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Trip Report CLT to SJU 12/24 returning 12/26

Yes, at least for the last several years - just like F/A's as I understand it.

They shouldn't and that wasn't part of the rules when J/S access to F/C was negotiated. Jumpseaters are only supposed to sit in F/C if there is an open seat available. They would be behind paid F/C, upgrades to F/C (free to elites or paid under the "Move Up" program), and non-revs who paid the fee to upgrade to F/C.

Yes, ALPA negotiated the benefit. Part of the reason was that other airlines offered that to our pilots riding their jumpseat and we wanted to be able to reciprocate. Part was the "If the seat is going to be open after those I listed above are all taken care of, what difference does it make if the J/S rides in F/C instead of coach." I assume that AFA used basically the same reasoning when they negotiated the same benefit for F/A's ridng J/S.

Why should a interline pilot bumming a ride get first class over a USAirwasy employee
I guess it would be free for the USAirway employee and not for the entitle jumpseater
Shouldn’t a paying customer get firstclass before a interline pilot bumming a ride
I guess not it’s free for the customer and the interline pilot bumming a ride is entitle
To F/C
Why should a interline pilot bumming a ride get first class over a USAirwasy employee
I guess it would be free for the USAirway employee and not for the entitle jumpseater

The company says that non-revs (US or OAL) must pay a fee if they want to upgrade to an open F/C seat. And the company agreed that the J/S rider can have an open F/C seat after everyone including no-revs who pay the fee have had their chance to take F/C that open seat. May not be fair - depends on whether you have the benefit or not I guess - but those are the rules the company established for customers/most employees and agreed to for J/S riders. Instead of complaining you should work toward getting free F/C upgrades for your employee group.

Shouldn’t a paying customer get firstclass before a interline pilot bumming a ride
I guess not it’s free for the customer and the interline pilot bumming a ride is entitle
To F/C

Did you even bother to read my earlier post? A J/S rider DOES NOT get F/C ahead of a customer who paid for it. A J/S rider DOES NOT get F/C ahead of an elite getting a free upgrade. A J/S rider DOES NOT get F/C ahead of any customer paying the Move Up fee. A J/S rider DOES NOT get F/C ahead of a non-rev (US or OAL) who has paid the upgrade fee. Those are the rules - if you see something different happening someone (captain, F/A, agent) is bending the rules and just like some of the PIT-PHL commuters risks messing up a good deal for the entire group.

My grocery (Harris Teeter in NC) is giving away stuff all the time. My favorite has been the Aerobed. With an 8 year old who has sleepovers all the time, they're great. I've earned four. Plus a lot of other stuff like coolers of various shapes and functions, folding chairs perfect for sitting at my son's soccer and lacrosse games, etc. I've got a garage full of Harris Teeter stuff.

I saved $46 at the store Monday from in-store specials and BOGO just using my "Very Important Customer" card. I call that free.

I have some of those folding chairs -- they have cup holders built into the armrests. Great for the beach! Great buch of sale items last week -- by the time all was rung up, I "saved" over 55% off my bill with the VIC card.
Did you even bother to read my earlier post? A J/S rider DOES NOT get F/C ahead of a customer who paid for it. A J/S rider DOES NOT get F/C ahead of an elite getting a free upgrade. A J/S rider DOES NOT get F/C ahead of any customer paying the Move Up fee. A J/S rider DOES NOT get F/C ahead of a non-rev (US or OAL) who has paid the upgrade fee. Those are the rules - if you see something different happening someone (captain, F/A, agent) is bending the rules and just like some of the PIT-PHL commuters risks messing up a good deal for the entire group.

Perhaps a more realistic way of saying this is, a jumpseat rider gets his choice among vacant seats, with Captain's permission, after boarding is complete; pilots first, then FAs.
is it free or not?
Which one or both? For elite upgrades, it's "free" in the sense that money doesn't change hands, but "paid" by the amount they fly on paid tickets. That's the rules the company put in place. For J/S riders, it's free as long as there is a seat available after everyone else that can claim a F/C seat per the rules has one.

I have to ask - why the apparent heartburn over this? Like anything else, it's a negotiated benefit.

Which one or both? For elite upgrades, it's "free" in the sense that money doesn't change hands, but "paid" by the amount they fly on paid tickets. That's the rules the company put in place. For J/S riders, it's free as long as there is a seat available after everyone else that can claim a F/C seat per the rules has one.

I have to ask - why the apparent heartburn over this? Like anything else, it's a negotiated benefit.

When a pilot chimes in about first class I
just like to throw in my two cents on entitlement to free first class upgrades. It seems to be a big topic