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Dec 28, 2003
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Well I finally ventured out to do my first set of trips (early April), in the "shares" world as we see it now. So much gloom and doom to read about, I was really hesitant at first, and to my surpirise, all went well.

Trip 1 PIT-PHL-PIT...Checked in at the PIT ATO, couldn't get the SP ticket to come out at first. About 20 hits on the keyboard, there it was. 10 min tops. Thru security quick, to the gate, changed seat...no problem....pushed off gate OT...as we taxi...1hr ATC hold low ceilings in PHL. A lot of groaning on the A/C. Released 35 min into GS. Everyone made their conx. The PHL station was actually calm. I know, I expected the worst. Return, no problem. OT! WOW!

Trip 2 PIT-CLT-PIT....Checked in at the PIT ATO. No problem, SP ticket out on the first try. Boarded early and pushed 5 min early. OT arrival in CLT. Crappy day in CLT, rain, overcast, just down right nasty. Some lines at Special Service...not too bad. Some delays posted, but things were moving. Return flight 40 min late IB from NAS, full flight to PIT off gate 30 min late, #22 in line, arrive 1hr late. Glad to be home.

Trip 3 PIT-DCA-SRQ....First time with Republic and the E170. Nice A/C. No problem at the PIT ATO, had 1 ticket for my mother from SABRE heaven from last year, printed to paper, good to go. I coud not believe that one. Boarded and pushed 5 min early. The carry on issue is always a problem. The F/A's were very helpful. Not too pleased with the "as needed drink service", but 45 min, I 'll be OK. And what is it with the window shades in the up position on landing and take off? Someone must have been board. They need to drop that, and now!

In DCA I was actually paged out of the lounge and given a seat! WOW....45 min before departure. Boarded and pushed 5 min early and arrived in SRQ 10 min early. Nice airport!
We really under-serve this place. A little hidden piece of heaven.

Trip 4 TPA-PIT....At the TPA ATO at 5:45am. Line was out of the ropes, but moving at a steady pace. The old paper ticket was no problem, but my ETC booking would not print a boarding pass. After 20 min, a gate pass is given to me to get me thru security. In the boarding lounge at 7:10 for and 8:20 departure, and that was using the employee line at security. Boarded early, and pushed 10 min early!

I know this "Shares" transition has been a nightmare, but I spoke with a lot of agents, and the comment was, "we seem to work around it". The TPA agents really had their hands full that morning. I really give them and all of the front line agents a lot of credit. All of the flight crews were excellent! Thank You! I know this nightmare of shares is not going away, and I only hope there are a lot of quick fixes in the making.

Have a great week everyone! Thanks for listening!!

Jetman out..... B)
Jetman, I'm glad your travels were good ones. Your quote about "working around" the issues with SHARES says it all about the abilities of US employees. They can cope with just about anything.
I believe the shades issue is a FAA thing, don't think it's ALL of them, just certain ones depending on the seat you were in. I.E. emergency exits I believe have to be open.
I think the widow shade thing is all about the carrier you happen to be on. The problem is US has more outsourced flights per day than flights of their own, so the odds are actually in favor of riding on one of the "lift" providers rather than Airways. (destination dependant of course)
"Only" Nine? There used to be Eleven, who left? Or am I adding in the Wholly Owned?
Could be more I lose count
Who did I leave out; I was not counting code-sharing flights
Air Midwest
Air Wisconsin
Tran States
There is no FAR saying that windowshades need to be up for takeoff and landing. We certainly dont do that on the E190 and didnt on the E170. Republic/Chautauqua is thinking of its smaller RJs and props where there are no windows in the doors- therefore the F/As would not be able to assess in an emergency, so they ask everyone to raise them. They must not have noticed that the EJets have a porthole in each door. Again, there is no FAR, but if a company puts it in thier manual it becomes one. The F/As have to enforce it if its in there. Are they still making people take napkins out of the seatback pockets?

You'll notice that US/MA treated the E170 like a small mainline narrowbody, Republic treats it like a large regional jet. For a outsourcing provider that acts so big for its boots, they seem to have alot of old school commuter rules. Oh yeah, how about the laminated card in the seatback pocket advertising for jobs at Republic? Does US know they are doing this? Oh wait, look who we're talking about, never mind. They probably told them too.

Just to reaffirm, US Airways is the most outsourced airline in the world. It has the dubious distinction of only being one third mainline- with the other two thirds "Express"- some by its two subsidiaries but most outsourced to 7 completely different carriers. US Airways also has the loosest scope clause- meaning the unions stupidly agreed to allow outside airlines to fly anything under 100 seats. There is no uniformity between any of these carriers, Republic/Chq in particular thinks they are thier own brand and doesnt see fit to do things the US way.