OK, I did not book a flight with a tight train connection. I booked my flight. This morning my boss, the owner of the company, asked me to be a part of a very important meeting. I told him of my flight plans and said that I would do my best to get the first train out when we arrived. Unfortunately, I had to get the next train out due to the GA's lack of empowerment or else just lack of caring. And while he told me I should have booked the $15 exit row seats, they were already gone.
I did not ask for anything for free. I just expressed my concern over the policy. The FA lashed out at me with a diatribe about Exxon Mobil. Yes he was gay--he said so. That is why he chose to leave the Marines and not take a high powered position that would require him to travel to the Pentagon, so he said. I don't care about that. I care about the attitude of the company that does not empower employees to take care of customers who pay high fares.
Oh, and my husband does not work for SWA--they don't unbundle. See you assume so much and are so very wrong GuntherA320. Again, FA's getting fingers shoved in their face is unfortunate, but not the issue I am presenting. That is like the GA saying to me that he has another passenger with a 10 minute connection. That is not the issue.
Yes it is a new airline. The model stinks--don't you get it?
This will be a case for HBR.
First of all, you bought a plane ticket, and whatever your plans were outside that plane ticket, some forward thinking might have been wise. If you said that you would do your best to make it to that meeting and you couldn't get to that train fast enough, you should have either allowed more time instead of asking everyone else to bend rules to accomodate your whims.
If your post is 100% accurate, I would have to wonder if perhaps you weren't rude and difficult yourself, because I find it very hard to believe that every employee you encounter would be so brash and rude. I'm not saying you're lying, but it appears you were posting because you were angry that you didn't get your way.
The gate agents don't have a lack of empowerment, or a lack of caring, they know that not everyone wants to board at the end of the process. No one wants to lose overhead space, but unfortunately there just isn't enough for everyone. Period. The high tier fliers get the higher zones as one of their few perks. If you paid $950 for your last minute ticket, you agreed to the terms of the ticket before you paid that fare. If you were assigned in a higher zone, since the plane loads from back to front, you would have been assigned to a row in the aft of the aircraft and therefore would have had to wait for everyone to deplane - - saving you no time at all. You just wanted to board when you wanted to board, period, and you didn't get to.
The drink policy can't go by fares paid, how do you expect the FAs to know what you paid for each ticket? The gates can print a list of FF's for them, but that's it. Do you expect them to know why you're flying too? Perhaps someone flyiing for a funeral should get better treatment then someone who is flying for a job interview? Wait, the person flying for the funeral bought their ticket three months ago....would it be out of bounds for the FA to call them out on that obvious lie?
There has to be policy, there has to be rules. There will always be people who don't like following them. However, as the airlines do what they can to survive, it seems like the passengers' sense of entitlement gets out of control. The fact of the matter is, you still bought a ticket during these times of change. I would advise you to look at the policies closer before paying out your hard-earned money. The USA today from August 12th has a great article on every airline and what their policies and charges are for.
You bought a ticket from point A to point B. You did not buy a license to belittle other human beings. You have no right to shove them around, no right to ask them to break rules that are across-the-board. Some people (not necessarily you) seem to think that it is okay to call the gate agent a nasty word, but when the gate agent decides they are finished dealing with them, they start screaming bad customer service. You get what you give, and tactfulness and dimplomacy go so much greater distances than a hot head. Were you sarcastic, maybe?Is it possible your frustration with your tight schedule bled out and make you sound harsher than you intended? You seem to have come in contact with ALL jerk employees ALL day. I just have a hard time believing there are that many rude people, and perhaps you should have written names down and tried to handle it with customer relations. If that happened the way you say it did, then I would have handled that the first free moment I got. Employees in any aspect of the service industry should not behave that way. Chances are, that rude employee is getting all kinds of bad letters, since they come in contact with thousands of people weekly, and that bad attitude will NOT fly. If you don't write the letter, nothing will happen, and posting on this board won't help your cause, whatever it is.
If you worked at Wachovia, can I expect you to waive my overdraft fees because I didn't realize that suddenly my boss wanted to go to lunch and I wanted to pay and I forgot to check the available funds? (JetGuyinCLT used this example once)
Since I work at Wendy's , should I give you an extra meat patty because the gas you paid to get there was more expensive than the person behind you who walked?
If the staff were as rude as you say they were, it's truly unfortunate. I do not think they would have very much job longevity, though, so you can rest assured those kinds of people tend to weed themselves out. Do you believe in Karma or God? One of the two will take care of those types. Don't worry about that.
I am going to assume you're not one of those people that just got mad and blasted everyone else out for just doing their job and hope that you will give the industry another chance. The changes have affected everyone, go google "i hate (insert airline here)" and you'll find similar complaints for every airline. Even the beloved Southwest.
Flying isn't natural, so a grandiose sense of entitlement shouldn't be either.(in general, not necessarily speaking for you personally)
I just hope you and your future transactions with air travel bring you a more positive experience, wherever you go.
Come to Wendy's, I would never be rude.