Trump Polling

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KCFlyer said:
Let's compromise - Trump supporters are.  The Donald has whipped them into a frenzy. 
Ok I quoted you calling all illegals mezzicans. Show me where Trump supporters did.
xUT said:
9 Outrageous Things Donald Trump Has Said About Latinos
Click the Linky and kiss the ring.
Do you hillbillies have 'unlimited' access to the internet or did China shut you down...
If you need more help, call Ghost Busters as you don't have a clue...
B) xUT
Kind of like the DNC calling their latino outreach taco bowl engagement.
Most of the Hispanics I know are voting Trump btw, they are far too smart to vote Democrat. but nice try there slapnuts.
P.S The Huffington post? Really?
Zom JFK said:
Ok I quoted you calling all illegals mezzicans. Show me where Trump supporters did.
Let's try this exercise....let's go to a Trump rally and let's play a word association game.  I give you a word - you give me a one word reply.  I'll start...."Illegals".  Your response is...?
KCFlyer said:
Let's try this exercise....let's go to a Trump rally and let's play a word association game.  I give you a word - you give me a one word reply.  I'll start...."Illegals".  Your response is...?
Sigh. Whats the use. You just make less and less sense as you go. Again you're the one making racial comments. Not me, not Trump, not people at Trump rallies. You.
Zom JFK said:
Sigh. Whats the use. You just make less and less sense as you go. Again you're the one making racial comments. Not me, not Trump, not people at Trump rallies. You.
That was more than one word....let's try again....first word that comes to your mind when I say this - "Illegals".   Your response? 
For extra credit...."Wall"...your response? 
I'm not living in the past when I'm looking forward to this.
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