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Gee KC thank you for that economics lesson. So Hillary is going to massively increase my taxes and pay down the debt with it? Is that really what you believe?

Nope...I sure don't believe it. Do you believe that the tax cuts proposed by every republican since Reagan will pay down any of the debt? If you don't, then why are republicans so worried about the debt? Would they NOT print money?
So tell me....I KNOW that tax cuts cure everything...so can you tell me how we can cut taxes AND increase military spending WITHOUT printing trillions of dollars? Wait...I forgot - Trump intends to handle the countries debt the way he handled his casino and airline debt.....just tell the lenders and investors "screw you" and head to bankruptcy court.
YOU brought up the debt. I only commented that Obama (who IS a Democrat by the way) printed up trillions of dollars and it is not a sound policy. Kind of like paying all your expenses with credit cards. Not too smart. Then you go off on another one of your tangents (like you do with everything) and equate it to Republicans borrowing and spending the money on the military. You're predicting what Trump will do. I am commenting on what Obama has DONE. I said it in response to Kev's statement. Feel free to bloviate on it further I'm done with this issue.
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YOU brought up the debt. I only commented that Obama (who IS a democrat by the way) printed up trillions of dollars and it is not a sound policy. Kind of like paying all your expenses with credit cards. Not too smart. Then you go off on another one of your tangents (like you do with everything) and equate it to Republicans borrowing and spending the money on the military. You're predicting what Trump will do. I am commenting on what Obama has DONE. I said it in response to Kev's statement. Feel free to bloviate on it further I'm done with this issue.
So the debt DOESN'T matter. Why are we printing money?

As for paying your expenses with credit cards...I live in Kansas...the "great experiment" of what America could become..led by Art Laugher himself. 300,000 Kansan's had their taxes cut to nothing. They were "LLC's", and most made in excess of 6 figures per year. They haven't created any jobs. We have cut spending to the bone, but we have shifted money from the highway fund and they've missed funding the state pension fund for the second year - even though the republicans passed a law saying that if you did that, you had to repay it with 8% interest. This is supposed to be an experiment for America. But tell me...do republicans not print money? Because I sure seem to recall that they were doing that before Obama came into office. And from what I've seen in Kansas..paying the republican plan seems to be to pay your Visa bill with your American express. Or print money.

And we just can't win. You guys either ***** about me bloviating or dogs one liners.

Before this election, I seldom watched cnn, nbc or fox news.
It's amazing on how they are so different.
CNN and NBC just loves Clinton and hates Trump.
FOX Just loves Trump and paints a totally different perspective.

There is some truth in all, just have to filter out the rhetoric.
To me, I believe that depending on any one news source in this day and age is reckless.

Caveat Emptor
"My Visit to the Trump Dump.... Sorry, Trump Tower"

"Trump Tower is no ordinary property: It is the jewel in Donald Trump's brass crown. He lives at the top in a three-story penthouse with his third wife and third son. But it's more than just Trump's home. With its flashy outward image barely concealing a rotting, garbage-filled core, it's a metaphor for the man. A visit to the building' public gardens, which he agreed to create in 1979 in exchange for the rights to make his Tower 20 floors higher, reveals the truth. Let's take a stroll through his messy rest stop for a glimpse of the kind of care and attention that Americans can expect from a President Trump."

couldn't find any video of him paying to conduct violence at Hillary rallies?
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