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A Problem--and a Nice Touch--Job Well Done

Art at ISP

Aug 20, 2002
Reaction score
Dix Hills NY
This morning I did a day trip to CLT and back from LGA. Upon checkin, the agent told me there was an equipment change from a mainline A320 to a Shuttle A319 due to mechanical problems with the original aircraft. He looked to get me a first class seat on the earlier or later flights but there were none available. Since it was a Shuttle Airplane, I chose exit row window, shared a couple of laughs with the agent and moved on--first to the LGA club to say hi to my friends there, and then to board.
The gate agent boarding the flight mentioned first class as usual during the normal boarding announcement. About 4 of us who were originally in first class chuckled aloud there's no first class jokingly as we got up to board.
The gate agent as she took our boarding passes, discretely told us we needed to see the agent at the podium behind the gate. We went back and were each quietly handed $50 travel vouchers, with an apology and thanks for our understanding. Now I wasn't going to complain or make any issues--I was happy in my exit row seat..but that was a classy wonderful thing to do--goes to show you why US people are the best.
Once on the plane, the flight attendant came back to the two exit rows, and asked if we were all her first class passengers? We laughed that we were , and I pointed out another lady who was amongst us who chose row 2. The flight attendant laughed and said, Okay, I just wanted to know who my people are.
I congratulate my friends at US for a job well done--the situation was well handled.
By the way if anyone in ops reads this it was 1092 this morning..I am curious what the problem with the original aircraft was.
Thanks and best wishes to all.
Just checking the web site, it seems as though they probably used the same plane to continue the GCM leg, as the flight departed from the same gate in CLT as it arrived in. They also operated the CUN flight today.
I remember seeing the change this morning because the plane continued on to Grand Cayman and I was trying to see if they were flying there with Lili. I noticed the Shuttle plane and didnt remember if anyone was originally booked in F/C. I didnt know you were on there and didnt pull up a name list or I would have noticed the name. I was also checking the cancellations for the day, but since it was subbed, it wouldnt show as a cancellation and I dont remember what planes were showing out on the maint log for this morning. Hope the return trip went well.

Thanks for posting this story. This is the type of customer service we need to provide and I applaud the LGA staff for their effort.

On 10/1/2002 11:32:25 PM chipmunn wrote:


Thanks for posting this story. This is the type of customer service we need to provide and I applaud the LGA staff for their effort.



It was my pleasure to post the story--this is a perfect illustration of US at its best, and you know I always say it's the people of US who keep me coming back! I would much rather post good stories than problems. Also I really wanted to express my appreciation to your colleagues at LGA and will follow up with a note to Consumer Affairs.

As always, Chip, thanks for your informative posts--I owe you many cups of coffee when I finally make it on one of your flights.