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Trump Polling

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you are correct I asked him to prove this and all he could come up with was some weak innuendo he's trying to twist around and run with.
He keeps talking about Trump being mentally unstable, he's making a better case that it is he who is unstable hell just read some of those rants and judge for yourself
Keep telling yourself that until the first shot is fired. I'll be interested to hear what you have to say then.
Wow ok then. KCFRIER is now KCFRIER the Magnificent...pontificating all that you leftists can dream up. 5 cents a head...see the show.

I'm more worried about Hildabeast doing a Foster on the Donald after he wins the White House. Really.

W T F, 'HACKJOB' !!!!

T- Rump winning the W H ???? Dear God brother, WHAT ARE YOU 'ON' ?
Bath salts, Heroin, 'GLUE' a strain of HEMP never seen before ? What ???

You've got a better chance of seeing JESUS(not that THAT will ever happen to ANYONE), then that D-Bag T-Rump winning '1600 !!

And MORE importantly than all of that, HOW are you going to QUELL that massive amount of ANGER that resides within you ALREADY, especially after that MORON loses huge and takes down 90% of the GOP with him ????

I mean, have you forgotten the old TV commercial showing a frying pan and an EGG sizzling in it, and then the announcer says,......." THIS IS YOUR BRAIN, A N D, THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON D R U G S " ???
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Who knows what will happen at 3 a.m. if an embassy callls in the middle of a twitter rant?

And I heard what Trump said - and you think I'm "tarded", so I obviously heard something he didn't mean to say. But you know something? Many of his 'second amendment people" are mentally challenged as well, and might have heard the same thing that I did....have you ever stopped to think about that?

LIke Trump, Putin had an opponent poisoned....too smart to do it himself. Maybe T Rump is learning from the best.,
So Trump now had somebody poisoned too? Any thing to back up your BS statement?

Your KCfrier psychotic libtard dementia has really taken over your mental state. Sad to see. You see and hear things that are not real. Your unhinged.

You know something? Most 99.9% "second amendment people" are law abiding citizens, because you can't legally own firearms if your a criminal or have mental problems. Like the criminals that Obammy pardons and has released back into society. I'd be worried more about them if I were you, but I guess your not.

If the embassy calls Trump at 3am, I'm sure Trump will be on duty and take the call. Unlike Hildabeast who would be taking a "nap" and therefore unable to save 4 Americans who asked for help 600 times.

As I said, your worried about "what Trump said", I will worry about Hildabeasts failed actions or inaction and crimes.

I think voters will also.

Rant on KCfrier.

Trump Pence 2016
So Trump now had somebody poisoned too? Any thing to back up your BS statement?

Your KCfrier psychotic libtard dementia has really taken over your mental state. Sad to see. You see and hear things that are not real. Your unhinged.

You know something? Most 99.9% "second amendment people" are law abiding citizens, because you can't legally own firearms if your a criminal or have mental problems. Like the criminals that Obammy pardons and has released back into society. I'd be worried more about them if I were you, but I guess your not.

If the embassy calls Trump at 3am, I'm sure Trump will be on duty and take the call. Unlike Hildabeast who would be taking a "nap" and therefore unable to save 4 Americans who asked for help 600 times.

As I said, your worried about "what Trump said", I will worry about Hildabeasts failed actions or inaction and crimes.

I think voters will also.

Rant on KCfrier.

Trump Pence 2016
Putin poisoned an opponent and Trump seems to be using him as a role model.

