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Cool story.

If you didn't prosper as much as you wanted for those three years then you probably sucked at what you did.

And like clockwork when facts are shoved down your throat and up your a$$, you gag and spit out complete horsesh!t.

My my my. I actually left Sprint because just before things got really bad with that "dot com" thing fell apart. Kind of took telecom with it. OF course... as a general rule, it's a sign of lack of facts when one resorts to personal attacks. How much did you prosper from 95 to 98? I'm pretty good at what I do. Mostly advanced based on skills rather than seniority.
My my my. I actually left Sprint because just before things got really bad with that "dot com" thing fell apart. Kind of took telecom with it. OF course... as a general rule, it's a sign of lack of facts when one resorts to personal attacks. How much did you prosper from 95 to 98? I'm pretty good at what I do. Mostly advanced based on skills rather than seniority.

As a general rule, everything you say is basic horse****.
Who could question an expert?


What is the difference between "offers" and "revealed" other that one implies a willingness to do something and the other pretty much says you did it. You know, like in deal making....one side makes an offer and the other side either accepts or offers a counteroffer. But the funny thing is - your article shows that Obama WAS covered. Obama may have offered....the dear leader gave and then said..."It's my party and I'll do what I want to".
What is the difference between "offers" and "revealed" other that one implies a willingness to do something and the other pretty much says you did it. You know, like in deal making....one side makes an offer and the other side either accepts or offers a counteroffer. But the funny thing is - your article shows that Obama WAS covered. Obama may have offered....the dear leader gave and then said..."It's my party and I'll do what I want to".

Hey fumbduck, any sitting US president has the ultimate authority to share any information he wants, classified or unclassified.
Hey fumbduck, any sitting US president has the ultimate authority to share any information he wants, classified or unclassified.
Yeah...but Obama was working a "deal"...something the dear leader prides himself on. Now that he has the most powerful office in the land, he loves bragging about the stuff he knows to his Russian friends and says "It's my party and I'll say what I want to". And his disciples...who hated when Obama offered, have no problem when their dear leader gives.
Yeah...but Obama was working a "deal"...something the dear leader prides himself on. Now that he has the most powerful office in the land, he loves bragging about the stuff he knows to his Russian friends and says "It's my party and I'll say what I want to". And his disciples...who hated when Obama offered, have no problem when their dear leader gives.

There you go again, breaking out the caveats when your argument falls apart.

There you go again, breaking out the caveats when your argument falls apart.


Did Dell teach you a new word? That's not a caveat. Obama "offers"...the dear leader "gives". There IS a difference....or did you not know that. I'm only pointing out that for a buffoon that likes to think of himself as the most artful dealer in human history, he sure seems to suck at it when it comes to the Russians. Just give and say "it's my party and I'll say what I want to".
Did Dell teach you a new word? That's not a caveat. Obama "offers"...the dear leader "gives". There IS a difference....or did you not know that. I'm only pointing out that for a buffoon that likes to think of himself as the most artful dealer in human history, he sure seems to suck at it when it comes to the Russians. Just give and say "it's my party and I'll say what I want to".

Hey spin master, what part of ultimate authority confuses you?

If Trump has ultimate authority why is he so scared?
Another brainless response from resident fumbduck.

Trump may be a lot of things, but scared isn't one of them.

Conversely, why is the left so scared?

For example, three of the biggest far left publications posting fake news stories about President Trump to justify his impeachment are now backing off:

1. The New York Times is reporting that “Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump“.

2. CNBC reports “Chances of Trump impeachment are low, says Nomura“.

3. The Washington Post reports “Considering Impeachment? Slow Down

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