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KCFlyer said:
Obamcare passed with democratic majority.  The republicans convinced America it was the worst thing ever...swept the house in 2010 and have done nothing in 6 years.  
Here's the difference between Trumps tax plan and Reagans - Taxes were at 70% for the highest rate under Reagan.  There was some room to cut...although even then, after the cuts we had this thing called a "deficit"...and in 2005 we learned that "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter"...unless a democrat is in office.  
Let's say that Trump cuts corporate taxes what is pretty much the effective rate for corporations...yes, that rate is 35%, but thru the magic of creative accounting, many profitable companies pay nothing..witness GE.  But that was some back room deal with Obama...wasn't it?   So 15% sounds great, but many corporations are already paying less.  But if we took his tax cuts - personal and corporate, and put them into place in 2017...what do you think the deficit will look like by 2018?  Will we have to borrow to build up our military (as he has promised to do)?  What will that do to the debt.  
Even if the Laugher acolytes are correct and lowering taxes increases revenues (they haven't proven to be right though...but we can always assume)...when you cut taxes (revenues) that first year but still have obligations to pay....where will that money come from.  The jobs aren't created overnight.  Look at my state...top earners had their taxes cut to zero.  Art Laugher himself said that these cuts would be "a shot of adrenaline to the heart" for the Kansas economy.  That was 4 years ago.  When questioned about why we haven't seen a ton of job creation here in Kansas his response was "these things take time".    HOw much time are you willing to give the Trump tax cuts?  
Obamacare did pass with a dem majority but you left out the little part where the rep's weren't allowed to help write it.
Why do you think Trump was speaking in a ten year time frame?
Corp's paying less....here? 15% rate and close tax loopholes is what he was saying.
Anybody who thinks Trump is going to turn it around immediately is a buffoon .
As to Laugher, I'm sure gov't regulation has hurt a lot of what he predicted.
delldude said:
Obamacare did pass with a dem majority but you left out the little part where the rep's weren't allowed to help write it.
Why do you think Trump was speaking in a ten year time frame?
Corp's paying less....here? 15% rate and close tax loopholes is what he was saying.
Anybody who thinks Trump is going to turn it around immediately is a buffoon .
As to Laugher, I'm sure gov't regulation has hurt a lot of what he predicted.
Oh...but the reps DID get to write it....way back in 1993 in response to Hillarycare.  They had a plan that allowed private insurers to run the show.  Pretty much like Obamacare.
It's funny....you are willing to listen to Trump and a 10 year timeframe when the right was moaning about how Obama was ruining us just one year into his first term.  It seems the right was expecting some instant fix from Obama.  Nice to know you are willing to give Trump 10 years.  
Let's see...Reagan cut taxes in 1981...Then raised them every year after that...and Clinton raised taxes and we had a boom.  Then we cut taxes in 2001...went to war that same year...cut them AGAIN in 2005, despite being in a SECOND war.  And we watched the debt grow...but it wasn't a problem for you all back then.  Then Obama took office and the debt from the Bush years just reset to zero....Obama is responsible for this massive debt we have.  It had a helluva head start.   And don't forget that Trump will be living with the last Obama budget in his first year - just as Obama lived with Bush's last budget when he took office (although the increase in debt that first year was totally Obama's fault).
As to Laugher as it applies to Kansas....we are blood red in the heartland here.  They cut the taxes, they cut regulations in the state....they bent over backwards to be "job creator friendly".  It hasn't worked.    But tell me....what new regulations were enacted that makes today so bleak?  I seem to recall DEregulation playing a pretty big role in the collapse of the economy in 2007...And now matter how you trickle down folks like to believe otherwise...3 minus 2 does NOT equal 5. 
KCFlyer said:
Oh...but the reps DID get to write it....way back in 1993 in response to Hillarycare.  They had a plan that allowed private insurers to run the show.  Pretty much like Obamacare.
It's funny....you are willing to listen to Trump and a 10 year timeframe when the right was moaning about how Obama was ruining us just one year into his first term.  It seems the right was expecting some instant fix from Obama.  Nice to know you are willing to give Trump 10 years.  
Let's see...Reagan cut taxes in 1981...Then raised them every year after that...and Clinton raised taxes and we had a boom.  Then we cut taxes in 2001...went to war that same year...cut them AGAIN in 2005, despite being in a SECOND war.  And we watched the debt grow...but it wasn't a problem for you all back then.  Then Obama took office and the debt from the Bush years just reset to zero....Obama is responsible for this massive debt we have.  It had a helluva head start.   And don't forget that Trump will be living with the last Obama budget in his first year - just as Obama lived with Bush's last budget when he took office (although the increase in debt that first year was totally Obama's fault).
As to Laugher as it applies to Kansas....we are blood red in the heartland here.  They cut the taxes, they cut regulations in the state....they bent over backwards to be "job creator friendly".  It hasn't worked.    But tell me....what new regulations were enacted that makes today so bleak?  I seem to recall DEregulation playing a pretty big role in the collapse of the economy in 2007...And now matter how you trickle down folks like to believe otherwise...3 minus 2 does NOT equal 5. 
1993?  We talking the here and now. If Hillary hadn't violated laws then ( see a pattern?), something might have come out of that but she screwed that up.
Into 8 years under Obama and there is nothing to chime about.
No doubt Obama inherited some debt, but expanded on it and didn't reduce it much, if any.
2007 economic collapse was from several admin's floating home loans on people who never should have had a loan in the first place.
A little socialism that flew like a dodo bird.
delldude said:
1993?  We talking the here and now. If Hillary hadn't violated laws then ( see a pattern?), something might have come out of that but she screwed that up.
Into 8 years under Obama and there is nothing to chime about.
No doubt Obama inherited some debt, but expanded on it and didn't reduce it much, if any.
2007 economic collapse was from several admin's floating home loans on people who never should have had a loan in the first place.
A little socialism that flew like a dodo bird.
You have to go back to 1993 in order to find the republican input to Obamacare.  MANY of the ideas from the 1993 republican pushback to "Hillarycare" can be found in Obamacare.
I guess we gotta differ on what caused the collapse in 2007...I doubt there were a trillion dollars in loans to poor inner city blacks, but to hear conservatives describe it, THEY were the reason for the collapse.  The code words are "never should have had a loan in the first place".  
And that's very true.  But while many admins "forced" banks to make loans in "redline areas", I am not aware of any federal mandate to offer "no doc" loans to anybody.  I am not aware of any mandate to offer teaser ARM's and then adjust to an unaffordable payment.   I'm not aware of a single federal program that would tell folks like Countrywide to "Fund em" .   I am not aware of a single federal program that required giving loans to people who were unemployed.  I am not aware of any federal mandate that forced banks to bundle these bad loans and sell them as "investment grade mortgage backed securities".  
KCFlyer said:
You have to go back to 1993 in order to find the republican input to Obamacare.  MANY of the ideas from the 1993 republican pushback to "Hillarycare" can be found in Obamacare.
I guess we gotta differ on what caused the collapse in 2007...I doubt there were a trillion dollars in loans to poor inner city blacks, but to hear conservatives describe it, THEY were the reason for the collapse.  The code words are "never should have had a loan in the first place".  
And that's very true.  But while many admins "forced" banks to make loans in "redline areas", I am not aware of any federal mandate to offer "no doc" loans to anybody.  I am not aware of any mandate to offer teaser ARM's and then adjust to an unaffordable payment.   I'm not aware of a single federal program that would tell folks like Countrywide to "Fund em" .   I am not aware of a single federal program that required giving loans to people who were unemployed.  I am not aware of any federal mandate that forced banks to bundle these bad loans and sell them as "investment grade mortgage backed securities".  
These are two excerpts from a very good timeline article called 'The Growth of the Government Hand'.