And you are getting closer -you are RIGHT...99.9% of the second amendment people are law abiding. So let's have some fun with math. There are 300 million Americans and 36% of them own guns. So 108 million people own guns. And of that 99.9% are law abiding. That's 107,892,000 law abiding gun owners. But that leaves us with 108,000 who AREN'T law abiding citizens...and if only 1% of them were nutcases, that would mean that there are 1,080 people who might have heard Trumps words the way I heard them. It only takes ONE to act

And that 3 a.m. phone call? Let's hope nobody insulted him about his hands. It could be "ISIS is killing off our embassy in Godforsakenstan?...hang on a second", then turns to his phone to tweet about how hand size doesn't relate to wenus size and they are just ugly losers
It didn't work out to well for Amb Stevens the last time Hillary was on the phone at 3am, that's just more left field ranting from you
It didn't work out to well for Amb Stevens the last time Hillary was on the phone at 3am, that's just more left field ranting from you

So...we are more concerned about what happens a 3 a.m. than we are that possible 108,000 gun owners to the Donald to mean that they should assassinate HIllary.
uhhh you brought up the 3am phone call when I blew it out of the water you went back to your asinine assassination theory , have you noticed you're pretty much on the limb.
Frankly you're looking like a tool we,ve already established you can't come close to proving that it's just something living rent free in your head, sort of like Trump is
uhhh you brought up the 3am phone call when I blew it out of the water you went back to your asinine assassination theory , have you noticed you're pretty much on the limb.
Frankly you're looking like a tool we,ve already established you can't come close to proving that it's just something living rent free in your head, sort of like Trump is
Isn't it funny that while something may be living in my head, I am putting forth an argument instead of name calling.
So...we are more concerned about what happens a 3 a.m. than we are that possible 108,000 gun owners to the Donald to mean that they should assassinate HIllary.
Hmmm, hmmm, and hmmm (that's the KCfrier libtard conspiracy wheels sceeching awake) What happened to the 108,000 gun owners you keep stammering about during 8 years of Obammy failed presidential disaster? They are all crazy violent right wing racists right? What you assume right KCfrier?
As much as Obammy is despised by all those racist deplorables on the right, some of the 108,000 should taken a pot shot by now!!!
Another failed KCFRIBRAIN libtard conspiracy theory destoyed.

You got no game, none.
Hmmm, hmmm, and hmmm (that's the KCfrier libtard conspiracy wheels sceeching awake) What happened to the 108,000 gun owners you keep stammering about during 8 years of Obammy failed presidential disaster? They are all crazy violent right wing racists right? What you assume right KCfrier?
As much as Obammy is despised by all those racist deplorables on the right, some of the 108,000 should taken a pot shot by now!!!
Another failed KCFRIBRAIN libtard conspiracy theory destoyed.

You got no game, none.

Could you cite for me where either McCain or Romney said that "you second amendment people" might be able to do what others could not? Quite honestly, I'm surprised that there wasn't an attempt...but a lot of folks need someone to give them the idea that it might be okay. Trump is a messiah to the white redneck masses - but most definitely to those 108,000. And here they've got their messiah intimating that it's their duty to do "what nobody else can do". The power of suggestion is great. Up to now, no candidate has used it...until Trump.
Could you cite for me where either McCain or Romney said that "you second amendment people" might be able to do what others could not? Quite honestly, I'm surprised that there wasn't an attempt...but a lot of folks need someone to give them the idea that it might be okay. Trump is a messiah to the white redneck masses - but most definitely to those 108,000. And here they've got their messiah intimating that it's their duty to do "what nobody else can do". The power of suggestion is great. Up to now, no candidate has used it...until Trump.
Well like I said KCfrier you got nothing and no game. You harp and moan about "what Trump said" until your libtard skull caves in. You Mao loving radical birenstock wearing, dope smoking, need a bath hippys got nothing on the "potential of violence" to cry about.
Because the Hildabeast criminals at the DNC have been busted red-handed paying off flea infested lefty street maggots to incite violence at Trump events. Thats a proven fact.

Therefore, you should STFU before you look any more libtarded. If that's possible.

Here's what the DNC slime does.
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Well like I said KCfrier you got nothing and no game. You harp and moan about "what Trump said" until your libtard skull caves in. You Mao loving radical birenstock wearing, dope smoking, need a bath hippys got nothing on the "potential of violence to cry about.
Because the Hildabeast criminals at the DNC have been busted red-handed paying off flea infested lefty street maggots to incite violence at Trump events. Thats a proven fact.

Therefore, you should STFU before you look any more libtarded. If that's possible.

Here's what the DNC slime does.

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