KCfrier goes off on another lefty rant, leapt off the cliff libtardness. Nucking Futs. Mars landing craft little green men certifiable gone. You know, I worried about Obama, but McCain and Romney were classy guys. Classy guys? One is a hero but he's a weak RINO, should retire. And the Mitt? God, when he ran he was a rich Wall Street demon, hated for being "too rich and out of touch" by the libtards. How lefty times change. They were adults and they didn't incite "the base" to hate - Who is going to Trump rallies again to incite hate and violence? Hildabeast and her DNC Storm Troopers Bob Creamypants and Scottard Foval directly involved. Video Number III do believe both said that the country should move forward with the president elect. Yeah or so we thought. Now race relations are worse because of Barock, economic conditions worse (70 million on EBT, 20+ trillion in debt, Obammycare tanking fast) And they didn't know much about Obama...They started in with Hillary in 1993. Now we know more about them than we ever wanted to, George Soros puppets. Hildabeast "started in" with herself. If she wasn't such a lying evil hag she wouldn't be dispised like she is.
I will never forget the "American Spectator" ads that ran on Limbaugh's show in the early 90's...the narrator in those ads literally SPAT the names "Hillary Clinton, Anita Hill and Oliver Stone". The right has had the noise machine running against Hillary for 23 years. It's not noise, it's Clinton corruption, lies, federal crime, death, murder (Vince Foster), greed, election fraud, and general DNC filth. Trump has taken it a step further. He's already got "the base" believing that the election is rigged. Project Veritas, Project Veritas, and Project Veritas. DNC admitted to it on camera. Donald Duck, Hildabeast's idea, that is a election crime. He's told them that they should take advantage of their second amendment rights and assassinate Hillary. Your constant regurgitation of that lie still isn't sticking to the wall, no matter how many times you throw it. He has made the past 23 years of hate against Hillary seem like summer camp with everyone singing kumbaya. How many fights and assaults has Trump instructed his supporters to commit at Clinton rallies? None, I haven't seen one fight on MSLSD or Clinton News Network. But we know how many riots and assaults the DNC started, Bob Creamypants and Foval got FIRED for it.
Because of all that - I think the odds of Hillary being assassinated are far greater than they were for Obama ....and on another message board in 2008, I remember reading posts that maybe Obama would be "MLK'ed" before inauguration. He wasn't..in large part because McCain lost with dignity. Oh plueze, so McCain losing "with dignity" made all those KCfrier labled "gun nuts" and "rednecks" just say; "Well dad gum, ya knowd that thar McCain sure did lose to that N-word Barock fair and square, now I feel reel damn good. Gimme a beer ma" Your trip to Mars is waiting....hurry. Trump doesn't know the meaning of dignity. He will howl "rigged" and his base will react. And he's already told them to use their guns before Hillary takes them away. So Trump should not challenge a possible rigged election if thats what happens? So only dumbocrats can challenge elections like in 2000 and 2004? Trump didn't tell anyone to "use guns."You lie like a DNC rat. Not gonna work....again.
Trump is mentally deranged. Each passing day only proves it more. And should Hillary be assassinated, Trump should be charged with conspiracy to commit murder. Your really on your way to Mars here aren't you? Blithering idiot. Charges of murder and false assassination that Trump is calling for against Hildabeast? What, no riots, arson, looting, shootings, and public violence in streets also? Oh I forgot, that's only the violent libtards that do that, lest we forget. He can always "win" by finally admitting "not guilty by reason of insanity". Insanity? Well we all can see your fully furnished in that department KCfrier. I can't wait to see what happens to KCfribrain when the Clinton Crime Syndicate goes back to the Arkansas woods. Get a straight jacket for the ol' man.