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Trump Polling

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Dog Wonder said:
Hack calls that Shotgun.
Not. I call it a Muttly reach around while trying to come up with (sadly failing again and again) a witty one-liner.

All that wasted time you have on here Wonder Mutt...
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)

"There are growing fears among supporters of the Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump that his new focus on Muslims is distracting him from his campaign against Mexicans.
After the billionaire said he would consider shutting down mosques if he were President, supporters expressed concern that such signature proposals as a wall with Mexico and mass deportations were being lost in the shuffle.

Carol Foyler, who viewed a recent Trump appearance on television, said that she was alarmed to hear him talk about closing mosques without mentioning the wall with Mexico even once. I just worry, I guess, that with all of this talk about Muslims hes really forgetting about Mexicans, she said. It feels kind of like a bait-and-switch.

Another Trump supporter, Harland Dorrinson, agreed. Shutting down the mosques is a great idea, sure, but he shouldnt do that if its going to divert resources from forcibly deporting eleven million immigrants, he said. I would be very sad to see that happen.

But Tracy Klugian, a die-hard Trump volunteer who is working for his campaign in Iowa, called such criticism of her candidate misguided. You dont get to be a successful businessman like Donald Trump without being able to multitask, she said."

Rasmussen Reports on Wednesday provided results that could indicate that its daily horse race poll, which shows Hillary Rodham Clinton and Trump virtually tied, undercounts the Republican’s support.
The survey analysis said that in its latest telephone survey, “17 percent of ‘likely Republican voters’ are less likely this year to let others know how they intend to vote compared to previous presidential campaigns.”
What’s more 10 percent of Democrats aren’t telling the truth to pollsters.
And 25 percent of voters not affiliated with either party, a group that has been trending for Trump, “say they are less likely this year to say publicly which presidential candidate they will vote,” said Rasmussen.

I dont use teleprompters, he said in that speech.

But Trumps disdain for teleprompters is not confined to Clintons use of them.
"I've always said, if you run for president, you shouldn't be allowed to use teleprompters, Trump said in October. "Because you don't even know if the guy is smart."

He used the teleprompter attack on his primary opponents in the opening months of the campaign.

"These other guys, they're going around, they make a speech in front of 21 people. Nobody cares, they read the same speechThey have teleprompters, Trump said at a campaign rally in August 2015. "I say we should outlaw teleprompters for anybody running for president.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/donald-trump-teleprompter-224039#ixzz4JCigww9A
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Hillary uses a private server for top-secret e-mails and thirteen cell phones, and all you can ***** about is trump using a teleprompter? ....... Come on Glen is that all you can get on Trump?
Insp4 said:
Hillary uses a private server for top-secret e-mails and thirteen cell phones, and all you can #### about is trump using a teleprompter? ....... Come on Glen is that all you can get on Trump?
Well the usual nonsense isn't sticking. Hes a racist, sexist, xenophobe, homophobe, bigot, etc etc. Most people (with half a brain anyway) aren't buying that line of crap anymore
Zom JFK said:
Well the usual nonsense isn't sticking. Hes a racist, sexist, xenophobe, homophobe, bigot, etc etc. Most people (with half a brain anyway) aren't buying that line of crap anymore
Half a brain may be a stretch, but if you say so.
Dog Wonder said:
Half a brain may be a stretch, but if you say so.
Its a stretch that you will have anything to offer other than a simpleton one-liner.

Anything, anything at all?
10900+ nonsensical one-liners... a libtard record.
Insp4 said:
Hillary uses a private server for top-secret e-mails and thirteen cell phones, and all you can #### about is trump using a teleprompter? ....... Come on Glen is that all you can get on Trump?
How many times in the past 8 years did the right blast Obama for his use of the teleprompter?  I thought reliance on a teleprompter was BAD...according to people who are now defending Trumps need for one to appeal to someone other than his "base". 
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