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Trump Polling

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only in the mind of an anti gun nut like your self
You guys need to watch who you back. First off...I don't support banning guns, but I do think that some restrictions wouldn't hurt things a bit, and would still not infringe on your right to own one. But your candidate of choice...appealing to his "second amendment people" tossed out the "Hillary will take your guns"...just like you all have been claiming Obama was going to do for the past 8 years. I'll bet you that you, and most of the "second amendment people" own MORE guns than you did in 2007.

But...Trump went a step further and pretty much implied that "you second amendment people" might be the only ones who can do anything about it...which implied using said guns. I hate to say it, but I think that there has been enough hatred of liberals since Rush Limbaugh and the like rose in popularity...and hatred of Hillary Clinton since 1993, that I think Trump may well push that hatred into action. I don't much like Hillary either, but I wouldn't want to see her dead, just like I didn't want to see W dead...and disagreed with that guy on just about everything.

I think that hatred has festered enough that some person who is on the far side of whacko just might do it. I pray I'm wrong.
OK, I know it’s hard to ‘actually’ look at the issues instead of pre-conceived judgment.

  • FIRST, propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress;
Who doesn’t agree with this?

  • SECOND, a hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal workforce through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health);
Reducing Gooberment, Is this a bad thing?

  • THIRD, a requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated;
Well, that logic eludes me.

  • FOURTH, a 5 year-ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service;
Yea BABY! He just punched my ticket that I hated since conception.

  • FIFTH, a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government;
No brainer here!

  • SIXTH, a complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.
Another No Brainer.
He was offering to pay legal fees to the people conducting it at his own rallies.
even f he did that's a far cry from admitting on video you've been paying for violence at conservative rallies for years
You guys need to watch who you back. First off...I don't support banning guns, but I do think that some restrictions wouldn't hurt things a bit, and would still not infringe on your right to own one. But your candidate of choice...appealing to his "second amendment people" tossed out the "Hillary will take your guns"...just like you all have been claiming Obama was going to do for the past 8 years. I'll bet you that you, and most of the "second amendment people" own MORE guns than you did in 2007.

But...Trump went a step further and pretty much implied that "you second amendment people" might be the only ones who can do anything about it...which implied using said guns. I hate to say it, but I think that there has been enough hatred of liberals since Rush Limbaugh and the like rose in popularity...and hatred of Hillary Clinton since 1993, that I think Trump may well push that hatred into action. I don't much like Hillary either, but I wouldn't want to see her dead, just like I didn't want to see W dead...and disagreed with that guy on just about everything.

I think that hatred has festered enough that some person who is on the far side of whacko just might do it. I pray I'm wrong.

if no one offed Obama I doubt anyone would her either, if they did it would likely as not be someone she screwed over in one of her pay for play deals
if no one offed Obama I doubt anyone would her either, if they did it would likely as not be someone she screwed over in one of her pay for play deals

You know, I worried about Obama, but McCain and Romney were classy guys. They were adults and they didn't incite "the base" to hate - I do believe both said that the country should move forward with the president elect. And they didn't know much about Obama...They started in with Hillary in 1993.

I will never forget the "American Spectator" ads that ran on Limbaugh's show in the early 90's...the narrator in those ads literally SPAT the names "Hillary Clinton, Anita Hill and Oliver Stone". The right has had the noise machine running against Hillary for 23 years. Trump has taken it a step further. He's already got "the base" believing that the election is rigged. He's told them that they should take advantage of their second amendment rights and assassinate Hillary. He has made the past 23 years of hate against Hillary seem like summer camp with everyone singing kumbaya.

Because of all that - I think the odds of Hillary being assassinated are far greater than they were for Obama....and on another message board in 2008, I remember reading posts that maybe Obama would be "MLK'ed" before inauguration. He wasn't..in large part because McCain lost with dignity. Trump doesn't know the meaning of dignity. He will howl "rigged" and his base will react. And he's already told them to use their guns before Hillary takes them away.

Trump is mentally deranged. Each passing day only proves it more. And should Hillary be assassinated, Trump should be charged with conspiracy to commit murder. He can always "win" by finally admitting "not guilty by reason of insanity".
Ok, I'll bite. He says he is going to imprison all illegals who try to come in for a second time. Does he have any idea how many people that is? Does he realize that many of them would gladly take a USA prison stay on our dime over their current situation?

How many prisons does he plan on building? Who is paying for them? Where are they going to be built?

This guy is a walking wrecking ball. All a foreign leader would need to do is tell him he has small hands and we could be at war. He would go on a 0300 twitter rant telling his generals to bomb the crap out of them.

I'm not laughing.
I can't believe I agree with anything Michael Moore, but he knocks it out of the park here. Strong language for the snowflake permanently offended.
Ok, I'll bite. He says he is going to imprison all illegals who try to come in for a second time. Does he have any idea how many people that is? Does he realize that many of them would gladly take a USA prison stay on our dime over their current situation?

How many prisons does he plan on building? Who is paying for them? Where are they going to be built?

This guy is a walking wrecking ball. All a foreign leader would need to do is tell him he has small hands and we could be at war. He would go on a 0300 twitter rant telling his generals to bomb the crap out of them.

I'm not laughing.

Do you know how many 'privatized' prisons have been changed by the 'status quo'?
Oh yea, after 7 years it will 'maybe' change in 2017.

I am not laughing either, and it's too bad the DemoRats didn't do what they promised.
Now with Billery (Not a name slam as it WILL be Hillery and Bill) we can expect something different, like actually doing something?
DemoRats have been all blow and no show, how many more years do they need?
I can't believe I agree with anything Michael Moore, but he knocks it out of the park here. Strong language for the snowflake permanently offended.

Can I have an AMEN?

Edited by Me
That was taken out of context.
I should have known better.
Moore hates Trump.
I retract my post.
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