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townpete said:
The people who are going to turn out are the ones who are tired of 8 years under Obama, and the leftist agenda.
Its not rocket science.
Okay...we're all tired of the 8 years under Obama.  Could you cite some specifics on just how bad the Obama "regime", if you want to call it that, has been to you personally?   
Before citing "Obamacare"...how has Obamacare negatively impacted you personally?  HOw has is leftist agenda damaged your quality of life for the past 8 years.  No right wing talking points....just looking for how awful your life has been because of Obama.  
Me personally - over the past 8 years I bought a new house.  I bought a new car.  I got a raise at work.  My retirement accounts have grown quite a bit.  The housing market in my town is up.  New buisnesses have opened in my area.  I hear how crappy everything is, but I just haven't seen it.  So how has this "leftist agenda" lessened your standard of living? 
KCFlyer said:
Okay...we're all tired of the 8 years under Obama.  Could you cite some specifics on just how bad the Obama "regime", if you want to call it that, has been to you personally?   
Before citing "Obamacare"...how has Obamacare negatively impacted you personally?  HOw has is leftist agenda damaged your quality of life for the past 8 years.  No right wing talking points....just looking for how awful your life has been because of Obama.  
Me personally - over the past 8 years I bought a new house.  I bought a new car.  I got a raise at work.  My retirement accounts have grown quite a bit.  The housing market in my town is up.  New buisnesses have opened in my area.  I hear how crappy everything is, but I just haven't seen it.  So how has this "leftist agenda" lessened your standard of living? 

Obama’s “economic recovery”


1. Federal debt is soaring.

2. The Feds are printing an unprecedented amount of money.

3. Wages are stagnant.

4. Nearly 40 percent of Americans are not working.

5. The business workforce’s share of income is declining.

6. Spending on food stamps is soaring.

7. Student debt is soaring.

8. Home-ownership is still falling.

9. Real median family income is down.
townpete said:
Obama’s “economic recovery”

1. Federal debt is soaring.
2. The Feds are printing an unprecedented amount of money.
3. Wages are stagnant.
4. Nearly 40 percent of Americans are not working.
5. The business workforce’s share of income is declining.
6. Spending on food stamps is soaring.
7. Student debt is soaring.
8. Home-ownership is still falling.
9. Real median family income is down.
So....it hasn't impacted you personally.  
KCFlyer said:
So....it hasn't impacted you personally.  
As an American tax paying citizen it does.
To say it hasn't affected you is ignorance at the highest level.
townpete said:
As an American tax paying citizen it does.
To say it hasn't affected you is ignorance at the highest level.
I was against the Iraq war because I felt that if we were going to fight a war, we needed to pay for it with American taxpayer money and not from a Chinese loan.  I was told that I was unpatriotic. 
So...how much have your taxes increased in the past 8 years?  
delldude said:
Check your wallet lately?
How about increased consumer costs due to compliance with Gov't reg's and taxation?
That hasn't impacted me nearly as much as some of the other moves the "small government" crowd have made.
delldude said:
Trump's success and support comes mainly from voters and their total dissatisfaction with what goes in DC and lies coming out of that sector.
Unsecured borders is one of those issues, with Mexicans getting a proxy on that.
Trump has been masterful at tapping into the visceral angst in this country. Some of it is frustration with business as usual in DC, and some of it is a projection of hate toward Obama. And as TownPete correctly notes, part of his appeal is his absolute lack of F's left to give.

