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Travel Card


Oct 24, 2003
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Can someone please tell me who gets a travel card? I first heard of this travel card in 2001 after 9/11 when us airways started speaking of lay offs and for those that were being laid off was to use their travel card for the duration of there travel benefits which was given to us upon graduation which wasn't because I never received one and when I called about it, no one knew what I was talking about. Not surprised. Now I hear that those on your term pass receive one but the employee's dont. I am also told that these cards can be used at the kiosks for checking in on stand by flights. Why is this card not given to everyone including those that are in inactive status w/ usairways and still have flying benefits?
I know that only active employees (those that are still left with this outfit) are suppose to have a travel card but I was told a while back that family members who are eligible just show their drivers license or an id of sorts. As for the furloughees, the 25 folks we lost to furlough had to turn it in just go with their
id of sort like driver license. I understand it to be a company thing but I dont know for sure hope this helps you a bit
I only know about f/a's and pilots. Our spouses receive a travel card, parents and children use their drivers license. Pilots and f/a's use their company ID as their travel card. We were never issued anything else.
I dont know but I have a friend that was let go in Jan. and his wife has a travel card.
From the best of my knowledge, active employees use their company ID as their travel card. Spouses and Domestic Partners also receive a separate travel card to use for their flights (these both work in the kiosks when listed in coach only.)
Furloughed employees, parents, dependents and registered companions do not receive travel cards and they arent really necessary (other than having the convenience of using the kiosk). All you need is the employee id number (including the airline code or MI if furloughed) and the correct numbers after the code depending on the number of cards issued and I believe work group for some.
ie 03029US11200, 03029EN01200, 03823MI01100 or some sequence as shown to get your database to come up in the computer. From there its a piece of cake. If you've already listed, you dont even need to have this info since its logged in your record and can be obtained there if needed. (I actually made a photocopy of my ID for my registered companion to use since they wouldnt issue a travel card.)
For crew members, your company ID was your travel card. That was taken away.

Heres the stupid thing. Spouses, Domestic partneres etc get travel cards- looks like an ID but without a picture. Can be used at kisok and wasnt taken away if your "employee" got furloughed. US Airways Express affiliate employees also get a travel card.

So we, the ones who were actual employees have to wait in line but your wife/husband/partner can spiwe away and head for security? If you add a spouse/DP while on furlough they dont send a card but if it was from when you were active I havent seen anyone give it back.

Why do they take our IDs anyway? If they can give people who work for Express carriers travel cards, why cant thet give them to furlouhed employees of real life US Airways? Are we a threat? If we want to get into the terminal we still can, we just have to list for a flight and wait in line! Do they think we might go to the crew room and kick over a file cabinet? Or assault the Dividend Miles Visa guy and his annoying teddy bear?
Interestingly enough, my parents never received a travel card while I was an active employee. They just have to use their drivers license or passport. It seems the distribution system for all of this has been hodgepodge at best.

Those who have suggested a distribution of travel cards to furloughees are onto a good idea.

Well who do we talk to about this because it is not right that some of us have a travel card and others dont?

Parents were never issued travel cards, only spouses/DPs.

I really think furloughees should have travel cards. It doesnt seem like we'll ever have a mainline job again, but they can at least give us a kiosk-usable travel card in return for our misery/embarrassment/moving expenses/career dissapointment/wasted time/misled expectations/insult to injury Mda/blood/sweat/tears. It probably costs them three cents to make one. You know what, I'll pay for it myself if offered. Who's with me?
Just Curious.........Why do you guys even need Travel cards? At NW we can use the kiosks to get boarding passes or even verify on any computer. We and anyone on our passes just uses any major credit card. We have travel cards but they are obsolete as all travel is by e-pass.
Just Curious.........Why do you guys even need Travel cards? At NW we can use the kiosks to get boarding passes or even verify on any computer. We and anyone on our passes just uses any major credit card. We have travel cards but they are obsolete as all travel is by e-pass.


Unfortunately, US Airways hasn't thought to set the kiosks up in such a way that nonrevs could use them with just a credit card. Active employees can use them with their employee ID's, but not furloughees, nor people on our passes (unless the folks with travel cards are able to).

In solidarity,

P.S. Light Years, thanks for the clarification. I always wondered about that.
One of my co-worker said we could use a major credit card but I dont think anyone has tried. When I ask one of the ticket agents, they say we need a travel card. Maybe the system is set up in a way that we need a certain card to identify who is who and how much they fly. I really dont know.
Credit card only works on the TWFT tickets that we were given.

You would think that the company would make it so that anyone on a term pass could use a credit card. This would pull more people out of the agnet lines and push them to use the kiosks for a higher utilization rate. 🙄
The TWFT are considered revenue type tickets (like the ED20s) and you can use a credit card to check in for both of these types of tickets. If you use a credit card and not a term pass/id to check in, the computer looks for a revenue reservation only and not a nonrev listing. With most airports now requiring a boarding pass to get to the gate, it would be nice if everyone on the term pass (excluding dependents since they need paper tickets) were given a "kiosk checkin card" with the info needed on the strip to check in at the kiosk. This way parents, registered guests, and anyone else who didnt have a current id/term pass could use the kiosk. Why are we pushing the revenue customers to the kiosk when they want to see an agent and making the nonrev see an agent, when most would rather not?

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