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Trump Polling

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KCFlyer said:
Here's someone you can despise as much as Megyn Kelly .  The great part about this article is that you guys will be going "Amen Brother" thru the first half of the article.  But he will become more "Megynish" about the time you read the sentence that begins with "But there's a secong, quite separate form of thuggery threatening the 2016 campaign"
see that would assume I'm an apologist for all things Trump which I'm not, you do seem not to mind the right to gather and freedom off speech being suppressed when  you don't agree with it 
cltrat said:
see that would assume I'm an apologist for all things Trump which I'm not, you do seem not to mind the right to gather and freedom off speech being suppressed when  you don't agree with it 
Where have I defended the protesters who became violent?  You know, at a political rally, opposition can and does show up, that is THEIR right to gather and THEIR freedom of speech.  To have the candidate urge someone to "take them out on a stretcher" or "punch them in the face"....only to have a protester who is being escorted out peaceably get punched in the face pretty much says that Trump supporters are listening to their leader (who won't admit he egged it on). 
KCFlyer said:
Where have I defended the protesters who became violent?  You know, at a political rally, opposition can and does show up, that is THEIR right to gather and THEIR freedom of speech.  To have the candidate urge someone to "take them out on a stretcher" or "punch them in the face"....only to have a protester who is being escorted out peaceably get punched in the face pretty much says that Trump supporters are listening to their leader (who won't admit he egged it on). 
By omission you have defended them.
You defend the guy walking up the stairs with both fingers in the air hurling racial epitaphs.
If it were any other event you would have had a meltdown.
Hackman said:
Turn off the caps button and step away from the keyboard gramps, your gonna lock up. As much as you wish it was true, the GOP hasn't crashed, or self destructed, or fallen. There is a power struggle to be sure, just like when an old corrupt afl-cio union boss is being ousted from his gravy train, he's dragged out with fingernails dug in the floor. In addition, there is not a 3rd party canidate yet, a brokered GOP convention yet, just a bunch of Romney sniveling and whining.

So take your Geritol, turn off the caps, and enjoy some of your golden years. If ur gonna test the limits of your heart meds, worry about how Dr. Evil George Soros and the Castros new buddy Nobammy, are gonna pay the billions to keep the Hildabeast out of prison and the FBI from releasing publicly all those Top Secrets she never sent.
Lotsa luck....
Hey 'HACK.

Whatcha got planned for the day after the november election, after the ' Good Guys ' stay in the BIG CHAIR, retake the Senate and change the power in the SCOTUS ?

Are you gonna' call-in-SICK ?
Beat your DOG ?
Get good and DRUNK ?
Maybe visit a 'Cat House' ?

Preplaning 'HACK is a smart thing to do.
Good Luck, cause' Brotha' You Gonna' Need It !!!
townpete said:
This generation is a total waste.
Somebody wrote "Trump 2016" in chalk on an Emory University sidewalk. Students report feeling "unsafe" and "afraid".
It's called "The Wussification of America!"

Maybe they can run away from the dreaded "CHALK MARK" on the sidewalk to their "SAFE PLACE"!

The following is from the school paper concerning the CHALK in question:

" Led by College sophomore Jonathan Peraza, resounded You are not listening! Come speak to us, we are in pain!

It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.

Im supposed to feel comfortable and safe [here], one student said. But this man is being supported by students on our campus and our administration shows that they, by their silence, support it as well I dont deserve to feel afraid at my school, she added.


So, in closing, these children are living in pain, living in fear and yes, living in chains, so if you are a student at Emory beware, free speech is not allowed and whatever you do don't mention TRUMP.....your liable to make the children wet their pants!
I am guessing that you would need an escort to even find one of the fine universities located in the Atlanta area (including Emory).
southwind said:
It's called "The Wussification of America!"
Maybe they can run away from the dreaded "CHALK MARK" on the sidewalk to their "SAFE PLACE"!
The following is from the school paper concerning the CHALK in question:
" Led by College sophomore Jonathan Peraza, resounded You are not listening! Come speak to us, we are in pain!
It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.
Im supposed to feel comfortable and safe [here], one student said. But this man is being supported by students on our campus and our administration shows that they, by their silence, support it as well I dont deserve to feel afraid at my school, she added.http://emorywheel.com/emory-students-express-discontent-with-administrative-response-to-trump-chalkings/
So, in closing, these children are living in pain, living in fear and yes, living in chains, so if you are a student at Emory beware, free speech is not allowed and whatever you do don't mention TRUMP.....your liable to make the children wet their pants!
Another one who can't understand the first amendment.

It only protects you from government restricting your speech, and there are exceptions to that also.
Glenn Quagmire said:
I am guessing that you would need an escort to even find one of the fine universities located in the Atlanta area (including Emory).
He couldn't pay enough for an escort.
Glenn Quagmire said:
I am guessing that you would need an escort to even find one of the fine universities located in the Atlanta area (including Emory).
southwind graduated from college in Georgia.
He graduated  summa  cum  laude  from   ' YAY - HOO  U.'  !
Actual quote from Emory student: “We are in pain...We have nothing to lose but our chains.”

Via wapo: https://t.co/VcF4AQzV9a

Young liberal's seem to have turned out to be much more insufferable then adult liberals.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
southwind graduated from college in Georgia.
He graduated  summa  cum  laude  from   ' YAY - HOO  U.'  !
perhaps you should compare the number in the top 50 Universities and colleges that come from Georgia to the number from New Hampshire, and don't bother with the size argument little Vermont got one on there
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