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He's projected to put a dent in it over ten years just like anything else from others I've heard of except Hillary and Obama.
KCFlyer said:
There is no doubt about that...my point is that IMHO MORE of the subprime crisis was due to organizations like Countrywide that would fund a mortgage loan to a senile dog and sell the loan to a bank....NEITHER of which they were "forced" to do by the government.  The government "forced" banks to stop redlining.areas.  NOWHERE did any of the federal regulations "force" a bank to make a loan to someone who couldn't afford it...the only thing they were "forced" to do was to consider loans in "redlined" areas.  Prior to that, even people who COULD afford a loan would be denied because of the area...not because of their ability to pay.
I might be mistaken, but I'd really like to see the verbiage of the programs that "forced" a bank to make a loan to a person who did not have adequate income to repay the loan.  
Try here:
Or here:
At President Clinton's direction, no fewer than 10 federal agencies issued a chilling ultimatum to banks and mortgage lenders to ease credit for lower-income minorities or face investigations for lending discrimination and suffer the related adverse publicity. They also were threatened with denial of access to the all-important secondary mortgage market and stiff fines, along with other penalties.
The threat was codified in a 20-page "Policy Statement on Discrimination in Lending" and entered into the Federal Register on April 15, 1994, by the Interagency Task Force on Fair Lending. Clinton set up the little-known body to coordinate an unprecedented crackdown on alleged bank redlining.
The edict — completely overlooked by the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission and the mainstream media — was signed by then-HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros, Attorney General Janet Reno, Comptroller of the Currency Eugene Ludwig and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, along with the heads of six other financial regulatory agencies.
"The agencies will not tolerate lending discrimination in any form," the document warned financial institutions.
delldude said:
He's projected to put a dent in it over ten years just like anything else from others I've heard of except Hillary and Obama.
By dent, do you mean he will increase it? 
delldude said:
I can't speak for Trump.
Do you think any other candidate would decrease it?  Especially a dem?
Yes.  And it would more likely be a democrat.  Remember "tax and spend"?  The "tax" part is where you get the money to spend.  "Trickle down" is more like using your Mastercard to pay your Visa bill while waiting to get that second job to increase your income. 
Trump has proposed some pretty hefty tax cuts.  Current spending is $X trillion per year.  Current revenues are a wee tad shy of $x trillion per year.  So we borrow.  Now...when Trump takes office, current spending is going to be set...but what happens when a massive tax cut happens - there is even LESS to pay for those programs - much less lower that debt.  Factor in that Trump also wants to beef up our military...where exactly does he get the money to do that when he cuts taxes (revenues) for those first couple of years? And let's not forget the costs associated with rounding up the Mezzicans and building that wall.   I'm no wizard at math, but if my household expenses are $50,000 per year, and my household income is about $50,000 per year, if I cut my income (tax cut) to $25,000 per year, I'm still going to have those other obligations until I can find that better paying job or put the kids to work (job creation) to bring my revenues (income) back up.  The right always approaches spending by trying to relate it to a household budget..don't spend more than you make.  But that usually gets shot to hell when you try to relate a reduction in income (tax cut) to a household budget. 
What costs associated with rounding up the ILLEGALS? (not Mexicans, ILLEGALS!) The law enforcement already exists to do so we just aren't enforcing the laws. Eliminating sanctuary cities will save a ton of money also.
Zom JFK said:
What costs associated with rounding up the ILLEGALS? (not Mexicans, ILLEGALS!) The law enforcement already exists to do so we just aren't enforcing the laws. Eliminating sanctuary cities will save a ton of money also.
YOu gotta ship them back....that's gonna cost...especially when you step up enforcement.  Eliminating sanctuary cities won't save enough to build the infamous wall...wait...MEXICO is going to pay for that wall.  Maybe president Trump will grow a pair of balls to discuss it when sitting with the president of Mexico....they shrivelled up and tucked themselves safely inside the last time he met with the Mexican president.  
But will eliminating sanctuary cities save enough money to send back the illegals, build up the military AND pay down some of that debt...especially when he plans on doing some major cutting of taxes?  Every single one of those things sounds GREAT....when it's the only thing you are talking about.  It gets a little messy when you start combining them. 
KC, you've been popping lame assertions as to the direction and outcome regarding the CRA and the hows an whys we got to where we were in 2007.
Any question you have so far made has been shown nonfactual by gov't information plus several other sourced articles.'
Now what?
delldude said:
KC, you've been popping lame assertions as to the direction and outcome regarding the CRA and the hows an whys we got to where we were in 2007.
Any question you have so far made has been shown nonfactual by gov't information plus several other sourced articles.'
Now what?
I was called out about going off topic.  I only brought up the 2007 bailouts to illustrate that an incoming president inherits debt.  The right seems to believe that Obama is responsible for every single dollar of that debt - forgetting that just a month before he took office, his predecessor added an unbudgeted $700 billion to the war debt he had also accumulated.  Trump will not start at zero.  He will have a few trillion.  So I'm wondering how he plans on attacking that by reducing taxes and increasing spending.  
