Trump Watch guys are fine ones to call someone a hypocrite. I mean, right off the top of my head I can think of two issues that made you all SCREAM about Obama...his use of executive orders and his love of golf. "That is the action of a dictator" the right shouted as Obama signed them. Now the dear leader has taken office, and about the only thing he was true to his word on was reversing Obama's executive orders. The red staters were LEAPING with joy at this and proudly proclaimed that the dear leader has done more in a month than Obama did in 8 years.

And all he did was reverse executive orders, and I'll bet you 99.9% of the red states had no idea what were in any of those orders that may have hurt them or helped them. All they cared about was that it had Obama's signature on it and it was GONE.... So he did those and looks great. That is what we call "low hanging fruit". But since he picked that low hanging fruit, he's tended to continue use those executive orders. Not reversing Obama's.....making his own. Do we hear cries of "dictator" from the right? No....we hear "fake news" and other things.

Then there was the rights criticism of Obamas annual Hawaii golf vacation. Yes....he played golf once a year in Hawaii and once at Martha's Vinyard. Fancy assed liberal places. And my God...just the costs to fly Air Force One all the way to Hawaii just so Obama could play golf. Then we see the dear leader take office at one point he was spending every single weekend riding on Air Force One to West Palm Beach and golfing. 9 consecutive weekends. Did the right, who was concerned about the travel costs to fly to Hawaii have any issues with 9 round trips to every weekend? Nope....what we heard was "he worked hard" or "he deserves it" or "he gets more done on a golf course than Obama did in 8 years".

So I invite you to investigate both those issues and how red staters treated them under Obama and under the dear leader. Then get back to me on who is the bigger hypocrite.

Hmmm.....aren't those the same EO's that businesses have been complaining about for 4-8 years of over regulating and stifling production and jobs?

Weren't many of those EO's written to circumvent Congress and the Constitutional process?

stinking constitution.jpg

Wasn't it 13 times SCOTUS ruled Obama had exceeded his Constitutional authority?

Comrade Obama, my kind of Marxist. F*** the stinking Constitution.......

Of course you've heard of the wonderful Obama economy of 8 years, haven't you? Didn't Obama set GDP records with that star spangled economy?

Trump has golfed around 20 times since, if that some kinda record for you, get back to me in 2018. I could care less how many times Obama golfed....only reason I made big noise about it was because it jerked 700 off royally.

You see Congress was nice enough to allocate an additional 120 million extra just to cover family expenses?

God bless my little bi-partisan hero's.


Left take's the cake as Tinkerbell panty waist Hippocrats.
Executive orders are executive orders. Why is the dear leader getting a pass on them? Why is the dear leader getting a pass on 9 consecutive weekends traveling to Florida to play golf?
Executive orders are executive orders. Why is the dear leader getting a pass on them? Why is the dear leader getting a pass on 9 consecutive weekends traveling to Florida to play golf?

Yeah, you're right. Look what Trump reversing them is doing for the economy.

Because its a non issue. Obama went golfing and that was it for the day or weekend. Trump spends his weekends working and gets time in for some golf. That's a big difference.

Obama a known slacker, Trump, a workaholic.

Obama averaged about 41 rounds a year, but he never came close to Presidents Woodrow Wilson or Dwight Eisenhower, who were estimated to have played 1,200 and 800 rounds, respectively.

Be lucky you weren't around back then, your heart wouldn't be able to take it.
Twitting at 3 a.m. is not the sign of a workaholic. It is the sign of a mentally unstable person. Perhaps he should get more sleep.

And personally, I don't give a rat's behind about golf, but good God almighty, the right went berserk over the golf habits of Obama. And a whole bunch of those were at the luxurious location of Andrews AFB. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds if the dear leader could work his deal making magic AND indulge his passion for golf at a place that is just outside the one city in the country where 99% of the movers and shakers are located? IT cost the taxpayers a lot less as well.

Did Ike fly Columbine II down to Florida for any his golf outings, or was he also a slacker who golfed in the slums of DC?
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Titting at 3 a.m. is not the sign of a workaholic. It is the sign of a mentally unstable person. Perhaps he should get more sleep.

And personally, I don't give a rat's behind about golf, but good God almighty, the right went berserk over the golf habits of Obama. And a whole bunch of those were at the luxurious location of Andrews AFB. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds if the dear leader could work his deal making magic AND indulge his passion for golf at a place that is just outside the one city in the country where 99% of the movers and shakers are located? IT cost the taxpayers a lot less as well.

Did Ike fly Columbine II down to Florida for any his golf outings, or was he also a slacker who golfed in the slums of DC?

I must confess, I am guilty of 'Titting' at 3 am a few times.

You and I don't know his sleep habits and patterns, so claiming it shows he's deranged actually shows where your heads at.

What bothered me the most over Obama was the lack of vetting into his background by the MSM. Surely you'll say Fox looked into him, which they did, but there was never a no stone unturned vet like the right gets.

Now I read articles where it is being admitted we did know nothing about Obama and even worse, people are starting to ask why everything is so out of hand since his presidency and are asking if he did things purposely.

All that Kenya crap was a diversion for him fraudulently applying for student aid as a foreigner.
I''d love to see his records hacked. Maybe America would have a drop jaw moment.
Yes to some degree.

Ask the democratic socialists.

Should we save everybody first or save ourselves?

Could you name one thing republicans have done that have ever helped the middle class more than it helped the elites?

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