townpete said:Funny how the left is ridiculing Trump got not attending the Fox debate and calling him thin skinned. Guess they forgot their own pair of thin skinned twins of Obama and Hildabeast who did the same in 2007. Refused to go on Fox debate as well.
KCFlyer said:
Didn't watch the clown debate tonight, but if any of the candidates said anything remotely critical of his twitter feed. See if it doesn't remind you of a jilted 14 year old boy.
Then say to the end of the world with M.A.D.delldude said:Putin disses the Donald.
Donald responds with Trident D-5's
delldude said:
Putin disses the Donald.
Donald responds with Trident D-5's
Living in fear!?KCFlyer said:That's the part that Trump supporters don't get. Yeah....we'll get that wall in Mexico, and we won't let any Muslims into this country. But it really won't matter because his thin skin may well start the end of the world.'d have to give him this....if there is no world, there is no ISIS and there are no illegal immigrants.
townpete said:Living in fear!?
Omarosa got a shout out. Not a whole lot else... Yet...KCFlyer said:
Didn't watch the clown debate tonight, but if any of the candidates said anything remotely critical of his twitter feed. See if it doesn't remind you of a jilted 14 year old boy.
Just what we want in a president, insecurity.KCFlyer said:Didn't watch the clown debate tonight, but if any of the candidates said anything remotely critical of his twitter feed. See if it doesn't remind you of a jilted 14 year old boy.
You have had that since 2008.777 fixer said:Just what we want in a president, insecurity.