700UW said:And Trump hires illegals to build his buildings, and has his clothes made in Mexico and Asia that he sells.
KCFlyer said:
Sorry...I didn't realize you were a dishwasher, landscaper, or meat processing plant worker. That's not what I do.... There aren't many illegals in Information Technology, where I work. The ones taking those jobs are perfectly legal H1B visa holders. Not many illegal Mexican's have moved up from picking lettuce to writing code or troubleshooting networks. Nor have they taken jobs in banking, real estate, accounting, or airlines. So they haven't taken my job, and I'll bet that they haven't taken YOUR job either.
Trump hires the the people who hire illegals so he can make more money, OK.delldude said:
Trump doesn't hire illegals, it would truthfully be the contractors who do the building.
delldude said:
Trump doesn't hire illegals, it would truthfully be the contractors who do the building. And you probably wear clothes made in far away lands, and use a phone made by nonunion children so what's your point?
That's the ones employers are having guys like you train so they can get rid of you and save lots of money.
delldude said:
Trump doesn't hire illegals, it would truthfully be the contractors who do the building. And you probably wear clothes made in far away lands, and use a phone made by nonunion children so what's your point?
All your elected Demorats were for the war in Iraq, blame them!KCFlyer said:I was against the Iraq war because I felt that if we were going to fight a war, we needed to pay for it with American taxpayer money and not from a Chinese loan. I was told that I was unpatriotic.
So...how much have your taxes increased in the past 8 years?
Good thing about capitalism.....you don't like? Don't buy it!KCFlyer said:True....trump doesn't hire illegals...but I'll bet you that a shrewd negotiator like him...a guy who specializes in "the art of the deal"...tries to keeps his costs as low as possible so his profits are as high as possible, so he goes with what we call "low bid". And you would think that a guy who has his name plastered all over hotels and casinos would want to insure that his housekeeping staff is all American, so he would pay a higher wage to encourage people to work at his hotels. But....I'll be a lot of them speak Spanish. And I bet his hotels pay "market rate".
Same thing for his "fabulous" clothing line. You'd think he'd specify "no Chinese labor". He certainly charges as though his clothing was made by union textile workers in North Carolina.
now that's hilarious Jim maybe you can give dog lessonsjimntx said:Two of Trump's three wives were immigrants proving that we need immigrants to do those jobs that Americans just won't do.
jimntx said:Two of Trump's three wives were immigrants proving that we need immigrants to do those jobs that Americans just won't do.
Libtards don't care about laws......unless it's the right breaking them!townpete said:Were they here illegaly?
No they weren't.
Try again buttercup.
Mor delusional bs, from those who claim that liberals want too many lawssouthwind said:Libtards don't care about laws......unless it's the right breaking them!
southwind said:All your elected Demorats were for the war in Iraq, blame them!
Chinese loan? Really? And just where the hell did the 9 trillion dollars BaRack has spent, in just 7years, come from?
KC, that upward trend in debt, got Dramatically more upward when Barack took office.KCFlyer said:Why weren't you screaming bloody murder when we were borrowing to fight two wars we couldn't pay for? Why weren't you screaming bloody murder when a republican president spent almost a trillion dollars to bail out Wall Street banks, so that they would have enough to pay their hard working investment bankers million dollar bonuses for the year? Yep...we sure do have a lot of debt. But our debt was on a sharply upward trend before Obama ever took office....but somehow that alarming trend didnt' matter. And I have a funny feeling that all this concern of this alarming debt will be put on a back burner should the GOP win in 2016 and continue to spend.