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Trump Polling

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Kev3188 said:
That hasn't impacted me nearly as much as some of the other moves the "small government" crowd have made.

Trump has been masterful at tapping into the visceral angst in this country. Some of it is frustration with business as usual in DC, and some of it is a projection of hate toward Obama. And as TownPete correctly notes, part of his appeal is his absolute lack of F's left to give.

It's just to bad that underneath all that, there's not much of anything substantive.

Hunh. That sounds remarkably similar to how the last few years have gone for me too. I would also like to know both what the "leftist agenda" is, and how it has specifically impacted people on here.


Tell us more about how any one of the G.O.P. candidates will fix any of those bullet points.
Which small gov't crowd? You referring to the ones who just about control both houses that pass everything the left wants?
And you've been making a killing on Interest??
How labor unions doing under Obama?  Lots of juicy trade deals killing jobs here. Obama no show in Wisconsin after publicly vowing to put on sneakers and walk the line?
And for anything substantive, go over and read Hillary and Bernie's plans for prosperity. Nothing really there except generalized make you warm and fuzzy baloney. Just as fuzzy as GOP candidates fixing those bullet points.
Watch you don't fall into that racial divide opened up by Obama and the Democrats, err, I mean left Media.
Things are definitely better off ?  Not if you make your home in the Middle East, no leadership at all from Obama except if you're in The Brotherhood or want nukes to kill the Jew.
Until we get into some type of responsible fiscal reality, what to do until then?
Don't worry, when we max out the Federal Credit Card, we'll just get them to raise the limit.....fixed that.
I feel sorry for this generations children and the world you and I are leaving them, seriously.
delldude said:
I feel sorry for this generations children and the world you and I are leaving them, seriously.
Having four grown children, and four grandchildren, I don't share your sorrow.  They learn success comes from not playing the victim.
townpete said:
Which you never had.
Even when you where Tree.
And before that Garfield.

Poor misguided soul...

Unable to grasp reality

Or read
delldude said:
Which small gov't crowd? You referring to the ones who just about control both houses that pass everything the left wants?
The Grover Norquist crowd. They just keep forgetting (or willfully ignoring) things like infrastructure, education, structurally fixing income inequality, and so on.
And you've been making a killing on Interest??
No, but to hear some on the right tell it, we're all in a 90% tax bracket.
How labor unions doing under Obama?  Lots of juicy trade deals killing jobs here. Obama no show in Wisconsin after publicly vowing to put on sneakers and walk the line?
How'd they do? Terrible. I'd never argue otherwise. Passing TPP, and caving on EFCA are two of his biggest blunders, IMO...
And for anything substantive, go over and read Hillary and Bernie's plans for prosperity. Nothing really there except generalized make you warm and fuzzy baloney. Just as fuzzy as GOP candidates fixing those bullet points.
Not a fan of HRC, either, FWIW...
Watch you don't fall into that racial divide opened up by Obama and the Democrats, err, I mean left Media.
I gave up on most MSM awhile ago. I watch CNN 'cause that's the only station we get in our break room, but that's about it.
Things are definitely better off ?  Not if you make your home in the Middle East, no leadership at all from Obama except if you're in The Brotherhood or want nukes to kill the Jew.
Lucky me that my home is in middle America, then.

Seriously, though, all we've heard on foreign policy from the right is Trump talking about "bombing the s***" out of the middle east, and Ted "the pride of Calgary" Cruz wondering aloud about sand glowing in the dark. Neither of those are viable strategies moving forward.

Note: As noted elsewhere before, I think HRC is too hawkish on foreign policy as well.
Until we get into some type of responsible fiscal reality, what to do until then?
Good question, but I'm all for fiscal responsibility; I just haven't seen a doable plan from the G.O.P. yet.

