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Trump Watch

I doubt it....Congress/DOJ will pressure him to step aside, is probably why he ran down and filed.....unless he was trying to change the news cycle from Hillary/Dnc russian collusion.

House is getting Fusion GPS' bank records....notice last week Sargent Schultz was very popular among dems commenting on the Steele Dossier?

Will be interesting to see who actually 'knew nothing'.

Leaks claiming Maynard G Krebs to go down for shaky money moves with Russia.

Both sides suck. Trump asking Wikileaks and Ivan for Billery's emails was a little over the top.
Trump is his own worse enemy.
I see he is in meltdown mode.
Just my 2 cents 😀
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Both sides suck. Trump asking Wikileaks and Ivan for Billery's emails was a little over the top.
Trump is his own worse enemy.
I see he is in meltdown mode.
Just my 2 cents 😀

I await the release of WTF's going on. I'm willing to bet it will have nothing to do with Trump, only shady crap others did prior to the campaign. If you did shady crap, you have to be an idiot to jump on the bandwagon as everything in your world is going to be scrutinized UNLESS you sleep with the media.

I got wood for the Fusion GPS bank statements says who got paid for this and that. HRC claims the Sgt Schultz clause......but no one running a campaign would let 9-12 million out of the coffers for a campaign expense without their own knowledge.

Nutin' better at hand........
I await the release of WTF's going on. I'm willing to bet it will have nothing to do with Trump, only shady crap others did prior to the campaign. If you did shady crap, you have to be an idiot to jump on the bandwagon as everything in your world is going to be scrutinized UNLESS you sleep with the media.

I got wood for the Fusion GPS bank statements says who got paid for this and that. HRC claims the Sgt Schultz clause......but no one running a campaign would let 9-12 million out of the coffers for a campaign expense without their own knowledge.
Looks like you are close.
What a waste.
Both sides suck. Trump asking Wikileaks and Ivan for Billery's emails was a little over the top.
Trump is his own worse enemy.
I see he is in meltdown mode.
Just my 2 cents 😀

You'll be fine as long as you can keep balancing yourself up on that fence. You put the Wallendas to shame
Looks like you are close.
What a waste.

Saw a feed this AM where John Podesta told congress he had no idea who paid for the Trump Dossier.........turns out it was Podesta's lawyer....... LOL
Better than being a bobblehead. like you Albert.
Every time the score changes you go with the side that is winning, Wow living in San Fran really took away your manhood
Every time the score changes you go with the side that is winning, Wow living in San Fran really took away your manhood

I don't like either one.
Now both sides are going to piss away millions of dollars and political energy trying to prove the other side is more crooked than the other.
They both suck.
I voted against Billery, not necessarily 'for' Trump, but he was better than nothing (or so I thought).
This is going to be a real **** show and in the end, it will mean nothing.

Keep gratifying yourself.
It's your only hope.
I await the release of WTF's going on. I'm willing to bet it will have nothing to do with Trump, only shady crap others did prior to the campaign. If you did shady crap, you have to be an idiot to jump on the bandwagon as everything in your world is going to be scrutinized UNLESS you sleep with the media.

I got wood for the Fusion GPS bank statements says who got paid for this and that. HRC claims the Sgt Schultz clause......but no one running a campaign would let 9-12 million out of the coffers for a campaign expense without their own knowledge.
I heard that 'collusion' is not illegal...Dot Dot Dot...
I don't like either one.
Now both sides are going to piss away millions of dollars and political energy trying to prove the other side is more crooked than the other.
They both suck.
I voted against Billery, not necessarily 'for' Trump, but he was better than nothing (or so I thought).
This is going to be a real **** show and in the end, it will mean nothing.

Keep gratifying yourself.
It's your only hope.
I lost hope years ago and have low self esteem. My problem is I looked at you as a hero and you've done nothing but let me down. Now I'm sure you have to get dressed for the Halloween festivities there in San Fran. Will you be going as a Nymph again this year?
I lost hope years ago and have low self esteem. My problem is I looked at you as a hero and you've done nothing but let me down. Now I'm sure you have to get dressed for the Halloween festivities there in San Fran. Will you be going as a Nymph again this year?

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