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Trump Polling

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KCFlyer said:
How many times in the past 8 years did the right blast Obama for his use of the teleprompter?  I thought reliance on a teleprompter was BAD...according to people who are now defending Trumps need for one to appeal to someone other than his "base". 
My point was KC that there are a hell of a lot more serious issues than teleprompters.
yea we get it,hand size and teleprompters are an issue for the left, corruption, selective memory,  and pay for pay? not so much. 
Insp4 said:
My point was KC that there are a hell of a lot more serious issues than teleprompters.
Same thing with OBama and congress, but you all seemed to feel that teleprompters were the most important one.  Hannity was all over him, and the former queen of the tea party was all over him about using a teleprompter...which made her performance when she lost HER teleprompter that much more enjoyable. 
cltrat said:
yea we get it,hand size and teleprompters are an issue for the left, corruption, selective memory,  and pay for pay? not so much. 
Well...along with hand size we are concerned with bankruptcies, using eminent domain for his personal gain (then filing bankruptcy after getting his way) and behaving like a teenage schoolgirl on twitter when someone insults him.  
cltrat said:
yea we get it,hand size and teleprompters are an issue for the left, corruption, selective memory,  and pay for pay? not so much. 
Trump raised hand size and teleprompters, the Left loves a joke.
Dog Wonder said:
Poor Rat, thinks I'm rubber and you're glue is a sense of humor.
poor Dog, he like to think of himself as a comedic genius that no one has the sense of humor to understand. Where in reality he's a dullard who maybe says something funny every few months if that and it's probably with help
Say hello to my little friend.......
delldude said:
What's that old saying....be careful what you wish for...you just might get it.  

But I'll say it - Trump must win if this country is to ever get united again.  He won't be  the guy who does it though.  But maybe when he's in and we see that the country is in worse shape than it was with Obama...for example, implement his tax plan and report back a year later on that debt thing that was a concern under Obama.   Only when the right can see what an abject failure a Trump presidency would bring then maybe...just maybe...we can get past scandals and emails and walls and Muslims and see what might be best for the country as a whole.  
If Hillary wins it will be all scandal investigations all the time.  That's the difference between the left and the right - if the left loses, they might whine and moan...but they'll try to work together with the conservative in office.  Witness W.  But when conservatives lose, they whine and moan and obstruct and blame and investigate and hold their breath until they turn blue.  Witness the republican Congress and Obama.  
KCFlyer said:
What's that old saying....be careful what you wish for...you just might get it.  

But I'll say it - Trump must win if this country is to ever get united again.  He won't be  the guy who does it though.  But maybe when he's in and we see that the country is in worse shape than it was with Obama...for example, implement his tax plan and report back a year later on that debt thing that was a concern under Obama.   Only when the right can see what an abject failure a Trump presidency would bring then maybe...just maybe...we can get past scandals and emails and walls and Muslims and see what might be best for the country as a whole.  
If Hillary wins it will be all scandal investigations all the time.  That's the difference between the left and the right - if the left loses, they might whine and moan...but they'll try to work together with the conservative in office.  Witness W.  But when conservatives lose, they whine and moan and obstruct and blame and investigate and hold their breath until they turn blue.  Witness the republican Congress and Obama.  
Try to work together with the right?
Tell me how the Obamacare steam roller passed both houses in a bi-partisan manner.
Its a shame the right tries to hold it together with the rules of law, not the rules of men like the left.
Trump wants a 15% corporate tax rate while Hillary thinks they aren't 'yet' paying their fair share at 35%.
A lot of Trumps tax plan had success under Reagan.
Funny, just North of here, the Canucks were doing fine not long after Obama got elected, but not here.....why's that?
delldude said:
Try to work together with the right?
Tell me how the Obamacare steam roller passed both houses in a bi-partisan manner.
Its a shame the right tries to hold it together with the rules of law, not the rules of men like the left.
Trump wants a 15% corporate tax rate while Hillary thinks they aren't 'yet' paying their fair share at 35%.
A lot of Trumps tax plan had success under Reagan.
Funny, just North of here, the Canucks were doing fine not long after Obama got elected, but not here.....why's that?
Obamcare passed with democratic majority.  The republicans convinced America it was the worst thing ever...swept the house in 2010 and have done nothing in 6 years.  
Here's the difference between Trumps tax plan and Reagans - Taxes were at 70% for the highest rate under Reagan.  There was some room to cut...although even then, after the cuts we had this thing called a "deficit"...and in 2005 we learned that "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter"...unless a democrat is in office.  
Let's say that Trump cuts corporate taxes what is pretty much the effective rate for corporations...yes, that rate is 35%, but thru the magic of creative accounting, many profitable companies pay nothing..witness GE.  But that was some back room deal with Obama...wasn't it?   So 15% sounds great, but many corporations are already paying less.  But if we took his tax cuts - personal and corporate, and put them into place in 2017...what do you think the deficit will look like by 2018?  Will we have to borrow to build up our military (as he has promised to do)?  What will that do to the debt.  
Even if the Laugher acolytes are correct and lowering taxes increases revenues (they haven't proven to be right though...but we can always assume)...when you cut taxes (revenues) that first year but still have obligations to pay....where will that money come from.  The jobs aren't created overnight.  Look at my state...top earners had their taxes cut to zero.  Art Laugher himself said that these cuts would be "a shot of adrenaline to the heart" for the Kansas economy.  That was 4 years ago.  When questioned about why we haven't seen a ton of job creation here in Kansas his response was "these things take time".    HOw much time are you willing to give the Trump tax cuts?  
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