With the mechanisms in place, the community organizing groups began developing directed strategies to exert more and more pressure on the lending industry in the cloak of complicity with CRA. Community organizer Barack Obama worked closely with ACORN activists. Employing the radical Alinsky intimidation tactics Obama had learned and was teaching -- "direct action" -- activists crowded bank lobbies, blocked drive-up teller lanes and demonstrated at the homes of bankers to browbeat risky lending in poor and minority communities. Those who resisted were accused of racism to the media and government officials.

The agitators could now stall or hijack bank mergers by filing complaints of non-compliance against the institutions. Lawsuits alleging redlining and racism began flooding the court system. With the prospect of expansions and mergers threatened, banks settled cases and, significantly, increasingly made loans they would not have normally made. The net effect, as ACORN litigation increased, was that credit standards lowered.
June 1995 
Kurtz concludes, "Urged on by ACORN, congressional Democrats and the Clinton administration helped push tolerance for high-risk loans through every sector of the banking system -- far beyond the sort of banks originally subject to the CRA. So it was the efforts of ACORN and its Democratic allies that first spread the subprime virus from the CRA to Fannie and Freddie and thence to the entire financial system. Soon, Democratic politicians and regulators actually began to take pride in lowered credit standards as a sign of ‘fairness' -- and the contagion spread."
Attorney General Janet Reno, with a number of bank lending discrimination settlements already, sternly announces, "We will tackle lending discrimination wherever it appears." With the new policy in full force, "No loan is exempt; no bank is immune." "For those who thumb their nose at us, I promise vigorous enforcement," reiterated Reno.
delldude said:
These are two excerpts from a very good timeline article called 'The Growth of the Government Hand'.


