What I find unbelievable is the people who (rightfully) were upset with "you'll have to pass it to see what's in it" had absolutely ZERO qualms when the dear leader announced his "3 phase" healthcare plan...but you needed to pass phase 1 to see what was in phases 2 and 3. How exactly does that differ from "you'll have to pass it to see what's in it"? But back then, there were calls for Obama's impeachment. The dear leader says, in essence, the SAME DAMN THING...and it's suddenly "he's done more in 3 months than Obama did in 8 years".
Now this new non plan doesn't mention phases 2 and 3 and the dear leader seems to forgotten he talked about those phases just a month or so ago. At least Obamacare took a year to put together....the republicans cobbled together something they call a healthcare plan in two weeks. Heck...I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say they included a lot of their "original plan"....they had 7 years to come up with a replacement, but put it all together in sbout 2 and half months. That may give you the warm fuzzies, but not me.
But I would hope that republicans will hold their congressmen to their word and DEMAND that Obamacare get repealed and replaced IMMEDIATELY. But as I said, I don't think that's what will happen. They will fart around until around October 2018 before they implement their "new and better plan" so that they can at least run on an "anti Obama" campaign for the midterms. Once that's done and the new plan is introduced, people will have forgotten the promises of "substantially lower" premiums. And the republican party may have opened the door to democrats regaining many of those 1,000+ seats they lost over the last 10 years.