flipper does it again.
Oh, he changed his mind on China.
Wonder if his 'family holdings' visited their sweat shops making their merchandise in China.
I was really proud of his presence as a statesman and POTUS for the USA until he started kissing a$$.


I was thinking about going as Trump. but I am too short and my head is not as big as his ego, but he does have that pumpkin hair.. DOT...DOT...DOT...
I was going to go as you but I couldn't stick my head up my a$$ like you.

Happy Halloween, LOL
My! My! My!, What's been going on when I as gone?
I don't mind you trolling me, again, but changing my posts is not very nice or ethical.
If you don't have anything to say, then it might be wise to say nothing.
?????? changing??????

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