KCFlyer said:
I was called out about going off topic.  I only brought up the 2007 bailouts to illustrate that an incoming president inherits debt.  The right seems to believe that Obama is responsible for every single dollar of that debt - forgetting that just a month before he took office, his predecessor added an unbudgeted $700 billion to the war debt he had also accumulated.  Trump will not start at zero.  He will have a few trillion.  So I'm wondering how he plans on attacking that by reducing taxes and increasing spending.  
Last time I saw a good tax cut incentive, it brought in tax revenue. Every job created brings in additional tax revenue. Maybe we get those 94 million off the dole would be a good start? You act like you expect Trump to wave a wand and fix it overnight.
I wouldn't get too excited about going off topic after 215 pages.
delldude said:
Last time I saw a good tax cut incentive, it brought in tax revenue. Every job created brings in additional tax revenue. Maybe we get those 94 million off the dole would be a good start? You act like you expect Trump to wave a wand and fix it overnight.
I wouldn't get too excited about going off topic after 215 pages.
It created a deficit too.  Remember...Reagan proved that deficits don't matter.  And getting those 94 million off the dole, and I'm pretty sure that number includes grandma and grandpa pulling Social Security and Medicare, won't make a dent if we have a corresponding increase in military spending and the Mezzican roundup.  Shifting spending is not cutting the debt. 
We had tax cuts here in my state...the guv and legislature were on a "quest for zero".  It hasn't worked out very well at all Our job creation rate is negative. 
KCFlyer said:
  And getting those 94 million off the dole, and I'm pretty sure that number includes grandma and grandpa pulling Social Security and Medicare, won't make a dent if we have a corresponding increase in military spending and the Mezzican roundup.  Shifting spending is not cutting the debt.  
Why must you keep saying that ALL illegals are "mezzicans"? Your racism is really making me sick.
Zom JFK said:
Why must you keep saying that ALL illegals are "mezzicans"? Your racism is really making me sick.
Sometimes it hurts to hear what Trump is really saying.  Here's the thing...I work with several Hispanics - all of them legal, but they have been subjected to some...ahem...less than complimentary remarks from strangers concerning their "legitimacy".   One gal is from Puerto Rico...which makes her an American Citizen by birth...but because of her dark hair, gorgeous olive skin tone, hispanic surname and the fact that she can speak Spanish - many lump her in with the "illegals".  Indeed...Trump did it in his announcement...but he gets a pass from his supporters with the "Trump Shrug"...when you say "Mexico isn't sending us their finest - they are rapists, drug dealers"...and then, realizing what he just said, gives the "Trump Shrug" with "and some I assume are good people".  A freaking AFTERTHOUGHT.
KCFlyer said:
Sometimes it hurts to hear what Trump is really saying.  Here's the thing...I work with several Hispanics - all of them legal, but they have been subjected to some...ahem...less than complimentary remarks from strangers concerning their "legitimacy".   One gal is from Puerto Rico...which makes her an American Citizen by birth...but because of her dark hair, gorgeous olive skin tone, hispanic surname and the fact that she can speak Spanish - many lump her in with the "illegals".  Indeed...Trump did it in his announcement...but he gets a pass from his supporters with the "Trump Shrug"...when you say "Mexico isn't sending us their finest - they are rapists, drug dealers"...and then, realizing what he just said, gives the "Trump Shrug" with "and some I assume are good people".  A freaking AFTERTHOUGHT.
No. Trump NEVER said he was going to round up all the "mezzicans" YOU keep saying it. What does hurt is listening to you calling ALL illegals mezzicans. I don't know how the mods let you get away with your racist comments. Here's the thing, I don't care who you work with it doesn't give you the right to slander and ridicule Mexicans and Mexican Americans on these boards.
Zom JFK said:
No. Trump NEVER said he was going to round up all the "mezzicans" YOU keep saying it. What does hurt is listening to you calling ALL illegals mezzicans. I don't know how the mods let you get away with your racist comments. Here's the thing, I don't care who you work with it doesn't give you the right to slander and ridicule Mexicans and Mexican Americans on these boards.
Nobody is slandering them except the republican candidate for president.  I'm only saying that many T Rump supporters deem legal status by the color of the hair and the accent when they speak.     If you showed a Trump supporter a picture of an Eastern European whose work visa has expired and a 3rd generation American of Hispanic descent and asked them which one was the illegal, 95% would point to the dark haired person with a Hispanic surname.   
They want to build a wall along the SOUTHERN border...but seem to forget that we have a NORTHERN border that, thanks to all this focus on the southern border, would be a prime area for terrorists to enter the country.   They also seem fail to understand that we have "coastlines".  If you can't cross because of a wall, hop on a boat in the dead of night and come ashore in America. 
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