You know all about the employees abilities since the merger?? Rember the systems have changed!!!! Some employees have been trained properly, many others not. Some have the tools to do their jobs and again others do not. So, just maybe ,you dont know.. Just a thought.Sweety Dahling.........I used to live on US for 11 years and this message board (compare my member # to yours and when I joined). I know all too well about the abilities of the US front line personnel.
But you're not in PHL where most of my transactions used to take place when dealing with this issue being discussed. Hence why one of the benefits of having a Club membership is so you don't have to deal with an inexperienced gate agent or a gate agent that doesn't care.
So don't tell me I don't know when in fact I do know. I've been around a long time to witness the changes over the past 11 years that I spent living on US.