KCFlyer said:
Tell me then...your wet dream comes true and the republicans win in 2016...Republican president, mostly republican congress. We get our tax cuts. Our military gets built up with increased spending, and in the "money shot"...we are actively engaged in a middle east conflict again...how does all that address that debt?
Well since you've had TWO wet dreams, one in 2008 and the other in 2012, when a Libtard Demorat was elected and the national debt has sky rocketed since, even with military Cuts, where exactly do you suppose the money for free college should come from?
What part of lower taxes generates MORE growth, including J.O.B.S and in the process generates MORE federal revenue taken in, do you not understand?
Do you not realize, if U.S. lowered the corporate tax rate, company's would be beating down the door , to run and operate that company here and in the process create more jobs?
Do you not realize that if the government reduced individual tax rates those individuals would be able to spend that added income on goods and services and the taxes on those goods and services?
Sorry but, the government does not produce job growth, private business does!
Fair Tax......Google it!
If it was good to revamp healthcare ,why not taxes?