KCFlyer said:
LIke this? That's some great respect there - but she wasn't tazed or arrested.
Summer reruns KC?
Officer prerogative.
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KCFlyer said:
LIke this? That's some great respect there - but she wasn't tazed or arrested.
delldude said:
Summer reruns KC?
Officer prerogative.
KCFlyer said:
I guess she was lucky she was in Kansas and not Texas. I wonder if the Texas cop relocated to Kansas would have arrested the lady in the minivan for failing to comply with his order to stop talking that way in front of the kids...not to mention the death threats. But the mom wasn't smoking so she most likely would have gotten a pass.
It is.Harry Potter said:Sounds a lot like white liberal guilt to me.
You have to act like a human being, to get treated like one. Your endless ignorant rants amount to the sum total of zilch, Sandra Bland included. What you fail to understand along with your BLM matter heros and libtard "I know my rights" idiots is the police are in charge when they contact you, not you. Easy to understand...for most.KCFlyer said:Really? If treating another person like a human being and not an animal makes me a liberal then I guess I'm a liberal. I am sure you are color blind when it comes to treating people like animals.
Zom JFK said:It is.
Hackman said:You have to act like a human being, to get treated like one. Your endless ignorant rants amount to the sum total of zilch, Sandra Bland included. What you fail to understand along with your BLM matter heros and libtard "I know my rights" idiots is the police are in charge when they contact you, not you. Easy to understand...for most.
Get nasty, scream in the cops face, don't obey commands...and finally don't ever drop the gun (er book) when the cop tells you 10 damn times to "DROP THE GUN!!! (ER BOOK).
"Don't throw that book!!! Don't you throw that book!!!
"I gots dat all on tho video for my chil's an my baby momma lawsuit again't them racist police" says the Queen O' Tho' Hood Rats.
Just a few more months out, our first black failed president is out. I can't wait he and Hildabeast are gone, done and over.
Trump/Pence 2016
BTW, here's Steve, KC. He knows his rights. https://youtu.be/30InBgGhiSo
Glenn Quagmire said:
Steve probably couldn't find the polling place, he's a drunken stoned libtard...and as he says "I got sh!t to do". Steve wasn't brandishing a gun (er book) either, and wasn't trying to get inside his car after being told 15 times to get on the ground.KCFlyer said:I noticed that Steve was white....Steve was lippy...Steve wasn't obeying the cop...and Steve wasn't shot or tazed. And I'll bet you a dollar to a donut that Steve will be voting for Trump this year.
KCFlyer said:
I noticed that Steve was white....Steve was lippy...Steve wasn't obeying the cop...and Steve wasn't shot or tazed. And I'll bet you a dollar to a donut that Steve will be voting for Trump this year.
As you say, Hmmm....Just trying to get vernacular right when speaking to BLM supporters like yourself. Hildabeast does it when she's screeching at NAACP meetings. Just calling it like it is. You don't listen to Snoop Dog do you? Lots of racism.KCFlyer said:Do you only get upset with "racist" comments from people you disagree with? Read the post below the one I am replying to. Way more racism in that post than in all of mine combined.
Hee hee, it's fun having a KCfrier lunch ain't it! "I got sh!t to do"...Steve.delldude said:Dude...you been had........You notice he makes his living doing funny videos?![]()
KCFlyer said:
I have no "white guilt". I just look at the entire picture and not with my blinders that will predispose me to believe that cops can do no wrong. Let me ask you...Sandra Bland...remember her? What exactly did she do that warranted having a taser pointed at her face, pulled out of a car and arrested? I believe it was because she "refused to comply" with an officers order to put her cigarette out. Yes...she was lippy with the cop. He's a professional...he should expect that some people are going to be lippy...especially while being pulled over for such high crimes as "failing to use a signal to change lanes". Now I don't want to assume anything, but judging from the few posts of yours that I have seen, you might well fall into the "If she had only done what that cop told her to do, none of this would have happened".
Now there was video I posted of a white soccer mom in Kansas that was pulled over for speeding in a school zone. I would submit that, regardless of one's color, this is a worse offense than changing lanes without signaling as it was in an area where kids were present. And the white woman told the white cop (more than once) that "If I had a gun I'd kill you". Now...Ms Bland was lippy...absolutely no doubt about that - but she never threatened the cop. The white woman did. The white woman was issued a ticket and sent on her way. Sandra Bland was threatened with a tazer and arrested.
Now you seem to think that I have some guilt for being white. I don't. I just look at how a situation is handled by a so called professional. Some jobs are going to have some people who are complete aholes. Employees of airlines deal with them on a daily basis...someone may get lippy with a gate agent or a baggage claim agent, but the agents are trained to maintain their composure and let the ahole be an ahole. Cops fall into that category. And a lot of people...white, black, green, yellow or red, are going to get upset when the lights come on behind them. Why? Because usually it's going to cost them some money. And not just the ticket. Because the "failure to signal" is a "moving violation", that will impact their insurance rates. So when the lights flash behind you, odds are pretty good that YOU aren't going to be happy knowing that your bank account is about to get dinged. And they might get lippy. So why did Sandra Bland get arrested and a white woman who threatened to kill a cop get sent on her way? Comes down to the cop...one was professional...one wasn't. But in YOUR book, I feel that Sandra Bland was dealing with a "bad cop" because of some guilt I have because I am white.
delldude said:
From a LEO friend:
Police Lives Matter
It's not the police who need to be retrained, it's the public. We have grown into a mouthy, cell phone wielding, vulgar, uncivil society with no personal responsibility and the attitude of 'it's the other person's fault', 'you owe me'. A society where children grow up with no boundaries or knowledge or concern for civil society and personal responsibility.
When an officer says "Put your hands up," then put your hands up! Don't reach for something in your pocket, your lap, your seat. There's plenty of reason for a police officer to feel threatened, there have been multiple assaults and ambushes on police officers lately. Comply with requests from the officer, have your day in court. Don't mouth off, or fight, or refuse to comply... that escalates the situation.
Police officers are our sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters. They're black, white, brown, all colors, all ethnicities, all faiths, male and female, they are us. They see the worst side of humanity... the raped children, the bloody mangled bodies of traffic victims, the bruised and battered victims of domestic violence, homicide victims, body parts... day after day.
They work holidays while we have festive meals with our families. They miss school events with their kids, birthdays, anniversaries, all those special occasions that we take for granted. They work in all types of weather, under dangerous conditions, for relatively low pay.
They have extensive training, but they are human. When there are numerous attacks on them, they become hyper vigilant for a reason, they have become targets. When a police officer encounters any person... any person, whether at a traffic stop, a street confrontation, an arrest, whatever... that situation has the potential to become life threatening. You, Mr & Mrs/Miss Civilian, also have the responsibility of keeping the situation from getting out of control.
Many law enforcement officers are Veterans. They've been in service to this nation most of their lives, whether on the battlefield or protecting us here at home. They are the only thing that stands between us and anarchy in the streets.
If you want to protect your child, teach them respect.