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cltrat said:
yea that 1% growth a year is something to brag about
So I'll take it that you want to go back to 2008...BTW...I thought you weren't talking to me. 
you do a lot of assuming and I'm not on matters of guns, police white people Christians so it's pretty safe that I wont be often 
Yep. Let's go back to the brink of the great depression and have Trump at the helm. No doubt he would be looking out for number 1 (btw, that is not you or me or anyone outside of a Trump brand).

It would be comical to see congress ***** slap him and say that he doesn't control any of the money in his kingdom.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Yep. Let's go back to the brink of the great depression and have Trump at the helm. No doubt he would be looking out for number 1 (btw, that is not you or me or anyone outside of a Trump brand).

It would be comical to see congress #### slap him and say that he doesn't control any of the money in his kingdom.
Now who's living in the past?
cltrat said:
you do a lot of assuming and I'm not on matters of guns, police white people Christians so it's pretty safe that I wont be often 
I would venture to guess that I do no more assuming than anyone else on these boards - yourself included.  For example, I am willing to bet that you "assume" you know what I am like as a person.  You don't.  You know an internet message board persona...but you don't know squat about me.  
I don't assume anything about guns.  I KNOW that they are not the answer to everything.  I don't have a problem with people owning guns, but I also think that we might need to have a wee bit more regulation on them than we do.  
I don't assume things about police.  Indeed, I'd be willing to bet that you assume more than I do.  Here's what I know....most cops are good, but there are a few bad ones.  I think it's wrong to blame a victim when the cop is one of the few bad ones.  
I don't hate white people...I am white myself.  But my general observations in my town are this...my town is 80% white....but since I am curious, I try to glimpse who is pulled over by the police here....and I'd be safe in saying that about 75% are black.  Now...either most black people are bad drivers, or maybe there IS something to this profiling thing.  I have debated people here about the way Sandra Bland was treated by a cop after refusing to put out a cigarette...and showed a video of a white woman telling the cop writing HER a ticket that "if I had a gun I would kill you".   One of those was arrested and one was told to have a nice day.  Can you guess which ones they were?  
And Christians. I thought I was a Christian, but it turned out I was a Catholic, which is not considered Christian by many of the values voters out there that want my country to be run by their values. 
KC, I consider myself a conservative,( not a surprise to anyone on this board)!....... Over the years, my family, and I, have done quite a bit of traveling. Try spending some time in a country where you, as a white person, are part of the minority. It will put a little insight into what' s happening in our own minority communities in this country. Not to say I condone any violence here. I don't!  But understanding is a first step to fixing what's wrong.
Harry Potter said:
Interesting assessment of yourself. However it also appears you may also suffer from a chronic case of "liberal white guilt" as well.
The current white population bears no responsibility or guilt for the sins of the past, yet some like yourself feel the need to commit Hari Kari on a daily basis for it.
For what purpose?
I have no "white guilt".  I just look at the entire picture and not with my blinders that will predispose me to believe that cops can do no wrong.    Let me ask you...Sandra Bland...remember her?  What exactly did she do that warranted having a taser pointed at her face, pulled out of a car and arrested?  I believe it was because she "refused to comply" with an officers order to put her cigarette out.  Yes...she was lippy with the cop.  He's a professional...he should expect that some people are going to be lippy...especially while being pulled over for such high crimes as "failing to use a signal to change lanes".   Now I don't want to assume anything, but judging from the few posts of yours that I have seen, you might well fall into the "If she had only done what that cop told her to do, none of this would have happened".      
Now there was video I posted of a white soccer mom in Kansas that was pulled over for speeding in a school zone. I would submit that, regardless of one's color, this is a worse offense than changing lanes without signaling as it was in an area where kids were present. And the white woman told the white cop (more than once) that "If I had a gun I'd kill you".  Now...Ms Bland was lippy...absolutely no doubt about that - but she never threatened the cop.  The white woman did.  The white woman was issued a ticket and sent on her way.  Sandra Bland was threatened with a tazer and arrested. 
