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Trump Polling

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Hackman said:
Well hmm....hmm.  That one is easy.  On national television, Trump didn't lie through his teeth to the American people about his multiple affairs like Billdo did, then his girl Hildabeast attempting to destroy all of his "trailer park bimbos" when they spoke out. Should we post the videos of the Clinton lies? How about all the hush money? No need, it's well known to most.
Then Billdo was impeached for it.
....and your point is?
I find it fascinating that conservatives such as yourself don't want tax money spent to help someone get food or health insurance, but have no problems at all with spending millions of tax dollars investigating a blowjob. 
KCFlyer said:
I find it fascinating that conservatives such as yourself don't want tax money spent to help someone get food or health insurance, but have no problems at all with spending millions of tax dollars investigating a blowjob.
A whole lot more than a BJ, how many women did he have? I could care less what Billdo did with his honeys. But when busted multiple times, like Clintons always do when shamed in public office; lie, decive, deny to anyone and everyone. Destroy the victims. Then sell said office position to the highest bidder, like terrorist countries who kill gays, women, and Christians. "We were flat broke and in debt". But now, the Clinton Crime Syndicate is filty rich!!! Thanks donors, big business, and Saudis!!!

In addition, look who's spending millions on pimping a former foreign beauty queen from 20 years ago who drove a get away car and threatened a judge. Yeah, shut up
Hackman said:
A whole lot more than a BJ, how many women did he have? I could care less what Billdo did with his honeys. But when busted multiple times, like Clintons always do when shamed in public office; lie, decive, deny to anyone and everyone. Then sell said office position to the highest bidder, like terrorist countries who kill gays, women, and Christians. "We were flat broke and in debt". But now, the Clinton Crime Syndicate is filty rich!!! Thanks donors, big business, and Saudis!!!

In addition, look who's spending millions on pimping a former foreign beauty queen from 20 years ago who drove a get away car and threatened a judge. Yeah, shut up
It all began with a real estate deal.  Repugs got nowhere with that, so it was a travel office investigation.  Dead end there, so it was cocaine deals in Arkansas...Then it was blowjobs.  I think repugs wouldn't have a single problem with spending $19 trillion on investigations.   
But....Trump and his Twitter account are causing him problems (except among the "base").  The RW radio talker summed it up....he's trying to lose to the only democrat he had a chance of beating.  
19 trillion? Hmm, Hmm...a little bit off there frier tuck. The Clinton Crime Syndicate got exposed for the power hungry criminals they are. Most of America are done with them. Look at Hildabeast rallies vs Trumps. Not even close, no matter what polls say. She can't run on her record, so she has to bring out washed up beauty queens. She's all but done.
Hackman said:
19 trillion? Hmm, Hmm...a little bit off there frier tuck. The Clinton Crime Syndicate got exposed for the power hungry criminals they are. Most of America are done with them. Look at Hildabeast rallies vs Trumps. Not even close, no matter what polls say. She can't run on her record, so she has to bring out washed up beauty queens. She's all but done.
Nothing Left, even on stage you fail. You sure can talk better than you type though. https://youtu.be/lVjTJEJjVbU
Oh! It's O.K. to bring up a Trump charity, but you don't want to talk about the Clinton Foundation? Isn't that a little narrow-minded?
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