EDIT: The candidate that finally gets around to talking about real infrastructure improvement will get a serious look from me. That includes Next Gen, 'cause after all, this is an airline forum...
southwind said:
Err.....Illegal Aliens taking your job, for one!
Sorry...I didn't realize you were a dishwasher, landscaper, or meat processing plant worker.   That's not what I do....  There aren't many illegals in Information Technology, where I work.  The ones taking those jobs are perfectly legal H1B visa holders.    Not many illegal Mexican's have moved up from picking lettuce to writing code or troubleshooting networks.   Nor have they taken jobs in banking, real estate, accounting, or airlines.   So they haven't taken my job, and I'll bet that they haven't taken YOUR job either.
There's a guy on another message board who bitches about illegals taking our jobs too.  Turns out, he had a patio poured.  Claims he "didn't know until later" that the Spanish speaking guys pouring his concrete were illegals.  But.....this guys bid was lower.   I proposed fining companies - no matter how big or small - with a fine that was stiff enough to make it cheaper to use American workers instead of illegals.  He said it "wasn't fair to punish business".  I guess the solution is to find Americans willing to work as cheap as the illegals. 
KCFlyer said:
Sorry...I didn't realize you were a dishwasher, landscaper, or meat processing plant worker.   That's not what I do....  There aren't many illegals in Information Technology, where I work.  The ones taking those jobs are perfectly legal H1B visa holders.    Not many illegal Mexican's have moved up from picking lettuce to writing code or troubleshooting networks.   Nor have they taken jobs in banking, real estate, accounting, or airlines.   So they haven't taken my job, and I'll bet that they haven't taken YOUR job either.
There's a guy on another message board who bitches about illegals taking our jobs too.  Turns out, he had a patio poured.  Claims he "didn't know until later" that the Spanish speaking guys pouring his concrete were illegals.  But.....this guys bid was lower.   I proposed fining companies - no matter how big or small - with a fine that was stiff enough to make it cheaper to use American workers instead of illegals.  He said it "wasn't fair to punish business".  I guess the solution is to find Americans willing to work as cheap as the illegals. 
Well, it's you and your fellow liberals that condone and encourage illegals to come here so now you see the consequences of your ideology.
townpete said:
Well, it's you and your fellow liberals that condone and encourage illegals to come here so now you see the consequences of your ideology.
No one here said that either

Who told you that lie?

Why did you believe it?

Do you believe that "conservative", or even Republican business owners do not hire illegals?

They wouldn't come if your rich buds wouldn't hire them.

But, then, they would have to pay Americans a market wage... Can't have that, can we?
Ifly2 said:
No one here said that either

Who told you that lie?

Why did you believe it?

Do you believe that "conservative", or even Republican business owners do not hire illegals?

They wouldn't come if your rich buds wouldn't hire them.

But, then, they would have to pay Americans a market wage... Can't have that, can we?
Hey you liberals condone things like, "dreamers", sanctuary cities, outreach in mexico on how to get here, La Raza, etc.
Its all on you kiddo.
townpete said:
Well, it's you and your fellow liberals that condone and encourage illegals to come here so now you see the consequences of your ideology.
Nope...it's your business friendly republicans who will fire you up about "the illegal problem", but take money from Tyson and Hormel to make sure that THEIR plants aren't subject to so much scrutiny.   HOw about THIS liberal idea....if a Tyson or Hormel plant is checked and they have illegals working there (hint - they do), then assess them a fine of $50 million and tell they they have to fire the illegals that are working there.  If they are caught again....fine them $100 million.  And keep doubling that fine every time they are caught with illegals working for them.  If a "mom and pop" business are using them, fine THEM a years worth of profits for each time they are busted.  Illegals aren't stupid.  When there aren't any jobs here, they won't come.  But as long as we have "business friendly" laws, we'll have a problem with illegals.   Sound like a deal?  Or is a fence the better idea? 
KCFlyer said:
Nope...it's your business friendly republicans who will fire you up about "the illegal problem", but take money from Tyson and Hormel to make sure that THEIR plants aren't subject to so much scrutiny.   HOw about THIS liberal idea....if a Tyson or Hormel plant is checked and they have illegals working there (hint - they do), then assess them a fine of $50 million and tell they they have to fire the illegals that are working there.  If they are caught again....fine them $100 million.  And keep doubling that fine every time they are caught with illegals working for them.  If a "mom and pop" business are using them, fine THEM a years worth of profits for each time they are busted.  Illegals aren't stupid.  When there aren't any jobs here, they won't come.  But as long as we have "business friendly" laws, we'll have a problem with illegals.   Sound like a deal?  Or is a fence the better idea? 
What part of "enforcement of existing law" do you not understand?
That was a big part of the 1986 immigration law. ENFORCEMENT.
Enforcement that never happen.
And Trump hires illegals to build his buildings, and has his clothes made in Mexico and Asia that he sells.
townpete said:
What part of "enforcement of existing law" do you not understand?
That was a big part of the 1986 immigration law. ENFORCEMENT.
Enforcement that never happen.
I hate to point this out to you, but for 15 of the last 30 years, we have had republicans in control.  Why weren't they enforcing it?  Were the liberal democrats tying their hands?  How in the world can we expect conservative war mongering republicans to defeat ISIS when they can't even beat a bunch of liberal pansies singing kumbaya? 
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