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Trump Watch

So, what do you know?

Geezus, are you one of them High iq people like Trump?

If you have your way President Hillary will finally be impeached and convicted.

Meanwhile, a real investigation continues outside the silos of your bookface newsfeed.

I saw today that most of these social media platforms acknowledge they had Russian troll farms feeding the trough of ignorance in the good old US of A. They also say that the electorate isn’t stupid enough to have this influence them.

When you think Hannity, Breitbart, Maddow, Sex Assaulters O’Reilly & Trump, pretend dr gorka as your “news” sources, you have been taken over by Russian active measures.

I have family NSA/IC for many years. I also have family that is retired NY State LEO/FBI. (I have no knowledge about any classified information).

This is not and will not be about Clinton’s. (See above)

Mark this post. I’ll be back sometime.

Take care peeps. Love to xUT and The Dude. Love you guys.

Almost forgot to shout out to Sharon!

Over, out for a while...

Get a clue folks. Clinton foundation investigation will start shortly, If not already started. Then the walls will fall within and tumble. The Clintons are as crooked as they come. They are professionals at alluding all ranks of law enforcement, period. Can't wait for this shite to implode. LOL Gotta love this shite man...
Bunker time?

Why is this issue being tossed to the back of the bus by MSM and the dems?

DNC chair stuttering as to Hillary Rosenberg Clinton's culpability.

Ex Hillary Rosenberg Clinton spokesperson admitting HRC 'probably' knew about these things......

You have TV in that bunker?

Bunker time?

Why is this issue being tossed to the back of the bus by MSM and the dems?

DNC chair stuttering as to Hillary Rosenberg Clinton's culpability.

Ex Hillary Rosenberg Clinton spokesperson admitting HRC 'probably' knew about these things......

You have TV in that bunker?


Jesus dell.
NOW UR Also an Anti - Semite too ???
(Rosenberg) ??

We'll have wait and see what the FBI UC informant brings to the table.

As long as he doesn't commit suicide.

“The Obama Justice Department threatened him with loss of freedom,” attorney Victoria Toensing said of “Confidential Source 1,” as the FBI dubbed her client. “They said they would bring a criminal case against him for violating an NDA,” or non-disclosure agreement. Toensing also said her client “is not only afraid of the Russian people, but he is afraid of the US government because of the threats the Obama administration made against him.” Toensing told Fox News that her client has “specific information about contributions and bribes to various entities and people in the United States.”

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/artic...russian-uranium-scandal-media-silence-damning

Just Thursday, Sen. Chuck Grassley, the Iowa Republican, called for naming a special counsel for the Uranium One deal and the related financial shenanigans. He's on solid ground here: In a new Rasmussen poll, 51% of likely voters said they believe "it's likely that Bill and Hillary Clinton or their close political associates broke the law in their dealings with Russia."

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Trump Administration Supports Apprenticeship Program Expansion


One solution, he said, and one the Trump administration is pushing, is rapid expansion of apprenticeship programs. The administration is creating something called “industry recognized apprenticeships.” The U.S. Department of Labor Task Force on Apprenticeship.

While previous administrations have also developed various programs aimed at apprenticeships, Acosta said this will be different, because “we are not going to manage apprenticeships from Washington. You are in the best position to define what your industry needs and react to those needs…. Barriers that stood the way of apprenticeship programs are ready to come down.”

I was out for a while, came back to find Clinton nostalgia freaks. Hope it goes better for you.
well welcome back Dog! we had heard you went to DC to do further research on your clear interest in Trumps man parts size.
As long as you've been gone you must have really enjoyed what you found
We'll have wait and see what the FBI UC informant brings to the table.

As long as he doesn't commit suicide.

“The Obama Justice Department threatened him with loss of freedom,” attorney Victoria Toensing said of “Confidential Source 1,” as the FBI dubbed her client. “They said they would bring a criminal case against him for violating an NDA,” or non-disclosure agreement. Toensing also said her client “is not only afraid of the Russian people, but he is afraid of the US government because of the threats the Obama administration made against him.” Toensing told Fox News that her client has “specific information about contributions and bribes to various entities and people in the United States.”

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/artic...russian-uranium-scandal-media-silence-damning

Just Thursday, Sen. Chuck Grassley, the Iowa Republican, called for naming a special counsel for the Uranium One deal and the related financial shenanigans. He's on solid ground here: In a new Rasmussen poll, 51% of likely voters said they believe "it's likely that Bill and Hillary Clinton or their close political associates broke the law in their dealings with Russia."


Well, I think this is another Trump 'razzle dazzle'.
Throwing out 'shiny objects' to deflect on his own insecurities.
Trump lies and sees what sticks as his supporters give him a pass.

Just my 2 cents... 😀
Monday will be interesting.
Will Trump fire Mueller?

I doubt it....Congress/DOJ will pressure him to step aside, is probably why he ran down and filed.....unless he was trying to change the news cycle from Hillary/Dnc russian collusion.

House is getting Fusion GPS' bank records....notice last week Sargent Schultz was very popular among dems commenting on the Steele Dossier?

Will be interesting to see who actually 'knew nothing'.

Leaks claiming Maynard G Krebs to go down for shaky money moves with Russia.

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