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Trump Watch

Democrats were for firing Comey till Trump actually did it lol

What an embarrassment the Senate minority leader is you guys should be proud of him

As a NYCer and one who voted for Chucky Cheese the first time he ran....Yes I am embarrassed. Guy has really weaponized autism.
whatever the combined Senate and House come up with will be hard pressed to be any worse than the mess that is Obamacare.Look around many states only have one provider some areas not any..Premiums increasing 50 to a 100 plus %. Some people with policies saying they are almost like not having insurance the coverage is so bad .Personally I hope they wait until the current law fails on its on then we'll see what the red state masses think, the blue ones as well.
Of course the Democrats have an asinine excuse to blame it on the right...lol

It won't be THAT hard pressed. The thing that will be difficult is for the red staters who voted for the dear leader and the republican non plan will react when they find that their premiums didn't go down at all, much less "substantially" as the dear leader has promised....or that they aren't covered because of preexisting conditions. ALTHOUGH some MIGHT have heard the word "substantially" and wonder why, if this bill passed, haven't they seen those substantial reductions.

I think most republicans want to treat the Affordable Care Act like the check engine light in the car...ignore it until you find out it was trying to tell you your catalytic converter was eating itself alive. THEN they can blame Obama and the democrats one last time before their plan kicks in, sometime well into 2018. The people who will be hurt by the new and better republican non plan may not notice it as much by that time.

That's why I hope the Senate passes their non plan ASAP and the rollback and implementation starts well before the end of 2017. But I don't think they have the balls to do that because if in early 2018 people start to realize that the replacement ISN'T better that what they had, they might ask some pretty tough questions of their congresscritters. And they might vote them out.
you're certainly making a lot of assumptions there
I'm making no more assumptions than "your premiums and deductibles will go down by a substantial amount". I don't even think the dear leader saw the bill...he just does what he always does...says whatever pops into his mind. He's promised more for less money...hell, on the campaign trail the only candidate who came CLOSE to what the dear leader was promising was Bernie Sanders. Funny thing..Bernie's plan was going to bankrupt the country...the dear leaders amazing deal making skills were going to give us all that for less money. But I don't think anything the dear leader actually promised during the campaign is in the bill. If it were anyone but the dear leader who said it, the supporters would have said they were lying. But the dear leader tells no lies. If he says the sky was green and someone points out that it is blue, he tends to double down and say it's EMERALD green. And so far, his supporters believe him.
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doesn't you have to pass the bill to know what' in it ring a bell?
btw there were millions of obama supporters who were every bit the gullible sheep you claim Trump supporters to be if not your simply being dishonest with yourself
Maxine Waters...Life comes at you fast
I'm making no more assumptions than "your premiums and deductibles will go down by a substantial amount". I don't even think the dear leader saw the bill...he just does what he always does...says whatever pops into his mind. He's promised more for less money...hell, on the campaign trail the only candidate who came CLOSE to what the dear leader was promising was Bernie Sanders. Funny thing..Bernie's plan was going to bankrupt the country...the dear leaders amazing deal making skills were going to give us all that for less money. But I don't think anything the dear leader actually promised during the campaign is in the bill. If it were anyone but the dear leader who said it, the supporters would have said they were lying. But the dear leader tells no lies. If he says the sky was green and someone points out that it is blue, he tends to double down and say it's EMERALD green. And so far, his supporters believe him.

Believe it or not I can get behind some of what you are saying. However... Where was this righteous indignation with " You'll keep your healthcare, you'll keep your doctor, etc? Those tall tales were ok with you? The best one was "You have to sign it to see whats in it"...reminded me of those sh*tty Totally Worthless Union- American Airline contracts they use to push.
if Maxine Waters isn't the dumbest person in congress I can't imagine one dumber and Lord knows they are some contenders
Believe it or not I can get behind some of what you are saying. However... Where was this righteous indignation with " You'll keep your healthcare, you'll keep your doctor, etc? Those tall tales were ok with you? The best one was "You have to sign it to see whats in it"...reminded me of those sh*tty Totally Worthless Union- American Airline contracts they use to push.
What I find unbelievable is the people who (rightfully) were upset with "you'll have to pass it to see what's in it" had absolutely ZERO qualms when the dear leader announced his "3 phase" healthcare plan...but you needed to pass phase 1 to see what was in phases 2 and 3. How exactly does that differ from "you'll have to pass it to see what's in it"? But back then, there were calls for Obama's impeachment. The dear leader says, in essence, the SAME DAMN THING...and it's suddenly "he's done more in 3 months than Obama did in 8 years".

Now this new non plan doesn't mention phases 2 and 3 and the dear leader seems to have forgotten he talked about those phases just a month or so ago. At least Obamacare took a year to put together....the republicans cobbled together something they call a healthcare plan in two weeks. Heck...I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say they included a lot of their "original plan"....they had 7 years to come up with a replacement, but put it all together in sbout 2 and half months. That may give you the warm fuzzies, but not me.

But I would hope that republican voters will hold their congressmen to their word and DEMAND that Obamacare get repealed and replaced IMMEDIATELY. But as I said, I don't think that's what will happen. They will fart around until around October 2018 before they implement their "new and better plan" so that they can at least run on an "anti Obama" campaign for the midterms. Once that's done and the new plan is introduced, people will have forgotten the promises of "substantially lower" premiums. And the republican party may have opened the door to democrats regaining many of those 1,000+ seats they lost over the last 10 years.
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What I find unbelievable is the people who (rightfully) were upset with "you'll have to pass it to see what's in it" had absolutely ZERO qualms when the dear leader announced his "3 phase" healthcare plan...but you needed to pass phase 1 to see what was in phases 2 and 3. How exactly does that differ from "you'll have to pass it to see what's in it"? But back then, there were calls for Obama's impeachment. The dear leader says, in essence, the SAME DAMN THING...and it's suddenly "he's done more in 3 months than Obama did in 8 years".

Now this new non plan doesn't mention phases 2 and 3 and the dear leader seems to forgotten he talked about those phases just a month or so ago. At least Obamacare took a year to put together....the republicans cobbled together something they call a healthcare plan in two weeks. Heck...I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say they included a lot of their "original plan"....they had 7 years to come up with a replacement, but put it all together in sbout 2 and half months. That may give you the warm fuzzies, but not me.

But I would hope that republicans will hold their congressmen to their word and DEMAND that Obamacare get repealed and replaced IMMEDIATELY. But as I said, I don't think that's what will happen. They will fart around until around October 2018 before they implement their "new and better plan" so that they can at least run on an "anti Obama" campaign for the midterms. Once that's done and the new plan is introduced, people will have forgotten the promises of "substantially lower" premiums. And the republican party may have opened the door to democrats regaining many of those 1,000+ seats they lost over the last 10 years.
It is different now.
NoBama screwed us and Trump is screwing us as well.
But the Trump clones will follow him regardless of his short comings.
Too bad for Merika.
Whatever the crap Trump does, his clones will eat it up.
Nice to see all you weepy snowflakes dreaming how things would be all unicorns and rainbows under granny hildabeast.


Get a life...

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