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Kiosk Upgrades!

Dont call me Shirley said:
Another example is cross utilizing inside and outside agents in smaller stations.
Already in both the IAM and CWA contracts. Not used by the company anywhere, AFAIK.

Would it be better to use this provision immediately and terminate more agents, or phase it in gradually as vacancies naturally occur?
When will this new features using names and non-revs with travel cards with the kisok be up and running I was travelling out of CLT today and I was not able to use the kiosk is this that is just in certain cities and is being tested in others or what.
I will pay 150 for a new pair on Nikes, I will spend 200+ for a night on the town, several hundred and 3 days to drive across the country, But I will not pay more than 100 to fly. These airlines are out of control! Can't even imagine how they get off even asking for 100 bucs a ticket! Please mr. Airline exec. fire all the employees, I need to save my money I have to go get a new pair of pants and a shirt that will cost me 120.
fr8tmastr said:
I will pay 150 for a new pair on Nikes, I will spend 200+ for a night on the town, several hundred and 3 days to drive across the country, But I will not pay more than 100 to fly. These airlines are out of control! Can't even imagine how they get off even asking for 100 bucs a ticket! Please mr. Airline exec. fire all the employees, I need to save my money I have to go get a new pair of pants and a shirt that will cost me 120.

Uhm, correct me here if you wish, but what is wrong with trying to get the best value for any service? You behave as if flying is something special, as if we are still in the 1970's or something. Wake up, my friend. This is the new millenium, and Americans are NOT going to pay exorbitant fares just so you can reap a professional wage from doing a knuckleheads job. If you demand that they do, they will simply goto your competitor who is cheaper and put you out of business. You sound almost as bad as the CWA folks who cry a river that they earn $30,000 or so a year right now. Hey, did you require a degree to operate SABRE? Do you have a license or certificate to allow you to stand there and greet people? Sorry, but if you need proof that the job is not worth that much, look at the kiosks and how they are taking over not just at US Airways, but ALL airlines. If a customer doesn't need to be handled by a CSA, then why should they? If they come up to you, it is costing them money(That would be a GREAT idea - charge people extra money if they go up to an agent to get something done that they could have done themselves). Listen, if you don't like the job, go get some college, get a degree(and don't tell me you can't), and get a better job. Until then, don't whine and moan about how you deserve more money for doing something that anyone with no degree can do just the same. :up: :up:
Thanks for pointing out all our short comings, El Gato, but you forgot to add they we also get to fly for free. While we get to listen to people like you whine and sing the blues because you can't set for free in first class on your $50.00 ticket because so many other folks have those free upgrades. Life is tough sometimes.
Oh, sorry I forgot...when you have a complaint or problem, please step to the nearest Kiosk to make your complaint or request assistance.
WestCoastGuy said:
Thanks for pointing out all our short comings, El Gato, but you forgot to add they we also get to fly for free. While we get to listen to people like you whine and sing the blues because you can't set for free in first class on your $50.00 ticket because so many other folks have those free upgrades. Life is tough sometimes.

You fail to realize that you described is a future that is already here. Jetblue has but a skeleton crew working their counters, as customers can just use the kiosks to handle their ticketing and any questions that may arise. You also fail to understand that only a knucklehead would try to non-rev on a low fare route nowadays; why attempt to non rev and risk getting bumped by paying passengers when you can purchase a cheap ticket yourself and have a guaranteed(provided the captain wants to fly!) seat. What? $50.00 to much for you? I think you are in the wrong job then and should try to find something that pays a little more.

And wipe that "first class" crap out of your ears. No one who pays a low fare is expecting first class, especially on low class routes. Unles you are going from a major city to another, or across the pond, no one expects a first class upgrade. Perhaps you have had some sad experiences with some jerks(most likely Pittsburghers!) who think they have some right to the entitlement of a first class upgrade. Sorry if that is the case, but you got assclowns out there.
WestCoastGuy said:
Oh, sorry I forgot...when you have a complaint or problem, please step to the nearest Kiosk to make your complaint or request assistance.

Perhaps now it is necessary to do so, but not in the future. Whatever problems, or "complaints"(most likely of a frivolous nature) may arise, advanced versions of the kiosks will be equipped to handle them. A flight is just a mode of transport - what is there to whine about? And a ticket is just a ticket - why do you need a human to hand it to the customer?

Automation and robotization is the future, my luddite friend. Fighter pilots in the Air Force and Navy are already starting to whine about pilotless fighters and UAV's. Self ticketing machines have been in use for YEARS with Amtrak and commuter rail services. Even movie theaters have ticket machines now. And if you think this is bad, wait till national ID cards or even biochips come on the scene! Your "job" will not have a reason to exist, so it won't. Welcome to the future - it doesn't need you. B)
El Gato, you sure are tough, I hope you can retain all that bravado when they come for your job. I know it's not your life so to heck with them. And by the way I am not a gate agent, just someone who actually cares that people in this country might actually be able to make a living.
fr8tmastr said:
El Gato, you sure are tough, I hope you can retain all that bravado when they come for your job. I know it's not your life so to heck with them. And by the way I am not a gate agent, just someone who actually cares that people in this country might actually be able to make a living.

Yes, i try to maintain a tough skin to the nastiness that can happen in life, such as losing ones employment. I would rather NOT do it, but if it happens - so be it. Why do you care about the other people? Don't you have enough problems in your life to be taking care of?

Making a living? Try getting a job that requires actual thought and learning, not some low grade hack job that any shmoe off the street can be trained to do. If you can't do that, well you have my sympathies but you have no right to expect people to pay you more just because you feel you are worth more. The job will only pay what the employment market can bear, plain and simple. Tough world and life to live in, but that is what it is. :huh: :huh:
Wow, El Gato. What a sweet lady. You know, she's right about everything. Im not gonna tango with her. Kinda reminds me of Carol Brady, from the Brady Bunch. Whata sweatheart.