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Trump Polling

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Hackman said:
Ah hey gramps, you might want to place a call to the FBI and NSA about the H I L D A B E A S T C R I M I N A L I N V E S T I G A T I O N before you go off on a tangent about some "Trumped Up"
"D E S T R U C T I O N".
You know...even if HIllary goes to jail....here in Missouri, John Ashcroft lost to a dead guy when he was running for Senate.  So there's a precedent for you.    PLUS...the absolute WORST thing that could happen for the republicans would be for Hillary to drop out of the race.  They can say "socialist" all they want, but even the socialist could be Trump.  Oh...he's got 45% of the republican vote.  That's not enough to win when everybody votes. 
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
" Cost for 2 Great seats to an NFL Game  ?, ................................................................. $ 200.oo "
" Cost for two at a Great Steakhouse   ? , .......................................................................$ 100.oo "
" Cost of  TOTAL DESTRUCTION  of the REPUBLICAN PARTY   ? ,  ...........................   P  R  I  C  E  L  E  S  S  "
As the FBI begins to cinch the noose around Hitlery.......NOW THAT'S PRICELESS!
KCFlyer said:
You know...even if HIllary goes to jail....here in Missouri, John Ashcroft lost to a dead guy when he was running for Senate.  So there's a precedent for you.    PLUS...the absolute WORST thing that could happen for the republicans would be for Hillary to drop out of the race.  They can say "socialist" all they want, but even the socialist could be Trump.  Oh...he's got 45% of the republican vote.  That's not enough to win when everybody votes.
Sorry to burst yer Bubble but, I seriously doubt the black Demorat voter turnout will be even close to what is was the past 2 elections!
Kev3188 said:
Voter suppression has been a goal of the GOP for awhile now.
Another liberal myth debunked ages ago.
You liberals regularly participate/endorse, etc in voter fraud and when attempts to curtail it, you scream suppression.
Time to get a new schtick...
townpete said:
Another liberal myth debunked ages ago.
You liberals regularly participate/endorse, etc in voter fraud and when attempts to curtail it, you scream suppression.
Time to get a new schtick...
I'm surprised somehow that paints herself as a "patriot" is so blasé about their fellow citizens being denied their right(s) to vote.

Maybe I shouldn't be...
Kev3188 said:
I'm surprised somehow that paints herself as a "patriot" is so blasé about their fellow citizens being denied their right(s) to vote.

Maybe I shouldn't be...
No one is being denied, rather being used for political purposes by the left.
Students Are Being Rejected From The Polls Because Of North Carolina’s Voter ID Law
About 218,000 North Carolinians, roughly five percent of registered voters, do not have an acceptable form of government-issued ID that is now required under state law to cast a ballot.
Early voting offered a glimpse of the problems that will arise on Tuesday — during the past ten days of early voting, many college students were blocked from the polls. North Carolina’s WRAL reported that 864 people across the state had cast provisional early ballots because they did not have acceptable forms of ID, and four of the five counties with the highest concentrations of provisional ballots from voters without ID were in places with college campuses.
Bob Hall, the executive director of Democracy North Carolina, told ThinkProgress that the voter protection hotline is receiving many calls, “disproportionately from young people and students,” who are being told they do not have acceptable ID, so they have to “go through the maze of filling out forms” and provisional ballots. Those ballots run the risk of being challenged and not being counted.

North Carolina’s Voter ID Law Could Block 218,000 Registered Voters From the Polls

The controversial restriction takes effect for the first time in the March 15 primary.
NC Student’s Attempt To Get Voter ID Shows Just How Bad Voter Suppression Has Become
You were saying?
In the video played for the judge last week on the first day of the trial, Eaton elaborated on her attempt last year to obtain an ID that had all her names in correct order with an accurate birthdate. She was born in the days when midwives recorded birth dates and other information. Last year, she made 10 trips – to her local driver’s license office, to the bank to obtain personal documents, to Social Security offices in Raleigh and home again – to get an ID that she was certain would allow her to vote.
Read more here: http://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/article57827593.html#storylink=cpy
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