It's just to bad that underneath all that, there's not much of anything substantive.
KCFlyer said:
Okay...we're all tired of the 8 years under Obama.  Could you cite some specifics on just how bad the Obama "regime", if you want to call it that, has been to you personally?   
Before citing "Obamacare"...how has Obamacare negatively impacted you personally?  HOw has is leftist agenda damaged your quality of life for the past 8 years.  No right wing talking points....just looking for how awful your life has been because of Obama.  
Me personally - over the past 8 years I bought a new house.  I bought a new car.  I got a raise at work.  My retirement accounts have grown quite a bit.  The housing market in my town is up.  New buisnesses have opened in my area.  I hear how crappy everything is, but I just haven't seen it.  So how has this "leftist agenda" lessened your standard of living?
Hunh. That sounds remarkably similar to how the last few years have gone for me too. I would also like to know both what the "leftist agenda" is, and how it has specifically impacted people on here.

townpete said:
Obama’s “economic recovery”

1. Federal debt is soaring.
2. The Feds are printing an unprecedented amount of money.
3. Wages are stagnant.
4. Nearly 40 percent of Americans are not working.
5. The business workforce’s share of income is declining.
6. Spending on food stamps is soaring.
7. Student debt is soaring.
8. Home-ownership is still falling.
9. Real median family income is down.
Tell us more about how any one of the G.O.P. candidates will fix any of those bullet points.
Myself, my kids, and everyone I know are better off now than eight years ago, or were at any time between 2001 and 2008. Businesses are opening and hiring, instead of closing and furloughing. The market is way the hell up, deficits are down. We are no longer fighting two wars trying to export and impose "our" values on people who don't want them, killing them and creating ever more rabid enemies by e hundreds of thousands in the process. More Americans are being respected for who they are and afforded their individual freedoms and rights than ever before. No one has taken any one's gun.

It's been a long slow and painful turnaround, and with some rough seas, squalls and a few outright screwups, but the ship of state is finally heading in the right direction.

In spite of the right wing media's outright lies at every turn, and certain peoples' eagerness to believe them, dude didn't do too bad.
Ifly2 said:
Myself, my kids, and everyone I know are better off now than eight years ago, or were at any time between 2001 and 2008. Businesses are opening and hiring, instead of closing and furloughing. The market is way the hell up, deficits are down. We are no longer fighting two wars trying to export and impose "our" values on people who don't want them, killing them and creating ever more rabid enemies by e hundreds of thousands in the process. More Americans are being respected for who they are and afforded their individual freedoms and rights than ever before. No one has taken any one's gun.

It's been a long slow and painful turnaround, and with some rough seas, squalls and a few outright screwups, but the ship of state is finally heading in the right direction.

In spite of the right wing media's outright lies at every turn, and certain peoples' eagerness to believe them, dude didn't do too bad.
Facts don't lie.
Liberals do.
townpete said:
Facts don't lie.
Liberals do.
Republicans have been saying since 1980 that 3 minus 2 equals 5...and you believed that.   How bad have YOU had it these past 8 years.  My ex is a realtor....this past year was a record year for her...65 sales closed this past year - over 5 per month....so SOMEBODY is buying houses.  How's your retirement fund doing?  Is it better or worse than it was in 2008?   
I didn't lie

Statistics can in fact be used to lie, and are
Anyone with a modicum of critical thinking ability knows that
Ifly2 said:
I didn't lie

Statistics can in fact be used to lie, and are
Ifly2 said:
Anyone with a modicum of critical thinking ability knows that
Which you never had.
Even when you where Tree.
And before that Garfield.
CMH_GSE said:
When you post things like this, without any specifics, it makes you more troll like, not less.
This is an airline forum, the case can easily be made that Obamacare has hurt all of us in this industry as we have watched our healthcare get worse as we pay dramatically more for it.
please post some examples of all the harm that you speak of.
Anything.free from the government is good, unless
KCFlyer said:
Sorry, but the total dissatisfaction of what goes on in DC is not because Congress won't do much more than say no and tell us how bad Obamacare is....the total dissatisfaction is that Congress won't build a wall between us and Mexico.  And you haven't been reading about Trump's proposal to ban Muslims from coming to this country?   But help out an "undecided" voter....what parts of Trumps plan will help me - the average middle class guy who still has his job and still has a fairly comfortable living, despite what I'm being told is a crappy economy?
Err.....Illegal Aliens taking your job, for one!
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