With the mechanisms in place, the community organizing groups began developing directed strategies to exert more and more pressure on the lending industry in the cloak of complicity with CRA. Community organizer Barack Obama worked closely with ACORN activists. Employing the radical Alinsky intimidation tactics Obama had learned and was teaching -- "direct action" -- activists crowded bank lobbies, blocked drive-up teller lanes and demonstrated at the homes of bankers to browbeat risky lending in poor and minority communities. Those who resisted were accused of racism to the media and government officials.

The agitators could now stall or hijack bank mergers by filing complaints of non-compliance against the institutions. Lawsuits alleging redlining and racism began flooding the court system. With the prospect of expansions and mergers threatened, banks settled cases and, significantly, increasingly made loans they would not have normally made. The net effect, as ACORN litigation increased, was that credit standards lowered.
June 1995 
Kurtz concludes, "Urged on by ACORN, congressional Democrats and the Clinton administration helped push tolerance for high-risk loans through every sector of the banking system -- far beyond the sort of banks originally subject to the CRA. So it was the efforts of ACORN and its Democratic allies that first spread the subprime virus from the CRA to Fannie and Freddie and thence to the entire financial system. Soon, Democratic politicians and regulators actually began to take pride in lowered credit standards as a sign of ‘fairness' -- and the contagion spread."
Attorney General Janet Reno, with a number of bank lending discrimination settlements already, sternly announces, "We will tackle lending discrimination wherever it appears." With the new policy in full force, "No loan is exempt; no bank is immune." "For those who thumb their nose at us, I promise vigorous enforcement," reiterated Reno.
Wow...Who would have thought that Obama was responsible for the 2007 housing crash.  Given enough time, I'm willing to bet you can find some publications tying Obama to the Hindenburg disaster.
KCFlyer said:
Wow...Who would have thought that Obama was responsible for the 2007 housing crash.  Given enough time, I'm willing to bet you can find some publications tying Obama to the Hindenburg disaster.
Kind of interesting....he was a big time Acorn organizer, you should know that.  That caught my eye as an interesting factoid.
It was Acorn through sitins and demonstrations in banks and corporate offices that got the bad loans moving.
You bother to take the time and read the article?
Now you know how the gov't pushed shaky loans.....
Harry Potter said:
Not good for the anti Trumper's imo
Radical Hispanic Activist Who Condemned Trump’s Mexican Rapist Comments – Is Arrested for Rape
Yaplas was very upset with Trump’s Mexican rapist comments. Now he’s been arrested for rape.
Back story here
Well..that does it.  An outspoken Mexican guy is charged with rape.  An outspoken Black guy is charged with assault.....let's send them back to Mexico and Africa respectively since they represent the entire race.  Wait...what's that?  An outspoken white guy is charged with selling drugs?  I guess that means that we should ship all white people back to England, Germany, Poland and NOrway or whereever they came from and give the country back to it's rightful owners. 
KCFlyer said:
Well..that does it.  An outspoken Mexican guy is charged with rape.  An outspoken Black guy is charged with assault.....let's send them back to Mexico and Africa respectively since they represent the entire race.  Wait...what's that?  An outspoken white guy is charged with selling drugs?  I guess that means that we should ship all white people back to England, Germany, Poland and NOrway or whereever they came from and give the country back to it's rightful owners. 
Who said anything about sending all Mexicans back to Mexico? Or blacks to Africa? Where do you get this crap?
Poor little snowflake whines; "Like dude, like we're friends, but you gotta take off your hat because its hate speech and not allowed on campus"

Life is gonna be hard on this poor opressed lil thing. https://youtu.be/C5sosSHLt_c
Zom JFK said:
Who said anything about sending all Mexicans back to Mexico? Or blacks to Africa? Where do you get this crap?
That's just libtard thought process, or lack there of. Deporting illegal imigrants and criminal aliens means that Trump is against all legal immigration. Even though he's married to one.
Now watch the far out tangents that will be explored with KCfrier, probably end up on immigration from mars. Trump hates martians too.
Zom JFK said:
Who said anything about sending all Mexicans back to Mexico? Or blacks to Africa? Where do you get this crap?
From Trump.  In his "Mexicans are rapists" speech he said "Mexico isn't sending us their best"...then...as Trump does so well...he offered up an afterthought of "and some, I assume, are good people". 
funny how the irony of the Mexican who called Trump out on the rape comment lends some credibility to it by being charged with rape himself is lost on you
cltrat said:
funny how the irony of the Mexican who called Trump out on the rape comment lends some credibility to it by being charged with rape himself is lost on you
No moreso than a priest teaching that sex outside of marriage is wrong gets caught  molesting a young boy or a republican congressman touting family values soliciting for a homosexual encounter in an airport mens room.   There are hypocrites in all walks of life.  
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