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Trump Polling

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Why is Trump surging in the polls? ..... Well, this, I believe, has a lot to do with it.
Insp4 said:
Why is Trump surging in the polls? ..... Well, this, I believe, has a lot to do with it.
Not to worry...you all still have Darth Cheney on your side. 
Hackman said:
Darth Soros is on yours.
Sorry...the Darth only works on evil.  Looking back, Bush wasn't so bad.  Cheney was evil.  I think W realized that too late into his presidency. 
delldude said:
You should get a server with lots of bandwidth and post one on Hillary's shifting positions.
lol maybe his post would mean something if the candidate he supports was some sort of bastion of truth and integrity but she's the exact opposite 
cltrat said:
lol maybe his post would mean something if the candidate he supports was some sort of bastion of truth and integrity but she's the exact opposite 
Speaking of truth and honesty - I hope he escalates his comments about BILL Clintons sexual indiscretions...I wonder how he would react to something like "yes, my husband cheated on me"...then talk about Marla while married to Ivana and ...Melania while married to to Marla....finally ending with "and your point is?"
KCFlyer said:
Speaking of truth and honesty - I hope he escalates his comments about BILL Clintons sexual indiscretions...I wonder how he would react to something like "yes, my husband cheated on me"...then talk about Marla while married to Ivana and ...Melania while married to to Marla....finally ending with "and your point is?"
maybe she can discuss the screws she put to the women Bill was knocking boots with
KCFlyer said:
Speaking of truth and honesty - I hope he escalates his comments about BILL Clintons sexual indiscretions...I wonder how he would react to something like "yes, my husband cheated on me"...then talk about Marla while married to Ivana and ...Melania while married to to Marla....finally ending with "and your point is?"
Well hmm....hmm.  That one is easy.  On national television, Trump didn't lie through his teeth to the American people about his multiple affairs like Billdo did, then his girl Hildabeast attempting to destroy all of his "trailer park bimbos" when they spoke out. Should we post the videos of the Clinton lies? How about all the hush money? No need, it's well known to most.
Then Billdo was impeached for it.
....and your point is?
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