Now you seem to think that I have some guilt for being white.  I don't.  I just look at how a situation is handled by a so called professional.   Some jobs are going to have some people who are complete aholes.   Employees of airlines deal with them on a daily basis...someone may get lippy with a gate agent or a baggage claim agent, but the agents are trained to maintain their composure and let the ahole be an ahole.  Cops fall into that category.  And a lot of people...white, black, green, yellow or red, are going to get upset when the lights come on behind them.  Why?  Because usually it's going to cost them some money.  And not just the ticket.  Because the "failure to signal" is a "moving violation", that will impact their insurance rates.  So when the lights flash behind you, odds are pretty good that YOU aren't going to be happy knowing that your bank account is about to get dinged.   And they might get lippy.  So why did Sandra Bland get arrested and a white woman who threatened to kill a cop get sent on her way?  Comes down to the cop...one was professional...one wasn't.  But in YOUR book, I feel that Sandra Bland was dealing with a "bad cop" because of some guilt I have because I am white.  
Insp4 said:
 Try spending some time in a country where you, as a white person, are part of the minority. It will put a little insight into what' s happening in our own minority communities in this country.
And taking a squirt in the Ladies room helps you understand women.
Harry Potter said:
Interesting assessment of yourself. However it also appears you may also suffer from a chronic case of "liberal white guilt" as well.
Alt-Right for "thinks people of different color are human beings."
Harry Potter said:
Sounds a lot like white liberal guilt to me.
Really?  If treating another person like a human being and not an animal makes me a liberal then I guess I'm a liberal.  I am sure you are color blind when it comes to treating people like animals. 
KCFlyer said:
I have no "white guilt".  I just look at the entire picture and not with my blinders that will predispose me to believe that cops can do no wrong.    Let me ask you...Sandra Bland...remember her?  What exactly did she do that warranted having a taser pointed at her face, pulled out of a car and arrested?  I believe it was because she "refused to comply" with an officers order to put her cigarette out.  Yes...she was lippy with the cop.  He's a professional...he should expect that some people are going to be lippy...especially while being pulled over for such high crimes as "failing to use a signal to change lanes".   Now I don't want to assume anything, but judging from the few posts of yours that I have seen, you might well fall into the "If she had only done what that cop told her to do, none of this would have happened".      
Now there was video I posted of a white soccer mom in Kansas that was pulled over for speeding in a school zone. I would submit that, regardless of one's color, this is a worse offense than changing lanes without signaling as it was in an area where kids were present. And the white woman told the white cop (more than once) that "If I had a gun I'd kill you".  Now...Ms Bland was lippy...absolutely no doubt about that - but she never threatened the cop.  The white woman did.  The white woman was issued a ticket and sent on her way.  Sandra Bland was threatened with a tazer and arrested. 
Now you seem to think that I have some guilt for being white.  I don't.  I just look at how a situation is handled by a so called professional.   Some jobs are going to have some people who are complete aholes.   Employees of airlines deal with them on a daily basis...someone may get lippy with a gate agent or a baggage claim agent, but the agents are trained to maintain their composure and let the ahole be an ahole.  Cops fall into that category.  And a lot of people...white, black, green, yellow or red, are going to get upset when the lights come on behind them.  Why?  Because usually it's going to cost them some money.  And not just the ticket.  Because the "failure to signal" is a "moving violation", that will impact their insurance rates.  So when the lights flash behind you, odds are pretty good that YOU aren't going to be happy knowing that your bank account is about to get dinged.   And they might get lippy.  So why did Sandra Bland get arrested and a white woman who threatened to kill a cop get sent on her way?  Comes down to the cop...one was professional...one wasn't.  But in YOUR book, I feel that Sandra Bland was dealing with a "bad cop" because of some guilt I have because I am white.  
I was brought up to respect police and others...you know, not get lippy.
It works.
Ye gads.....they're worrying about Trump undercutting US foreign policy.......

If Hillary wins, she renames State, the Clinton Foundation.
delldude said:
I was brought up to respect police and others...you know, not get lippy.
It works.
LIke this?  That's some great respect there - but she wasn't tazed or arrested.
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